Hogwarts Kryptonian

Chapter 273 Counterattack

Madam Pomfrey, knowingly or unknowingly, played a huge role in buying the students in the Room of Requirement a precious week of time.

The day after Lu Yunkai entered the Room of Requirement through Luna and sent some books related to Horcruxes and magic related to Horcruxes, the Carlo brothers and sisters jumped out of the hospital bed and began to go crazy about the school. search.

It's really crazy.

I was knocked unconscious by Harry and almost died (it was really Harry who was merciful), and now I don't dare to see the mysterious man for fear of being held responsible for something that even a Muggle-born student has not caught...

Soon, they searched all over Hogwarts, but they had no idea where they went.

If you can't find anyone, you can only interrogate it from others. Even because they suspected that some people might have knowledge (such as several Gryffindor students who had always had a good relationship with Harry), they tried to use the Cruciatus Curse to interrogate him.

Of course Lu Yunkai cannot allow this kind of thing.

Harry and Hermione were responsible for protecting the Muggle-born students, and he was responsible for protecting the classmates who stayed in school. This was their division of labor.

After repelling two attempts by the Carrow brothers to use the Cruciatus Curse to interrogate the missing Muggle-born students, Lu Yunkai formulated his second school rule as Hogwarts Student Council President.

No student may talk about other students' situations in front of professors, and no professor may force students to talk about other students' situations.

Just like the previous rule prohibiting teaching the Unforgivable Curse, Lu Yunkai added a suffix to this school rule that students are not responsible if the professor dies due to resistance.

But this time, the school rules are not as binding on the Carlo brothers and sisters as the last time.

The fear of Voldemort was much greater than the pressure brought by the school rules set by Lu Yunkai.

The two of them were still running around the school like crazy headless flies, looking for news about the missing students.

With the support of this school rule formulated by Lu Yunkai, other professors also resolutely joined the camp against the two of them.

Except Slughorn.

The fat old headmaster of Slytherin House seemed to be deaf and blind, indifferent to what happened in the school.

After the first meeting of the Slug Club on the first weekend, in addition to sitting in the classroom every day and giving potions lessons to the students, whenever he had time, Slughorn would invite some of the people he liked more. Students go to his place for afternoon tea, a simple dinner, etc...

The Slug Club is really running like a club that often meets in twos and threes.

Among them, Lu Yunkai, who is busy singing opposite roles with the Carlo brothers and sisters, is rarely seen.

What appears more often is Daphne, who is Lu Yunkai's "representative" and appears at the party every time.

No one who came to the party would have anything wrong with the appearance of Lu Yunkai, the representative of Daphne...

Because the students who came to the party also knew that the reason why Lu Yunkai could not come to the party was because, as the student council president, he was fulfilling his duty to protect the students from being bullied by the Carlo brothers and sisters, so they were also particularly friendly to Daphne.

Of course, Slughorn's behavior also attracted criticism from some professors and students.

But Slughorn acted as if he couldn't hear the opinions of those people and still insisted on his own way. Even in the week after the Hogsmeade attack and the disappearance of a large number of Muggle-born wizard apprentices, he They didn't stop making arrangements.

Not only did it not happen, the frequency of gatherings even increased from twice a week to once a day.

In this way, a week passed.

When the weekend came, the entire Hogwarts was on the verge of anxiety and collapse.

The Carlo brothers and sisters can no longer hold their nerves any longer.

"You try to stay in the dormitory today and don't go out if you have nothing to do. Even if you have to go out, you must never go out alone. Do you understand?"

On Sunday morning, Lu Yunkai woke up early and stayed in the lounge, writing a paper for the Charms class while waiting for Daphne. As soon as Daphne arrived in the lounge, she didn't even have time to invite Lu Yunkai to have brunch with her. , Lu Yunkai warned him face to face.

Seeing Lu Yunkai's expression without a smile at all, Daphne was stunned for a moment, then nodded quickly.

"What, will something happen today?"

"I received news that the mysterious man found out from somewhere last night about the disappearance of the Muggle-born students at Hogwarts. He was very angry. It is estimated that the Carlo brothers and sisters will be asked to explain to him in person today. "

"...Then shouldn't it be safe today?"

"Today is the most dangerous day." Lu Yunkai shook his head, "They will definitely have to make a last ditch effort. If the mysterious person comes to find them, they won't be able to give any explanation... God knows what will happen to them."

"Then you must be careful today!" Daphne also responded and nodded quickly.

"I'm fine. Forget about them, even the mysterious person may not be able to hurt me." Lu Yun smiled and comforted Daphne, "I'm mainly worried about you."

"I really have nothing to worry about!" Daphne smiled, "After breakfast, a few of us made an appointment to visit Professor Slughorn together..."

"...Is he my father or yours? Why do I feel like you know him much better than I do?" Lu Yunkai muttered speechlessly, "I'm jealous."

"He's helping you protect me!" Daphne laughed, "If it weren't for you, he wouldn't look down on a silly person like me."


"Why, do you think it's surprising that I can think of this?" Daphne rolled her eyes at Lu Yunkai and laughed even more happily, "Although my brain is not very good, I will grow up if I stay with smart people for a long time, okay!"

"You!!" Lu Yunkai sighed with a smile, "Then you will go to the auditorium to eat with Pansy and Millicent, and then go with the people who are looking for my father, I will leave first."

"...You want to act on your own?"

"I told you! Not to mention these two idiots, I'm not afraid even if the mysterious man comes! I have to look around to prevent them from doing something weird when they are desperate." Lu Yunkai patted Daphne's shoulder, then walked out of the lounge with a smile.

But the moment his figure left the lounge, the smile on his face disappeared.

He took a deep breath and pulled out his wand from his sleeve.

He lied to Daphne. Today's situation is much more serious than what he just told Daphne.

Voldemort, who had been chasing Dumbledore for a month without any results, was "completely angry" (so said by Nagini). His plan to lure Dumbledore out through the Muggle-born students of Hogwarts was a method he had thought of after putting aside some of his pride as the Dark Lord, but it was inexplicably messed up by the Carrows.

All the Muggle-born students of Hogwarts disappeared.

If this is a simple accident, no one will believe it! It is obviously a shameful failure caused by the Carrows' poor performance.

So, early this morning, Nagini told Lu Yunkai that Voldemort planned to come to Hogwarts in person to look for the group of hidden students.

As for when Voldemort will come, Nagini couldn't tell, so Lu Yunkai had to stay alert at all times today.

But Lu Yunkai didn't know what he could do.

Let's take it one step at a time!

Lu Yunkai first came to Professor McGonagall's office and informed Professor McGonagall, who hadn't woken up yet, of the news he had received. Professor McGonagall, who hadn't rested well because she had read students' papers until late at night the night before, became energetic when she heard Lu Yunkai's words.

After telling Lu Yunkai not to act alone, Professor McGonagall left in a hurry.

Lu Yunkai certainly knew that she should go to Dumbledore.

In fact... Lu Yunkai had already told Dumbledore through the communication mirror. And Dumbledore's reply to him was only three words.

Got it.

I hope he can be as wise as he showed! Lu Yunkai silently complained in his heart.

After watching Professor McGonagall leave, Lu Yunkai didn't rush back to the lounge.

Because he noticed it, but in just a moment, Filch had already appeared on the steps behind him.

If the Carrows became professors at Hogwarts and Snape became the headmaster, who was the happiest person, it must be Filch. This Hogwarts caretaker who had cheered for Umbridge to become the headmaster before was now the most trusted and reliable assistant of the Carrows.

And the task given to him by the siblings was surprisingly simple: keep an eye on Lu Yunkai.

Of course, Lu Yunkai was not so disgusted with this matter. He liked to stare, so he stared! Just treat it as walking his dog...

So, he just wandered around the school, from the Owl Tower to the basement, not doing anything serious, just strolling around. When students passed by, Lu Yunkai would talk to them gently, and occasionally point his finger at Filch in the distance behind him.

In this way, more than an hour passed quickly. There was still no report about who the Carrows had arrested for interrogation, which made Lu Yunkai feel relieved.

Just when Lu Yunkai was thinking that he could probably have breakfast, a huge black figure appeared in front of him on the second floor.

A person Lu Yunkai was very familiar with, but he hadn't seen for a long time.


"Professor? Are you back?"

Seeing Snape suddenly appear in front of him, Lu Yunkai, who was about to walk to the auditorium, stopped.

"Follow me."

Snape said simply, turned around and walked back to the principal's office.

Lu Yunkai hurriedly followed, and walked into the principal's office on the Phoenix staircase one after the other.

"Did you know that the Dark Lord was coming today?"

Snape just sat on the chair and said before Lu Yunkai could say anything.

"Yeah." Lu Yunkai didn't intend to refute Snape.

"Then did you guess that this was the Dark Lord's plan?"

"...Did he deceive Nagini? I think that's unlikely."

"He not only deceived Nagini, he deceived almost everyone." Snape sighed softly and looked at Lu Yunkai deeply. "He suspected that one of his followers was Dumbledore's spy. It was because of the existence of this spy that his pursuit of Dumbledore for a month was fruitless. So he wanted to find the traitor and kill him."

"...Then you are not very dangerous?"

"Of course I know what to do and what not to do. But Nagini doesn't seem to understand." Snape shook his head, "If you don't really want Nagini to die to destroy the Dark Lord , it’s best to remind her not to ask around for information these days. Sooner or later, the Dark Lord will suspect her.”


"Also, your cat, you'd better call it back to Hogwarts. I've seen it in some very sensitive places more than once." Snape continued: "Sooner or later it will The Dark Lord will also find out."

"...I don't want to listen to Chris." Lu Yunkai sighed softly, "Before the school started this year, it told me that it had something to do, and then ran away. I haven't seen it again until now."

"Then be prepared for it to cause you trouble!" Snape nodded, "The Dark Lord will not come to school today. There will only be a group of people who will come to Hogwarts to search on his behalf."

"Who? Death Eaters?" Lu Yun's eyes twitched.

Hadn't Malfoy been tinkering with his disappearing cabinet recently? Now that Death Eaters can walk in through the front door openly, then he...

"It seems that you are still not clear about Hogwarts. You can't just get in if you want to." Snape shook his head, "Even the Dark Lord must break certain spells to enter, but for It’s not worth it to him now.”

"…So? Someone from the Ministry of Magic?"

"Yes." Snape nodded, "But a group of Death Eaters will follow the Ministry of Magic to monitor whether the Ministry of Magic is performing its tasks carefully. They will not enter the castle, but they will patrol nearby."

"...Why does it sound like someone from the Order of the Phoenix is ​​going to take action against these Death Eaters?" Lu Yunkai smelled some strange smell.

"Dumbledore has never been a gentle person." Snape smiled. "Having been chased by the Dark Lord for so long, he had already been holding back a fire in his heart. Now that the Dark Lord has sent someone to his door, He must have accepted it, but... Death Eaters may not be that easy to deal with!"

Lu Yunkai was stunned.

His eyes narrowed.

"...Don't ask." Snape interrupted Lu Yunkai's unspoken question, "I said before you can use Legilimency, don't try to get any answers you want to know from me."

"I understand." Lu Yunkai sighed softly, "Then...you mean I don't need to be too nervous today?"

"It's others who should be nervous, not you. Patrolling the school early in the morning... It's not your turn to do this kind of thing. At least not yet."

"I see."

"If you really can't sit still, you might as well learn more. In addition to potions and magic circles, wizards also have many things worth learning, such as spells." Snape looked at Lu Yunkai's somewhat empty and confused expression. With a melancholy look, he took out a notebook from his pocket and said, "This is a book a friend asked me to give you. You can read it."

"Thank you Professor, I'll go then."

"Go, remember, don't leave the castle today."


Lu Yunkai nodded and walked out of the principal's office.

Just after walking out of the staircase, Lu Yunkai took out the communication mirror from the space bag.

The wand in his hand was pointed at it, and a message to be sent to Dumbledore appeared instantly.


Lu Yunkai was stunned for a while.

Withdrawing the wand, the row of words disappeared.

Forget it, never mind it! Even if Snape wanted to see both the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters lose, what did it have to do with him?

I am still an underage wizard apprentice, so I should leave this kind of fighting and killing to adults like them!

Lu Yunkai smiled mockingly and left.

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