The troll incident was finally suppressed by the school and did not cause too much trouble!

Quirrell originally wanted to lure away the professors and steal the Philosopher’s Stone, but unfortunately he could not find the hiding place of the Philosopher’s Stone.

On the other hand, Snape was accidentally bitten by the three-headed giant dog Fluffy when he was investigating the safety of the Philosopher’s Stone. This could be regarded as an accidental injury to one of his own.

As for the three Harrys, they acted without authorization in violation of the regulations, and Hermione was deducted five points. Harry and Ron did not defeat the troll like in the original book. Although they were not appreciated by Professor McGonagall, they still deserved to be recognized by Professor McGonagall for their heroic actions. was exempted from punishment.

Hogwarts education is eclectic and does not require students to stick to rules. As a little lion from Gryffindor, being able to bravely and fearlessly stand up to save his companions is the best educational achievement.

The next day, perhaps in order to dilute the fear caused by the troll to all the students, Dumbledore waved his hand and organized a Quidditch match that day.

This is the first Quidditch match since the beginning of this year. The freshmen are full of expectations for it, and even the old students are extremely excited.

Quidditch matches are not held often, usually only once every semester. At this time, the four major colleges try their best to do their best.

If they can win the championship three or more times in a row, then this team will receive the consecutive championship trophy, and their names will also be included in the Hogwarts Hall of Honor.

However, such honors are rare. The four major colleges are full of talents, and each has its own outstanding representatives. No one can guarantee that their team will win consecutively.

The most recent recipient of this honor was the Quidditch team led by Harry’s father, James Potter!

Early in the morning, people from the four major colleges gathered together to have breakfast. While eating, they excitedly discussed the Quidditch match that was about to start today.

Harry was the only one, twirling the fork in his hand in boredom, with an absent-minded expression on his face!

He felt very uneasy, even though his flying skills were extremely good, and Oliver Wood had taught him a lot about Quidditch a few days ago, and even praised him for his good performance.

However, as this was the first time for Harry to actually play, he was inevitably a little nervous!

“Eat some more bread, you haven’t even eaten much!”

“Ron is right, you need to expend a lot of energy today!”

Ron and Hermione on the side saw that Harry was worried, and they couldn’t help but comfort him!

Although unlike the original novel, Harry and Ron successfully rescued Hermione, the mere fact that each other was willing to save them made the relationship between the three little ones as good as before, even better than before!

“But I’m not hungry at all!”

Harry curled his lips, full of helplessness!

“Good luck today, Potter!”

“Hmph! Even the trolls dare to challenge you. I think the Quidditch match is nothing in your eyes, even if the opponent is us Slytherin!”

A deep voice came from behind the three little ones. Harry and the other two looked up and saw that it was Snape.

The other person was looking at Harry with a mocking smile on his face!

As Harry raised his head, the familiar face from his childhood once again came into Snape’s eyes. Thinking of the other man’s achievements in Quidditch, an unknown fire instantly surged into Snape’s heart. .

“Why? Why his appearance?”

“Why are you good at Quidditch? Potter…you deserve to die!”

At this moment, the interest he originally wanted to make a few words of ridicule disappeared inexplicably, and he hurriedly passed Harry and the three of them and walked towards the distance!

However, when leaving, Snape seemed to be limping!

“What happened to his feet? There are also blood stains from last night!”

“Blood stains?” Hermione turned her head in confusion!

“I think Snape used the troll noise to attack the east and west last night, trying to take advantage of the opportunity to get past the guardian dogs, but he was bitten, so he is lame today!”

“Why did he want to provoke the three-headed dog…what do you mean?” Hermione reacted instantly and understood the meaning of Harry’s words!

“But how is this possible? The other person is a professor in the school. Why would he do this?”

Yes, Snape is a professor in the school and the dean of Slytherin among the four major colleges. Why would the other party do this?

This is the biggest mystery that several people have guessed!

“Puff, puff, puff…”

Before the three of them could figure out the reason, Harry’s owl Hedwig flew in with a large package in her talons!

The package landed and Harry caught it accurately!

“Sending mail so early?”

“This is the first time someone has sent me a package!”

Harry’s face was full of doubts. His only relative was the Dursleys.

Home, let alone the fact that it is impossible for this group of people to send him something, even if they want to send it, they can’t find the address!

“You’ll find out after you open it, maybe there will be a surprise!”

Ye Shu suddenly appeared and sat next to the three of them!

Hearing this, the three of them had no time to say hello to Ye Shu and began to open the package in a hurry!

“Is it a broomstick?” Harry wondered, why would anyone send him a broomstick? After all, there are so many of them in the school!

“Oh my God!”

“Harry, this is not an ordinary broom. This is the latest model of Nimbus 2000, the same model used by Senior Ye Shu!”

Ron recognized the origin of this broom at a glance, and his eyes were full of unconcealable love!

“But who could it be? Could it be you, Senior Ye Shu?”

The three of them looked at Ye Shu, and it seemed… It seemed that Ye Shu was the only one in the school who had a better relationship with them and had the capital to give this broom!

“Don’t look at me, this is not a gift from me!”

“If you want to know who it is, you’ll know who Hedwig is!”

Ye Shu nodded toward the high platform. Harry looked over after hearing the words and saw Hedwig standing in front of Professor McGonagall. Professor McGonagall was stroking each other’s feathers affectionately!

As if noticing Harry’s gaze, Professor McGonagall looked at Harry with a smile. At this moment, Harry understood everything. His heart was full of emotion, but his face did not express too much, just calmly. He nodded towards Professor McGonagall.

There are some things that don’t need to be said too much. Harry knows how good Professor McGonagall is to Harry. In this case, let’s use facts to prove that Professor McGonagall has not misjudged the person!

Picking up the food on the plate, Harry stuffed it into his mouth and ate. Only when he was full would he have the strength to compete in the next game!

“By the way, Senior Ye Shu, your flying skills are so good, you must be the captain of Ravenclaw’s Quidditch team, right?”

Ron, the unlucky child, suddenly spoke, which made Ye Shu, who was still smiling, change his face instantly. He slapped Ron on the head: “Kid, eat well, don’t ask questions that you shouldn’t ask!”

After that, he got up and left with a dark face!

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