After lunch, the trio of deducted points rushed straight to Ravenclaw Academy, trying to find traces of Ye Shu. Unfortunately, they were destined to miss out on this trip.

At this time, Ye Shu was not in Ravenclaw College at all, but in the Room of Requirement!

The Room of Requirement is a room that can be created to meet people’s true needs when they need it. It is a very special place in Hogwarts. If you don’t know how to enter it, you can’t find it at all. It won’t even appear on the Marauder’s Map.

To enter the Room of Requirement, you need to walk back and forth three times in the corridor between the tapestry depicting the idiot Barnabas training the dwarf to dance ballet and the human-sized vase, and keep thinking about what you need before it will automatically appear.

It is unknown who specifically created the Room of Requirement. From the creation of Hogwarts to the present, few people have been able to discover the secret of its existence.

Ye Shu knew about the existence of the Room of Requirement, but had long forgotten the specific method of entering. The reason why he could find it was because he learned about it from Dumbledore after he got drunk in Hagrid’s cabin.

At this time, in the Room of Requirement, Ye Shu was alone in a huge secret room, which was created by the Room of Requirement based on Ye Shu’s inner needs.

Everyone who enters the Room of Requirement will create an environment that will change based on their inner needs. Even if someone finds the Room of Requirement at the same time, as long as their needs are different, they will not appear in the same room.

As for the secret room where Ye Shu was, there was only one word that appeared, and that was emptiness!

After mastering all the magic knowledge in the first half of the third grade, Ye Shu would sneak into the Room of Requirement from time to time and experiment with various magics alone.

Firstly, Ye Shu can obtain various kinds of black magic through the Room of Requirement. Secondly, no one will disturb him while practicing here, and no one will see him practicing black magic.

In the entire wizarding world, when people talk about black magic, people become disloyal, as if those who practice black magic are heinous criminals, but Ye Shu doesn’t think so.

What determines the quality of magic is never the magic itself, but the user!

Voldemort’s signature spell was Avada Kedavra, which made this spell infamous along with him and became the first of the three Unforgivable Curses.

But if it were Dumbledore who used Avada Kedavra to defeat various evil wizards and maintain order in the wizarding world, then this spell would become famous along with Dumbledore and become a Patronus spell that everyone should learn!

What Ye Shu learned was not only the three unforgivable curses including Avada Kedavra, but also a large number of other black magic spells found in the Room of Requirement.

He has a strong talent for learning, and in just one semester, he has mastered all these spells.

These spells will become Ye Shu’s capital to save his life in the future. He doesn’t want anyone to know until the critical moment!

“The power of a wizard lies in releasing the magic power in the body through the wand, but the body of the wizard is extremely fragile and no different from an ordinary Muggle. Not to mention magic spells, a simple cold weapon can kill a powerful wizard. ”

“How to increase the physical strength of a wizard and make it as hard as iron, transcending the realm of mortals…”

“While the wand enhances the wizard’s strength, it also becomes the wizard’s weakness. Once someone disarms the wizard, the wizard loses most of his power. Even his own wand will recognize the other party as his master. What can be done? Allowing wizards to cast spells with their bare hands…”

“Hiss…this idea is simply unbelievable…”

Ye Shu held an ancient book in his hand and gasped while flipping through it!

But at the same time, his eyes are also shining. If this idea can be successfully researched, then he will definitely become the invincible player in the wizarding world.

Just imagine, the other party first handed over your wand, and then hit you with a curse. It should have been severely injured, but your body was as hard as steel, and you were unscathed by the curse.

Just when the other party is stunned, your fingers flash with the luster of magic, and then different magics pour out like machine guns, shooting the other party into a hornet’s nest before they can recover.

Hiss… Such a scene is exciting just thinking about it!

This ancient book was also found by Ye Shu in the Room of Requirement. After seeing the contents, he was deeply attracted, and the contents recorded in it were regarded as treasures.

It’s a pity that the book only records an idea of ​​the author, and the other party could not find a way to realize it until his death. In the end, the other party even tortured himself to death because of random experiments.

The person who conceived this concept was also a senior Ravenclaw. Ye Shu felt that as a

If a junior can discover this training notebook, it can be regarded as passing down the fire from generation to generation. What the other party cannot do, then he should do it by himself, both emotionally and rationally.

During the two months of summer vacation, in addition to preparing for Ms. Andrea’s funeral, Ye Shu was studying how to turn the contents of the notes into reality. It did not go well at the beginning, and his body even suffered varying degrees of trauma.

If I hadn’t been prepared before leaving school and brought a bunch of therapeutic recovery potions, I would have been missing arms and legs.

However, such experiments were not fruitless. After clearing away the initial confusion, Ye Shu finally knew where the problem lay.

The senior Ravenclaw simply applied magic power to his body, trying to use his body instead of the wand as a carrier for casting spells.

Such a method will naturally not succeed. No matter how many times he tries, he will not succeed. The body can be used as a container for magic power, but it cannot be used as a tool for converting magic power.

At first, Ye Shu racked his brains and couldn’t think of a solution, until a flash of inspiration came to his mind, an Eastern outline of the eight extraordinary meridians.

According to Eastern legends from the previous life, there were various meridians in the human body. These meridians are the paths on which the human body’s qi and blood circulate. Each meridian corresponds to different functions and attributes, but this has never been confirmed by modern medicine.

In this life, after fifteen years of exploration, Ye Shu discovered that although this world also had a celestial dynasty and a similar history, there were no legendary Eastern cultivators.

Those in the East are similar to Western wizards. As for the various ancient Eastern inheritances from the previous life, there is no trace of them in this world.

The Eight Diagrams of the I Ching and the Eight Meridians of the Extraordinary Meridian do not exist in this world at all!

Fortunately, in his previous life, Ye Shu, as a senior fan of supernatural powers, had memorized all the meridians and acupuncture points in his mind.

In this life, with strong spiritual power and magical power as a source, Ye Shu successfully found a meridian after several days of experiments.

This was a good start. He could find other meridians by searching for one. After a summer vacation, he had found all the routes on the meridian movement chart.

Now, it’s time to experiment!


Putting down the book in his hand, Ye Shu took a deep breath, a crazy look flashed in his eyes!

As a Ravenclaw who pursues truth and knowledge, Ye Shu has never known what fear is. He was fearless in his previous life, and he will not shrink back from it in this life.

In order to know the truth, he is willing to give his life for it. This is the persistence of Ravenclaws!

However, before the experiment, Ye Shu still made some preparations. He made a spell card. As long as his life was in danger, the spell card would instantly fly away to find Dumbledore.

As long as Dumbledore receives the news, he will definitely come to treat him as soon as possible. As for entering the Room of Requirement, this is not difficult for Dumbledore at all!

“Solid as a rock!”

Ye Shu recited in a low voice, and an invisible magic power flowed rapidly through the meridians in his body. It was the meridian he found that corresponded to the spell. In meridian science, it was an earth attribute. With the flow of magic power, Ye Shu His body has changed visibly to the naked eye.

An earth-yellow stream of light flickered on his body, and in the next second, Ye Shu’s entire body turned into a rock. As his fists clashed, a dull sound of clinking boulders was made.

“Hahaha, I succeeded, I succeeded!”

“I, a native of the Celestial Dynasty, Ye Shu of Ravenclaw, Dumbledore’s assistant, a rare genius in Hogwarts Academy for a century, will create a new school of magic from today on!”

“This will be a glorious move that will be recorded in history. From now on, my name will be passed down through the ages along with this sect, and I will become another great wizard like Merlin!”

In the large room, Ye Shu stood proudly like a human-shaped rock, and an excited voice came from his mouth, resounding throughout the secret room!

PS: I’m not sure about the setting of Eastern supernatural powers in the original work. Since this is a magical world, let’s just focus on magic. Please don’t complain!

As for the ancient inheritance belonging to the East, let our protagonist carry it forward!

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