A few days before leaving school, Ye Shu received a notice from himself, which stated the precautions for the start of school, but did not specify what he needed to buy.

The reason is that Ye Shu has completed all the homework for the school year, and there is not much for him to learn in school!

Now he stays at the school more as an assistant to the principal than as a student!

The person who delivered the letter was Ye Shu’s pet. Like other Hogwarts students, Ye Shu also had his own pet who delivered the letter, but it was not an owl, but a real eagle, with its wings spread as big as two meters. eagle.

Well, he originally had an owl. Before entering the first grade of school, he bought a snow-white owl, but when he was in the second grade, his owl was eaten!

Yes, he was eaten in front of Ye Shu, the bloody one!

The initiator is the majestic condor now parked in front of Ye Shu. It was the winter vacation of the second grade. Ye Shu’s owl flew to the orphanage with a letter in its beak, and was about to land on Ye Shu. on the shoulders.

A sudden change occurred, and a black shadow passed across the sky. Ye Shu felt a black line draw in front of him, and then the owl that was about to fly in front of him disappeared without a trace…

When he reacted, he could only see a small black shadow on the horizon, flying rapidly towards the distance. The other person’s two talons were holding his own owl.

This made Ye Shu so angry that he stood on the broomstick and chased him out on the spot!

Ye Shu was very fast, but he was never able to catch up with the strange eagle. The pursuit and escape actually lasted for a full hour. In the end, the opponent’s strength was exhausted and he had to land on the ground. .

However, Ye Shu’s owl had been eaten up by him on the road. When Ye Shu caught up with him, there was only a pile of bones left!


At that time, it was not as big as it is now, with a wingspan of only one meter. It was obviously still in the growth stage. Ye Shu, who was originally angry, wanted to give it an Avatar, but he saw it fall to the ground. Panting from exhaustion, he finally relented.

Finally, he took the eagle back to the orphanage, and it took him three days and three nights to completely tame it!

From then on, the eagle took the place of the owl and became Ye Shuxin’s messenger, delivering various items and letters for him. Ye Shu also named it “The Eagle”!

Now the eagle has been following Ye Shu for two and a half years. Its size has grown from a wingspan of one meter to a wingspan of two meters. It is still growing and has not stopped there.

Moreover, the eagle is very fast. Ye Shu has tested its speed. The test results show that the eagle can fly at the fastest speed of 210 meters per second. This speed can be maintained for three minutes, which can be called subsonic speed. Terrifying speed.

Not only that, the eagle can also keep flying at a speed of 150 meters per second for a long time, up to one hour!

When this data came out, Ye Shu was stunned. It had surpassed the speed of any bird that Ye Shu knew. Even the so-called fastest frigatebirds, peregrine falcons or sharp-tailed swifts could not keep up with that speed. The speed of an eagle is comparable.

As the eagle grew, Ye Shu found that the other person’s body became stronger, which allowed it to withstand greater impacts. If it continued to grow, Ye Shu didn’t know how big this magical eagle could be. the point.

Even a well-read person like Ye Shu didn’t know what type of eagle the eagle was. He even asked Dumbledore, but Dumbledore was also unclear.

After looking at it for a long time, the old man finally said: “This bird is unusual!”

Well, saying it means not saying it!

As time passed, Ye Shu gave up on searching for its life story. Anyway, this little guy would be his pet from now on. No one could take it away, let alone escape.

If you eat your own owl, then spend the rest of your life working to repay it!

“Time flies so fast. Summer vacation is over so soon and school is about to start!”

“Although there is nothing that I need to use in class, I don’t have so much freedom to think about it after I go to school.”

“That’s all, prepare some more things. After all, some materials are hard to get, so you can always use them if you are prepared!”

“It’s just that I really don’t want to endure a place like Knockturn Alley!”

Ye Shu secretly studies black magic and some unconventional potions in the Room of Requirement. Some of the materials are not provided in the school, so he needs to prepare some secretly.

As for how to bring these things into school, this is not a headache

, there used to be that eagle, but now he is the assistant to the principal. No one will provoke him, let alone anyone want to check his luggage.

Just the thought of needing to go to a dirty place like Knockturn Alley, where dragons and snakes are mixed, made him feel conflicted. It was not that he was opposed to selling various contraband there. Ye Shu was not a black and white person. In his opinion, Wherever there is light, there is also darkness, and there will always be people struggling to survive in dark places.

What he hates is the messy environment in Knockturn Alley. The people there stink as if they haven’t showered in months. The ground is full of sewage. In severe cases, the smell is as bad as a public toilet in the countryside.

The dark wizards who have been hanging around there all year round have even made themselves look like humans and ghosts. Some people’s faces and bodies are covered with various thick sores, which makes people feel extremely sick just by looking at them.

When he went there for the first time, Ye Shu didn’t know the environment inside. When he came back, he found that there were many fleas crawling on his body. He took a few baths to calm down.

After several times, he was prepared, and only then could he accept the environment inside!

Putting on his black robe, Ye Shu walked down the second floor of the magic shop. After nearly two months of operation, the Global Magic Shop had become the largest and best-selling store in Diagon Alley.

As soon as the store opens every day, countless customers will flood into the store, and the daily turnover is a huge number.

People in other shops naturally hold grudges in their hearts, but when they think about the fact that this shop originally belonged to the Malfoy family and then changed owners inexplicably, these people will not be unhappy as long as they have a little sense.

“Charlie, I’m going out!” Ye Shu said to Charlie behind the counter!

“go Go!”

Charlie waved his hand without raising his head, showing no respect for his boss!

Charlie was really busy during this period, and he spent every day in pain and happiness. As for the boss Ye Shu, he didn’t care about anything at all, as if Charlie was the boss.

As time went by, Charlie found that his boss was very easy to get along with. In the past, Ye Shu only came here occasionally, and in the past two years, the total contact between them would not exceed half a month.

This time Ye Shu stayed for two months, and the three of them had already become very familiar with each other, and Charlie had figured out his boss’s temper.

As long as you do your job well, your boss will not interfere with you, and behind the cold mask of your boss, sometimes you still have a funny heart.

Slowly, both Charlie and Wei Gusi put down their awe of their bosses and became more and more casual!

Ye Shu was not disgusted with this. He actually didn’t like the feeling of being obedient, otherwise he wouldn’t have said he wanted to give the house elves freedom in the first place!

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