Hogwarts: I Am Such a Model Wizard

Chapter 529: What Blake gave away was never taken back.

Chapter 529: What Blake sent out could not be taken back.

Christmas gift?

This time, it was Kyle's turn to be confused.

 “What did you just say?” He asked again subconsciously.

"Is it difficult to understand?" Sirius said with a smile, "Didn't you feel strange yesterday? Why didn't you receive the Christmas gift I gave you?"

"I received it," Kyle said. "Isn't it the Firebolt? It also helped me pass the first event of the Triwizard Tournament."

 “No, no, no, that is your gift to become a warrior.”

Sirius said, "Don't you think that what I said in the principal's office was all false? Then you are wrong. I really prepared a gift that I can't send to Hogwarts." …”

"Wait a minute." Kyle interrupted, "Is this also what your uncle left for you?"

"No, this is the property of the Black family." Sirius said, "But it belongs to me now, and I can use it freely."

"Let's forget it." Kyle waved his hand, "The gift of Firebolt is valuable enough. Let the store just forget it. I won't accept it."

Kyle didn’t know how much it would cost to buy a shop in Diagon Alley, but he was certain that it would definitely not be less than a few thousand galleons. If the shop was big enough, it could be as much as ten thousand.

This gift is too expensive, and it is difficult for Kyle to accept it with peace of mind.

"That's not possible." Sirius said solemnly, "You have helped me so many times, I..."

“Stop, Professor Dumbledore helped you.”

Kyle said, "Whether it was defending you at the Ministry of Magic or going to pick up Regulus in the cave, he was the one who did the most. I was just watching."

 “You’re wrong.” Sirius shook his head.

He seemed to be tired of standing, so he took Kyle to the Florin cold drink shop, ordered two hazelnut peanut ice creams, and sat on the small table at the entrance of the shop.

“Perhaps you underestimate your role in it.” Sirius handed one of the ice creams to Kyle and continued:

“Let’s talk about me first. In fact, I was already ready to escape. It was you who made things turn around.”

“With Peter Pettigrew, you can always clear your wrongs,” Kyle said.

 “This is the most interesting part.”

Sirius looked at the people coming and going on the street, "I talked to Professor Dumbledore once, and he told me that even with Peter Pettigrew, even if all the evidence was put on the bright side, it would be difficult for Fudge to preside over for me. justice.

"This is a scandal for the Ministry of Magic. He may even kill Peter directly to save one's face."

“But Fudge didn’t do that,” Kyle said.

"That's because you said something that made Fudge understand, and he could get himself out of this matter." Sirius said solemnly, "I still remember what you said at that time, "If the minister at that time was you, Such a mistake will definitely not happen." It was these words that made Fudge's attitude change instantly.

“Professor Dumbledore also said that neither he nor I would ever have thought of this sentence, which I agree with.

"In other words, you paved the way, we just need to walk through it."

Sirius took a big bite of the ice cream, pursed his lips, and continued: "And Regulus...

“You found Slytherin’s locket, and then we heard about his past from Kreacher.

“If you hadn’t found the locket at that time, I would have thrown it away as trash, and naturally nothing would have happened after that. You know, the relationship between Kreacher and I was very bad at that time.

By the way, Dumbledore was also called by you when we were in front of the cliff. I remember that you also used a precious phoenix tail feather... It was a life-saving thing. It was more than enough to replace two shops. "

"Well... you may not know." Kyle explained: "I have a very good relationship with Fox, and it gave me another one at Christmas yesterday."

But Sirius seemed not to hear.

"Take it." He said to himself: "Because of you and I can stand under the sun, and Regulus can go home... I don't know how to express our gratitude to you. This is what Lupine and I can think of. The best way.”

"It's really not necessary." Kyle said, "Besides, Harry and I are also friends. It's just a matter of helping friends with advice. You'd better leave the shop to him."

"This is the Black family's, not mine." Sirius shook his head, "I won't use it anyway, but it's okay to give it to you...

“After all, Regulus is my parents’ favorite child, so I should always express my gratitude on their behalf.”

He said that, but Kyle still felt that it was a bit exaggerated. The pie that fell from the sky was so big that it made him feel dizzy.

In addition, Kyle has never thought of opening a shop in Diagon Alley after graduation.

But Sirius seemed to have already made up his mind. "This is the magic contract of the store, and it belongs to you now." He took out a piece of parchment and slapped it on the table, "If you don't want it, just throw it away. I won't take it back anyway.

“As my uncle said to me, there is no precedent for taking back what Blake has given away.”

 “Have you not been kicked out of the house by Black?” Kyle said quietly.

Sirius had just put on the airs of the pure-blood family, but before he had time to show off, he was instantly knocked back to his original form.

 He looked a little angry.

“No matter what, I can represent the Black family.”

Kyle shook his head, picked up the parchment on the table and looked at it.

There is only one address above: 31 Diagon Alley.

Below is a complex magic pattern symbol. Just holding it in his hand, Kyle can vaguely sense the location of the store.

“You take it back first, and we can talk about the store after I graduate.”

Kyle handed the parchment back, but Sirius just pretended not to see it and refused to accept it.

Just when the two were in a stalemate, Kyle accidentally glanced at the "Daily Prophet" in the hand of a passerby.

 On the cover, a large photo instantly caught his attention.

Kyle stood up and walked over, "Hello, can I read this newspaper?"

The wizard was startled by the sudden appearance of Kyle, but after he came to his senses, he handed over the newspaper, "Oh, okay, I'll give it to you, I've finished reading it."

 “Thank you.” Kyle took the newspaper.

 “What’s wrong?” Sirius also came over.

Kyle said nothing.

 He opened the newspaper and quickly read the article on the front page before pointing to a paragraph and frowning: "Hagrid may be in trouble."

 Sirius glanced over subconsciously.

“We can exclusively reveal that the mother of Professor Hagrid is the giant Friedvarfa, and her current whereabouts are unknown.

 The giant is naturally bloodthirsty and cruel. We don’t know if he has inherited this, and whether Dumbledore, the principal of Hogwarts, has informed the students and their parents of all this. "

“Wait a minute!” Sirius asked in surprise: “Is it possible that Hagrid is a hybrid giant?”

"That's for sure. Normal wizards can't grow more than three meters tall." Kyle said, "But the problem is, guessing and being pointed out are two different things. Hagrid's usual behavior at Hogwarts is completely bloodthirsty. Cruelty has nothing to do with it, and many people even like him, but now..."

Hearing what Kyle said, Sirius also realized the seriousness of the matter.

 Because there is a best example around him, Lupin.

 For a whole year, he has been one of the most popular professors at Hogwarts, but when his identity as a werewolf was revealed... Even though there was no incident for a whole school year, he had no choice but to resign and leave.

 This comes from people’s fear of werewolves, which cannot be changed.

As for the hybrid giant... To be honest, although this identity is not as scary as the werewolf, it is still pretty bad.

 All wizards know that the giant once joined the mysterious man's group and was synonymous with cruelty.

 “What now?” he asked.

"I don't know." Kyle stuffed the newspaper randomly into his robe pocket, "Let's go back to Hogwarts first and ask Hagrid."


 Sirius immediately stood up and walked quickly towards the Leaky Cauldron with Kyle.

 (End of this chapter)

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