Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

Chapter 340: A transaction between adults

Chapter 340 A transaction between adults

Chris took a week off, but the next day he found that he seemed to have nothing to do.

The entry requirements for Apparition are not too difficult, and coupled with Kyle's unexpected learning speed, he has already taught all the content that needs to be taught in just one afternoon.

 There is no need to say the rest that has not been said...

 As Kyle gradually adapted to the discomfort caused by Apparition, Chris found that he could not even keep his identity as the only "therapist".

 Kyle didn’t separate once for two whole days, and correspondingly, the white essence in his bottle was not missing at all.

 If this continues, won't these three galleons be wasted?

 In the spirit of being thrifty and not wasting, on the third day, Chris made it more difficult for Kyle. Not only did he set the target location farther away, but he also shortened the interval between each disembodiment.

Sometimes Kyle has to perform another Apparition before he can even take a breath.

And he couldn’t refute the reasons Chris gave.

“Apparition is a magic spell that requires a lot of practice, especially high-frequency repetitive practice, which will definitely make you twice the result with half the effort!”

Kyle thinks what Chris said is wrong, but it seems to make sense...

 There is no other way, he can only disappear and reappear again and again...and the frequency is getting faster and faster.

The hillside of St. Catchpore Village seemed to be setting off firecrackers, crackling and popping.

 Wait until the fifth day...

On a small hill in the north, Luna was watering the hydrangeas outside the house, and from time to time she would suddenly get into the flowers...

 “What are you looking for?” asked Mr. Lovegood.

 “Jumping flies!” said Luna, “I saw them just now, right on the petals.”

 “Oh, then you have to look more carefully...”


Before Mr. Lovegood could finish his words, a firecracker-like explosion broke the warm scene of the father and daughter.

 Suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

This is nothing, after all, this is not Kyle's first time here.

But what was shocking was that Kyle in front of him was missing half of his arm, looked tired, and his clothes were in tatters.

 “Someone is after this kid...” Mr. Lovegood thought subconsciously.

 Chasing and killing a student who has not yet graduated in broad daylight in the village of St. Catchpore... is so arrogant!

 This is not twelve years ago!

 But before he could draw his wand...


 There was another bang, and Chris came too.

He skillfully pressed half of his arm on Kyle's wound, and then quickly applied a circle of white essence on it.

"Chris, what are you..." Mr. Lovegood asked with a confused look on his face.

"Oh, Xenophilius, why are you at home..." Chris hesitated: "No, I mean, didn't you take Luna to Northumberland?"

“The snorkel there has left.” Luna said, raising her head.

 “That’s right, we just came back an hour ago.”

Mr. Lovegood nodded, and then asked thoughtfully: "Are you... teaching Kyle to apparate?

 I remember he is only fourteen years old this year..."

 After the initial shock, he has basically recovered now.

The familiar explosion sound just now, as well as the arm that was broken and reattached, clearly showed a state of separation.

 This can only be apparation.

"Actually, we just...just...well, well, that's true, can you keep it a secret for us, Xenophilius..."

Chris sighed and whispered: "I suddenly remembered that I haven't prepared a gift for the Romanian Ministry of Magic. What do you think of an unconventional magazine?"

 “For example...The Daily Prophet?”

“No, that one is too formal.” Chris shook his head, “I think ‘The Quibbler’ is good.”

"Ahem..." Mr. Lovegood suddenly cleared his throat and turned his head to the side, "Luna, I think there must be a group of fairies and elves hidden in our garden, and they all made me hallucinate."

Luna blinked, "Dad, fairies and elves don't cause hallucinations."

 “Perhaps something has changed in one of them…”

While they were talking, Chris took Kyle and quickly left the hill.

Since he has been practicing for five hours and was just discovered, Chris simply ended today’s special training.

 The sky is getting darker.

After returning home, Kyle moved his newly reattached arm and asked, "Is it really okay to bring "The Quibbler" as a gift to people in Romania?"

What can I say about this magazine? The content in it is really... well, let’s just say it’s ahead of its time. Because they can’t understand it, people think it’s a **** magazine that talks nonsense... Most of its audience is concentrated in the Psychiatric and Magical Injury and Injury Department of St. Mungo’s.

 Using this kind of magazine as a gift...doesn’t the Romanian Ministry of Magic really think this is a provocation?

“That’s okay.” Chris waved his hand and said, “Most of them can’t understand it anyway, and some of the opinions in that magazine should be quite interesting to people from other countries.”

By the sixth day, Kyle's arm was completely fine, but his practice of apparation was also forced to end.

 Mainly because Diana came back and happened to witness the entire process of their training.

Diana excused herself to go to Diagon Alley to buy some things, took Chris' arm and left with a smile on her face.

 Then...there is no more.

Anyway, she came back alone in the end, and told Kyle that Chris decided to stay in the ministry for a few days because of his busy work, and he had not been home for meals recently.

As for why Chris went back to the ministry after taking leave... Kyle looked at Diana who was still angry and didn't dare to ask.


 July is coming to an end soon.

On his birthday, Kyle received many gifts. Among them, Fred and George gave him something similar to a glass top.

There are two more notes below.

 “Happy birthday, Kyle.

 This is a pocket looking glass that will rotate and light up if there is a suspicious person around. We've tested it and it works great. "

“The only drawback is that it’s not very bright. Yesterday, a beetle crawled into Bill’s soup, and it kept lighting up...it was obvious that the beetle crawled into the soup on its own.

Oh, by the way, Percy has become Head Boy. We are all happy for him and are going to give him a new badge. "

Kyle curled his lips, not believing a word of what the Weasley brothers said.

How stupid a beetle must be to crawl into the soup by itself. The two of them definitely helped 98% of the time... and Percy's Head Boy badge was probably going to be unlucky as well.

Kyle put the pocket speculum aside and picked up Hagrid's gift.

 Unsurprisingly, it’s a book.

  《The Monster Book of Monsters》

As soon as Kyle took it out, the book stood up and crawled sideways on the floor like some kind of weird crab.

 This is also the most special thing about this book, because of some special magic, it looks like it is alive.

But the solution is also very simple, stroke the spine of the book, or...

 “The strength is relaxed and the strength is released!”

  A curse thrown by Kyle.

 The monster book immediately stopped moving and lay softly on the floor, like a cushion in poor taste.

Kyle walked over and wrapped a rope around the spine of the book before picking up Hagrid's greeting card.

  “Dear Kyle:

Happy birthday!

You will use this book next semester. I won’t go into details here. When we meet and talk about it, you will never imagine what happened. I still feel like I am dreaming.

Wish you all the best.


Kyle raised his eyebrows. Unexpectedly, Hagrid, who was silent, had a rather strict tone.

He gave him a book and said he would use it next semester. Apparently, after Professor Kettleburn retired, Hagrid took over his class and was about to become the new Care of Magical Creatures professor.

The events of last semester cleared Hagrid's wrongdoing, and he was finally able to do other jobs besides being a gamekeeper.

 It can be seen from this letter that Hagrid is really happy.

Kyle was happy for him too.

 After thinking for a moment, Kyle found a piece of parchment and wrote him a reply.

“Dear Hagrid:

 Thank you for your gift, I like it very much. I can’t wait for school to start, but it’s a pity that it’s still a month away.

I can only follow Mr. Scamander to the Fire Dragon Sanctuary in Romania for a while... A big event is going to happen there recently. The fire dragons will fight each other until the most powerful dragon is selected to become their new leader. .


 Also: I heard that there are dozens of fire dragons there. "

 (End of this chapter)

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