“Good morning, Jones!”

“Good morning, Taylor Thompson!”

Ye Shu walked down the stairs and kept saying hello to everyone!

“Morning? You call this early?”

“Oh my God, Ye Shu, look at what time it is. Come on, look at the clock on the wall!”

“Remember me, the time is now 10:11, we can have lunch soon!!”

Thompson pointed to the clock on the wall and looked at Ye Shu with disgust.

“Tsk… don’t be like this Thompson, I’m doing this for your own good. If Lanxi and I don’t get up, wouldn’t you have saved breakfast for the two of us?”

“I’m here to help you reduce your daily workload!” Ye Shuli was talking seriously and nonchalantly!

“Then how about helping the orphanage save this lunch? I think you had a full meal last night and can last another day.”

“In this case, you don’t have to eat dinner anymore. You might as well have dinner tomorrow!” Thompson said with a dark face!

“No, you can’t do this, don’t forget that I’m still a fourteen-year-old child!”

“If you don’t let me eat, I will sue you. I will sue you for child abuse. I will also go to Ms. Andrea’s grave to cry and say that you bullied me as a brother!”

Ye Shu had an exaggerated expression on his face, as if he had really been wronged!

“Tsk…how many days until you go back to school?”

“I think it’s better for you to stay in school. At least I can be less angry!”

Thompson covered his face and didn’t want to look at Ye Shu’s face again. He was afraid that he couldn’t help but kick him!

Thompson is five years older than Ye Shu, and entered the orphanage earlier than him. When he became an adult, he did not choose to enter the society, but stayed in the orphanage to take care of these younger brothers and sisters!

He had watched Ye Shu grow up. Although he had known Ye Shu’s character for a long time, every time he talked to him, he would inevitably make him angry.

But unfortunately, when Ye Shu was here, he disliked him in various ways, and when he was away, everyone missed him very much. It was such a contradiction!

“Wait a moment, lunch will be ready soon!”

“There’s some food left for you in the kitchen. If you’re hungry, take a cushion to fill your stomach!”

“Also, where is Lanxi? Isn’t the little girl up yet?”

Thompson rolled his eyes and said as he packed up the items left last night!

“Thompson, you are a sharp talker but a soft heart. I know you won’t starve me!”

“That little girl Lanxi is getting up. I said she usually stays up late. You have to be careful. Children sleeping too late will affect their development. Don’t spoil her!”

“Haha? You still have the nerve to say that? It seems like you are the one who loves her the most, right?”

Thompson glared at Ye Shu angrily. Sometimes when Lanxi made a mistake and wanted to punish her, Lanxi would run to Ye Shu for protection.

The person who dotes on Lanxi the most in the entire orphanage is undoubtedly Ye Shu!

Ye Shu wisely did not answer. He ran to the kitchen and grabbed some food to fill his stomach. Then he played games with the young orphans for a while, and soon it was time to eat!

At eleven o’clock at noon, the big table in the restaurant was full of people. Unlike the nearly a hundred people yesterday, there were only twenty or thirty people left today.

Most people have left. They have grown up and have their own careers and lives. Christmas has passed, but life will go on. Those who should go to work should accompany their significant other, and they should accompany their other half. After all, life has to go towards itself. traces of!

Today, there are seventeen children in the orphanage, and the rest are caregivers who choose to stay to take care of the children, as well as people who have nothing to do for the time being as adults!

“Okay, kids, sit down obediently!”

“Let me ask you first, have you washed your hands before eating?”


All the orphans stretched out their clean little hands and waved them in front of Ye Shu!

“Very good, then do your homework and distribute the food to you!”

“Hey…where’s Nancy?”

Ye Shu was about to distribute food to everyone when he suddenly realized that Lanxi was not there. Thinking about it now, it seemed that she had not gone downstairs since she got up.

“Is it because you have a cold?”

Looking back on Lanxi’s state before, something seemed wrong. At that time, I thought she was awake, but she still hasn’t come downstairs after so long, which is a problem!

But if it’s just a minor cold, it’s not a big problem. I have a lot of magic potions, and you can cure it by just drinking some!

Ye Shu was about to go upstairs when footsteps sounded at the door of the restaurant. Looking back, it was Lan Qian!

The little girl put one hand behind her back and slowly walked towards the people at the dining table, or in other words, she slowly walked towards Ye Shu!

“Lancy, you sleepyhead, you are finally willing to go downstairs!”

“Come and sit down, ready to eat

It’s time to eat! ”

Handing the dinner plate to Thompson, Ye Shu walked towards Lanxi, wanting to introduce her to the table.

What people didn’t expect was that a sudden change occurred!


Lan Qian’s little hand behind her back suddenly pulled out a long table knife and slashed it at Ye Shu!

At this time, the two of them were very close to each other, only one or two meters apart. No normal person would have thought that a child like Lanxi would suddenly attack, and the target of the attack would be his favorite brother.

Even Ye Shu didn’t react at first. After all, this is the Muggle world, and this is his home. The people in the orphanage are his family!

Seeing the long knife getting closer and closer to him, Ye Shu’s pupils shrank hard. At the critical moment, the magic power in his body was running wildly, and a protective spell was cast on himself.

At this moment, the difference between casting a spell without a wand and casting a spell with a wand is revealed here. If you cast a spell with a wand, you first need to take out the wand, and secondly, cast the spell on yourself or others.

This is undoubtedly an extremely waste of time. At the critical moment, others will not give you the time to take out your wand and cast the spell again!


There was a clear sound of gold and iron clashing. The long knife did not penetrate the flesh and blood, but flew out as if it was cutting on iron and stone.

“Oh…Lancy, what are you doing?”

“Lancy, you’re crazy!”

“Ye Shu…Ye Shu, you…what are you?”

Lanxi’s sudden behavior attracted everyone’s attention, but their eyes fell more on Ye Shu.

At this time, Ye Shu still looked like a human being. He was transformed into large rocks, standing in front of Lanxi like a stone man!

“Kill you, kill you!”

Lan Qian, who had let go of the long knife, was still attacking crazily. She picked up a stool and threw it at Ye Shu crazily. Her small body actually burst out with strength that was not hers.

“Lancy, stop!”

Ye Shu grabbed the chair and held down Lanxi firmly with his other hand, making her unable to move!

“Ye Shu…what on earth is going on?”

“Why is Nancy going crazy? And you…what’s going on with you?”

Thompson’s voice trembled and he looked at the two of them in horror. What happened in front of him was completely beyond his understanding!

“Tsk…it’s really troublesome!”

Ye Shu turned his head and looked around at the people behind him. Everyone who was swept by his gaze had a hint of fear in their eyes!

Even though they grew up together, even though they knew each other very well, Ye Shu now was beyond their cognitive understanding, as if they were looking at a monster.

Some younger children even screamed in terror uncontrollably!

“Hey, please be quiet. I’ll come and accommodate you later!”


Ye Shu lightly snapped his fingers, and instantly a wide-scale petrification spell enveloped the restaurant. Everyone remained motionless and remained in a petrified state!

“Next, it’s you, little girl!”

“Let me see what happened to you!”

Lifting up the struggling Lanxi, Ye Shu took her to the second floor!

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