Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 461 Fudge’s Worries

Over the next half hour, the top box where they were seated gradually filled up with people. New 𝟲𝟵Book Bar→𝟲𝟵𝘀𝗵𝘂𝘅.𝗰𝗼𝗺

Mr. Weasley kept shaking hands with people who looked like they were wizards, and Percy stood up hurriedly as if a row of porcupine quills had suddenly grown on his stool.

The last one to come in was the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge. Everyone else stood up to say hello, but Fudge made an unexpected move.

As if seeing an old friend, he strode towards the front row and extended his hand from a distance.

Percy was absolutely ecstatic.

The adults are on the other side and there are only a few children here.

Bill and Charlie were abroad, everyone else was still attending Hogwarts, and he was the only one working at the Ministry of Magic.

Could it be...

Percy's heart began to beat wildly, and he subconsciously bowed and stretched out his hand.

Because he bent too low, his glasses fell to the ground.

However, the next second, Fudge walked past as if he were an inconspicuous sculpture on the roadside, or a phone booth, without even looking at him.

"Oh, Kyle, it's so nice to see you here."

Fudge naturally put his hand on Kyle's shoulder and patted him hard, with a much more enthusiastic attitude than when facing others. ♛♦

"How was your vacation?" he asked kindly.

"Great." Kyle responded and nodded: "The Quidditch World Cup is very exciting."

"Yes, I specially left a ticket for you, but I didn't expect Arthur to beat me to it." He gave Mr. Weasley a joking look.

Mr. Weasley didn't know what to say, so he could only twitch the corners of his mouth stiffly.

When he went to Ludo Bagman to ask for tickets, he mentioned Kyle's name, but the other party never mentioned this.

"But then again."

Fudge continued: "I have been waiting for Albus's owl during the holidays, but you haven't even written me a letter.

Do you know what he's been up to lately? And that potion... I think you know what I'm talking about, it can turn that rat back, right? "


Kyle quickly thought that what Fudge was talking about should be the resurrection potion that could restore Peter Pettigrew's Animagus transformation.

No wonder he is so enthusiastic.

Because of this Quidditch World Cup, Crouch's international reputation has increased a lot. I think this has given him a sense of crisis.

"Don't worry, Mr. Minister." After thinking about this, Kyle immediately said with a smile: "As far as I know, the resurrection potion was boiled a month ago, and there was a big pot, and it was all used on that mouse. I guarantee there will be no problem with it."

"Then I'm relieved, Albus has never had any problems. §§" Foley said, and then he turned serious, "You should contact me, I think I said it before, on this matter , I will do my best to help you on behalf of the Ministry of Magic."

"Perhaps Professor Dumbledore doesn't want to cause you any trouble." Kyle said, "It is not an easy task to organize a competition with 100,000 wizards participating."

"That's true of Albus." Fudge said, pretending to be displeased. "Although there are indeed a lot of things going on recently, I have been keeping time for him. I even turned down several owls waiting for him. Important meeting.”

"Meeting? It should be a banquet, right?" Kyle was thinking in his heart, but on the surface he remained as usual, and he and Fudge condemned Dumbledore's behavior outside the home.

This made Fudge look even happier.


Then he introduced Kyle to the Bulgarian Minister of Magic next to him. He was wearing a gorgeous velvet robe with gold trim, but he seemed not to understand Fudge's words at all.

Fudge didn't even make him understand the meaning of "the youngest member of Sir Merlin" even with words and gestures.

But when he looked here, his eyes accidentally fell on Harry's forehead.

He immediately pointed at the scar excitedly and muttered a series of words loudly.

"Oh, yes, Harry Potter..." Fudge walked over and held Harry's hand like a loving father, "You must know that he is the boy who escaped death from the mysterious man."

The Bulgarian Minister of Magic said something again.

But no one present could understand, and Harry was even more confused. He didn't even know how he was dragged here.

"I'm not very good at languages." Fudge whispered next to Harry and Kyle: "When things like this happen, you usually need Barty Crouch. Ah, but he is not here at the moment, but I saw His house elf helped him occupy a seat, which was so thoughtful...ah, Lucius is here."

Three more people entered the box. Lucius Malfoy, Draco, and a woman.

"Ah, Minister Fudge." Lucius came over and stretched out his hand, "Hello, this is my wife Narcissa, and our son Draco."

"Hello, hello." Fudge smiled and nodded to Mrs. Malfoy, while also introducing them to the Bulgarian Minister of Magic.

But because of the language barrier between the two parties, the atmosphere seemed a bit awkward.

But at this time, Malfoy suddenly noticed Mr. Weasley standing beside him.

"Oh my god, Arthur." He said softly, as if he had seen something incredible, "What did you sell to get the seat in the top box? Your little possessions must not be worth so much money, right? "

"I almost forgot that you are old acquaintances." Fudge said with a smile, "Lucius just donated a large amount of money to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies recently. Arthur, he is the honored guest I invited."

"Oh... great." Mr. Weasley reluctantly twitched his lips.

Lucius glanced at Hermione again and whispered something to the woman next to him.

Narcissa Malfoy immediately showed a look of disgust, as if she smelled something unpleasant.

It was the same when she saw Winky before. It seemed to her that Hermione, a Muggle, had the same status as a house elf.

However, under the gaze of the Minister of Magic, they did not dare to say anything out of the ordinary and walked to their seats without saying a word.

Draco wanted to come over and say hello to Kyle, but was stopped by Narcissa. Lucius looked on and did not stop him.

"Nasty guy." Ron muttered. He, Harry, and Hermione turned their attention to the stadium again, looking at the crowd on the other side of the stadium with the panoramic binoculars they just bought.

Then Ludo Bagman burst into the box.

"Is everyone ready?" he said, his round face shining like a giant ball of cheese. "Minister...can we start?"

"Start as you say, Ludo." Fudge said kindly. "I can't wait to watch a wonderful game."

"You won't be disappointed."

Ludo drew his wand, pointed at his throat and said, "Resonant." Then his words sounded like thunder throughout the packed stadium.

For a moment, his voice was the only voice around.

"Ladies and gentlemen...welcome!"

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