Old Weasley was a little angry. Lucius’s words were not only an attack on him, but also an attack on his family.

If it was just directed at him, Old Weasley could laugh it off. After all, he knew exactly what Nelusius was, but when it was directed at his child, this made him extremely angry.

But unfortunately, he couldn’t do anything to Lucius yet, which was the most frustrating thing!

Take action? If he did it in public, first of all, he would lead to bad children, and secondly, he would probably lose his job. After all, Lucius could rely on being the victim to accuse the elder Weasley of his behavior.

By then, the Ministry of Magic will probably be afraid of the influence of the Malfoy family and the pressure of external public opinion and will fire him. If he loses this job, the Weasley family will be even more financially distressed.

This was also Lucius’s trick. The old Weasley, who had figured out the key, swallowed his breath and forced a stiff smile on his face.

“It’s quite lively. Everyone is here. Is this a gathering of classmates and colleagues?”

Just when the atmosphere was tense, a voice sounded at the door. Harry and the others’ eyes lit up, but when Lucius heard the voice, his color suddenly changed, and his face showed a bit of unnaturalness!

The class reunion that Ye Shu mentioned was naturally the group of Gryffindor little lions and Draco Malfoy, the little viper. As for the colleague gathering, it was the old Weasley and Lucius.

Both of them belong to the Ministry of Magic, but they have different responsibilities. Strictly speaking, they are colleagues!

“Senior Ye Shu, have you bought the things?”

Harry greeted Ye Shu. He was a little curious about what Ye Shu bought in Knockturn Alley, but now was not the time to ask more questions. After all, Hagrid said that it was best not to tell anyone about going to Knockturn Alley. Others, after all, basically don’t do good things when they go there.

Harry agrees with this very much, because he met Malfoy and his son soon after arriving in Knockturn Alley. These two people are definitely not good things in Harry’s eyes.

“Yes, I’ve already bought it!”

“Where’s Hagrid? Did this guy leave you alone again?”

In the first year, Hagrid left Harry at King’s Station and left alone. If he hadn’t met Ye Shu and the Weasley family, he probably wouldn’t have been able to find the entrance to the platform, and it was obviously the same this time.

“Hagrid had other things to buy. I met Hermione, so I went with them!” Harry shrugged helplessly!

“Hello, Senior Ye Shu!”

Malfoy walked down the stairs. He looked at Ye Shu with a worried face and felt a little nervous.

“I heard that you are going to have a fight with Neville after school starts? Then you have to work hard, Neville has changed a lot now!”

“If you accidentally lose to Neville, both the Malfoy family and Slytherin will lose face. After all, you are the initiator of this battle!”

Looking at Malfoy, who had grown a little taller after the summer vacation, Ye Shu’s eyes felt a sense of anticipation!

“Don’t worry, Senior Ye Shu, I will definitely defeat Neville and prove myself, but…if I defeat Neville, can I…train with you!”

Malfoy pursed his lips. At this time, he was just like a child who wanted to be praised by the teacher. There was no arrogance towards Harry and others at the beginning!

“Wait until you can really defeat Neville!”

Ye Shu neither agreed nor refused, but he already knew the outcome of this battle in his heart!

“Hello, Mr. Weasley, this is our first time meeting!”

“Let me introduce myself. My name is Ye Shu. I am in fifth grade in Ravenclaw this year. I am also the assistant principal of the school!”

Ye Shu greeted Weasley. This was the first time he met Ron’s father. Although he looked a little slovenly because he was a Floo fan and was wearing shabby clothes, he had a simple and honest face. smile!

“Hello Ye Shu, I’ve heard of you for a long time!”

“I heard that you helped my ineffective sons in school, thank you!”

Weasley smiled innocently, he seemed to attach great importance to Ye Shu!

“I just heard, Lucius, that you were mocking the Weasleys for buying old books?”

“Actually, I don’t agree with this!”

“The quality of a book does not depend on whether it is old or new, but on whether the learner can understand the content with his or her heart!”

“If you are obsessed with other intrigues all day long, even if you are given a room full of books, you will not know what is recorded in them. But if you read carefully, you will find the wonderful things in them.”

“Take these old books as an example…”

Ye Shu said, picking up the ancient book placed in Ginny’s crucible, putting it in front of him and looking at it, and said: “This

This book records the experiences of many previous users, which is an extremely rare experience! ”

“Sometimes if you look at other people’s understanding and combine it with what you have learned, you will find more things that you have missed!”

After that, Ye Shu walked up to Ginny. He stuffed the books back into the crucible and said, “Don’t care about other people’s eyes. All you have to do is study hard!”

“By the way, you must be Ginny. Ron has mentioned you several times and said that he has a sister who is very smart and beautiful!”

Ginny smiled shyly. She had heard of Ye Shu’s name for a long time, but she never thought she would see him on such an occasion!

Fortunately, she had been in love with Harry since she was a child, and no matter how handsome Ye Shu was, it didn’t drive her crazy.

No one noticed that when Ye Shu stuffed the books back into the crucible, he took Voldemort’s diary from it. Even Lucius himself didn’t notice. From the moment Ye Shu appeared, he felt a little worried. What a mess!

“First of all, congratulations on entering Hogwarts this year. I think you will become a brave little lion of Gryffindor just like your parents and brothers.”

“Secondly, if you don’t understand anything in school, just come and ask me, oh, by the way…”

“If you don’t mind, I have a lot of textbooks and notes that I have studied before. You can borrow these. They have my notes on various knowledge!”

Ye Shu reached out and rubbed Ginny’s head and said with a smile!

“Is it really possible?”

Ginny couldn’t believe it. She never thought that Ye Shu would be so generous!

“Of course!”

“I keep these notes, but I might as well give them to those in need, so that they can maximize their value.”

“Of course, this is all my own understanding. You can refer to it, but don’t imitate blindly. There is an old saying in the East, which is that those who learn from me will live, and those who imitate me will die!”


Whether it’s Ron, Harry, Hermione, or Percy, a senior, they all have expressions of envy on their faces. Ye Shu’s study notes can save them many detours!

Even Malfoy’s eyes were full of excitement. He wanted to ask Ye Shu for a note, but he couldn’t do it after all. After all, it was his father who initiated this matter. If he wanted to ask for Ye Shu’s study Notes are equivalent to tearing down his father’s stage.

Thinking of this, Malfoy could only cast a complaining glance at his father!

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