Chapter 628 Sneaky Malfoy!!

Darren was pretending not to understand, watching the excitement next to Ginny and them.

But Harry suddenly pulled him and motioned for him to look outside.

Darren happened to see Malfoy hurrying away from the street.

“He threw his mother off, I saw him sneak out, he must have some conspiracy!”

Harry said warily.

“Brother, I’ll take a look!”

Darren immediately tapped his wand on himself. He disappeared.

Harry knew it was the Illusion Charm.

He was just shocked that Darren actually used magic during the summer vacation, he would be…

“Oh, brother, last year, Headmaster Dumbledore removed my restrictions on using magic during the summer vacation, don’t worry, I’ll go back!”

“No, I’m going too!”

Harry said quickly. He took out his invisibility cloak. He was about to put it on and leave.

But Hermione and Ron pulled them at the same time.

“Take us!”

Harry and Darren couldn’t help it.

So Darren could only cast the Illusion Charm on Hermione as well. Together, they headed in the direction Malfoy had left. Not surprisingly.

They chased them to Overturned Alley.

Then he saw Malfoy inside Borginbock’s shop.

“Unfortunately, there is no way to hear them… Hey! ”

Darren sighed softly.

But he immediately pretended to see the telescopic ear in Ron’s arms.

“You still have this thing?”

That’s what Ron remembered.

He said proudly: “I was going to put it, but it was mixed up like this.” They brought telescopic ears on. ”

Just in time to hear Malfoy say, “Is that thing fixed?” ”

“Not yet… But if you can take it to my shop…”

“Don’t worry about it, you fix it well… If you don’t want to, I think, my friend Fenrir Greyback will make you understand, and of course, and this…”

Malfoy suddenly approached Bockin Bock to show him something. Harry they didn’t see it, and Malfoy took it back. Darren saw it.

It’s the Black Magic Mark.

But he pretended he wasn’t paying attention.

“Don’t say it to anyone, hear no, including my mother!”

Malfoy finally said coldly.

Then he walked out of the overturned alley. Harry, they looked at each other.

However, in order not to be nagged by Mrs. Weasley, they quickly ran back to the store.

Harry and Ron dealt with Mrs. Weasley.

They told Mrs. Weasley that they had been in the back of the shop, but Mrs. Weasley didn’t look carefully.

They didn’t let Darren pass. Because Darren doesn’t lie.

If Darren were to deal with Mrs. Weasley, Mrs. Weasley might see at a glance that he was lying.

But she may be worried that Darren is sad and pretend she didn’t find out. But she would definitely teach Ron a lesson.

She would think Ron had brought Darren badly.

She would also be heartbroken to clean up Ron.

In order to avoid this step, they still thought that Darren could just stand there and smile.

Really. They passed.

Mrs. Weasley did not suspect.

But probably because of the panic that she couldn’t find them just now, Mrs. Weasley left with them early.

That evening.

Mrs. Weasley prepared a large table of delicious items.

Lupin was also invited to Harry and Darren’s sixteen-year-old banquet, which they had wanted to host for a long time.

But because of Darren’s affairs, everyone was not in the mood. Now that Darren is finally back, the banquet is lively.

At the banquet, Sirius also played a spinning firework with Fred and them.

Fred and George gave Darren several anti-evil gloves before the banquet.

Just by staring at someone’s face, you can bounce back on someone else’s curse.

“Although it feels like you don’t need it, don’t let your guard down, you are definitely more dangerous than Gryffindor in Slytherin!”

“Yes, I wrote to Dumbledore last year to cram you into Gryffindor, but Dumbledore thought Snape would take care of you.

I don’t think he took good care of you at all, he always declares personal vendettas, so I don’t worry about him! ”

Sirius huffed.

“I also didn’t expect a silly dog to know how important my care is!”

Snape pouted.

He finished eating, stood up and wiped his mouth and said: “Potter, I advise you to just come back from St. Mungo’s, and stop staying up late.”

If I find out that you still have dark circles under your eyes, then I will send you to the school doctor’s office!” ”

Darren showed a hint of embarrassment… Actually, he was a little desperate.

Obviously, last year’s Snape, because of Dumbledore’s poor control of the school, let him stay up late.

Probably not this year.

After all, Dumbledore is back. Still came back unharmed.

It didn’t come back with burnt hands in the original.

Darren specifically asked Harry, who pretended to be worried about Dumbledore’s safety. Harry told him that Dumbledore was much healthier and safer than his young man.

Just let him take care of himself. There was no burning hand at all. It’s clear.

Dumbledore did not touch Voldemort’s Horcruxes with his own hands this time. He knew that Dumbledore couldn’t bear it.

I just don’t know how Dumbledore will arrange Harry. Darren thought curiously.

Of course, looking at Snape’s face on the surface, he still nodded honestly.

He said obediently: “I’ve gotten much better this year, I was so excited last night, and brother… I read the book myself, cough, it’s too late to read, I’ll pay attention later. ”

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding… ]

His words, in addition to making Snape’s face a little better.

All that remained was Mrs. Weasley’s angry glare at Ron: “Darren, he just came back, you guys stayed up late with him, he’ll get sick…

Oh, Darren, you don’t think you’re covering up for them, we don’t know, they keep pulling you to talk, right?

Everyone knows your acting skills, and your performance with Severus last year really made everyone think that you will never be allowed to perform those again.

Kid, you don’t lie at all! ”

Mrs. Weasley said with a helpless smile. The others nodded vigorously.

Only Ron and they shouted, “What? How can it be a lie? Did Darren really not fight Snape? ”

“It’s Professor Snape!

Of course Darren didn’t fight Professor Snape, they were acting, and Dumbledore was right next to Darren… He had to keep giving Darren hints.

God, Darren also said that he wanted to be an Auror, he wouldn’t lie, maybe not, right?

If I were to say, he should stay at Hogwarts, and a child like him would be fit to stay at Hogwarts! ”

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