After crossing the stone pillar where platform nine and three-quarters is located, what comes into view is a quaint train station, with an equally quaint train parked on the platform.

“Hogwarts Express 9572” is printed on the front of the train. Obviously, this is a special train that goes directly to Hogwarts.

At this time, thick white smoke billowed from the locomotive, obviously it was about to depart!

“Oh, damn it!”

Ron, who was the last to enter, cursed in a low voice, because his three brothers had already ran to who knows which car and left him here alone.

“Don’t worry, you two, just come with me!”

Ye Shu took the two little ones on the Hogwarts Express, and the three of them found an empty carriage and sat down.

After a while, a dining cart rolled outside the carriage, with all kinds of strange snacks on it, attracting the attention of the two little cats.

“Waiter, bring me one of everything!”

“Don’t worry, I’m treating you today!”

Ye Shu smiled slightly and generously bought a lot of snacks for the two of them.

The currency used in the wizarding world is different from that of the Muggle world. In the past three years, Ye Shu has made a small amount of money through some special means. Although it is not that rich, it is certainly better than the Weasley family. Much better.

After all, the other party is the protagonist group. Although I don’t have a cheating system that requires me to get close to the protagonist to complete the mission, it is always right to have a good relationship with them.

After all, they are the children of luck in this world. In some cases, acting with them will always get twice the result with half the effort!

“Hello, have you ever seen a frog? It was lost by a man named Neville!”

“I searched many carriages but couldn’t find this frog!”

“Oh my gosh, are you… are you the senior Ye Shu from Ravenclaw?”

Just as the two little ones were enjoying their snacks, a clear female voice sounded. They turned around and saw that it was the last of the three protagonists, Hermione Granger!

“Hello, Senior Ye Shu, my name is Hermione, and I am your loyal fan!”

“Ever since I came into contact with the wizarding world, I have heard about your outstanding performance in Hogwarts School. I have always regarded you as my role model!”

“Even the Daily Prophet rated you as the best student in the past century and said that you will be the second Principal Dumbledore!”

“It’s such an honor to meet you today!”

Hermione was so excited when she saw Ye Shu that she forgot about looking for the frog!

Ye Shu’s excellence has long been noticed by the magical world. Even the Daily Prophet once interviewed him, and there was even a photo of Ye Shu in the newspaper.

He was not surprised at all that he was recognized by others!

Suddenly, the sound of four people talking came from the carriage, and Hermione quickly recognized the identity of Harry, the savior, but she was not as surprised as Ron and the others.

It seemed that Ye Shu’s identity as a genius was far more attractive to her than Harry Potter’s identity as the savior!

However, although Hermione was young, her mouth was very gifted with a sharp tongue. She choked Ron to death without saying a few words, and the expression on her face was extremely wonderful.


Suddenly, a rat’s cry came, attracting everyone’s attention. Several people turned around and saw a rat as big as the palm of their hand lying next to Ron.

This mouse is not afraid of people at all. Instead, it calmly gets into the snack bag and eats snacks to its heart’s content!

“This is…”

Harry was very surprised. It was obviously the first time he saw a mouse that was not afraid of people!

“This is my Banban, now my pet and living in my house for ten years!”

“By the way, my brother taught me a spell to dye its hair yellow. Do you want to see it?”

With that said, Ron excitedly pulled out his wand, wanting to show off his magic in front of everyone.

“Forget it, I’m not interested in turning its hair yellow, but…”

“If you cut it open, coat it with various spices and grill it, I think it will taste very good!”

“By the way, have you ever eaten a mouse? Even though it looks ugly, it tastes absolutely delicious when grilled, especially for such a big mouse!”

“If you don’t like barbecue, I can also come up with a hundred ways of steaming, braised or sashimi, and you will definitely like it.”

As he spoke, Ye Shu focused his gaze on Banban, and seemed to swallow his saliva inadvertently!

“No, Senior Ye Shu, this is my pet, and it’s also my family. You can’t do this to me!”

Ron believed it, hugged Banban tightly in his arms, as if Ye Shu would snatch him away if he let go, and then cut his throat and bled it to make a barbecue.

As for the “old man” in his arms,

“Rat” Banban was so frightened that he trembled all over, his small eyes looking at Ye Shu full of fear.

“Special code, I have turned into a mouse, and there are still people who want to eat me. You really have no inhibitions.”

“I have long heard that people in China can eat whatever species they are, as long as the head is cut off and the tail is removed. I originally thought it was an exaggeration, but now it seems that this is actually true!”

“Damn it, stay away from him from now on!”

Scabbers…or rather Peter Pettigrew, nicknamed “Wormtail”, cursed in his heart. If there weren’t too many people, he really wanted to restore his true form and give Ye Shulai an “Avatar Big Melon” “!

“Oh, by the way, speaking of mice, I thought of a very interesting thing!”

“By the way Harry, when I was looking through various school materials in the past few years, I accidentally discovered information related to your father.”

“What? My father’s information?”

Harry was immediately confused when he heard this. He had never met his parents, and even before meeting Hagrid, he didn’t know that his parents were actually wizards.

Now hearing Ye Shu talk about his parents, Harry felt quite excited.

“Yes, that was a notebook that I casually recorded. It recorded some interesting things, but I lost it accidentally. I’m really sorry!”

“Back then, when your father was in school, he had several very close friends. They all secretly learned the art of transformation, which is the transformation of Animagus forms!”

“It’s just that they didn’t register after they learned it, and they have always been illegal Animagus.”

“Among them, there is a wizard named Peter Pettigrew, and his transformed form is a big mouse!”

“At that time, I was still thinking, how could someone be so stupid as to turn into a mouse? Firstly, it looks ugly, and secondly, it has no offensive power.”

“Perhaps the only advantage is that when in danger, you can turn into a mouse and hide in the dark sewers to save your own life!”

Harry and Ron agreed very much with this. There is no boy who doesn’t like those cool and mighty animals. As for rats, beating them to death will not change them!

“By the way, where are these friends of my father’s?”

Since they are good friends of his father, if he sees them, he should say hello both emotionally and rationally!

“It’s a pity that one of them, Sirius, was imprisoned in Azkaban, the wizarding prison, as a Death Eater.”

“The other Peter Pettigrew died in a “violent” battle while protecting your parents, and became a “hero” in the eyes of everyone.”

“There is only one person left named Remus Lupin. If you have the chance, you should meet him!”

When speaking of the word “hero”, Ye Shu deliberately emphasized his tone, and there was an unspeakable meaning in his words.

“Damn, does he know something?”

“No, this little guy… I will definitely explore his background when I get the chance!”

Peter Pettigrew felt uneasy, always feeling that the Chinese man in front of him was behaving a little strangely!

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