
“dong dong dong ——” While Anna, Dumbledore and Grindelwald were negotiating, Harry, Sirius, and Goatman also came to the small wood house of the “Old Man Jumping Pot”.

“These people have been watching us since we came here…” Goat frowns, knocking on the door while paying attention to the people around him, there are no children, most of them are adults, mostly peasant women, with nervousness on his face expression.

Harry felt uncomfortable. “Are they trying to say something?” He rubbed his arms. “A lady stood up just now and was pulled back by the old man next to her.”

Sirius tried to mix into the crowd in the form of a dog, trying to eavesdrop on what they were discussing, but was unsuccessful. It seems that the people here still have enough awe for a big black dog that has not been held, Sirius When they stepped forward, they backed away.

But Harry entire group didn’t spend too much time thinking about the strangeness of the townspeople, because the door in front of him has slowly opened. The blowing wind shook, and the sound of the bell rang,’ding dong ding dong …’makes people feel very strange.

‘No matter, Mr. Lupin may be inside,’ Harry frowns entered the house first.

There is no mess as imagined. It is no different from an ordinary shop in Diagon Alley. Perhaps it is more in line with Harry’s preference than the decoration of the’Ollivander wand shop’-the confusing cauldron decoration, air-dried The horned slugs, as well as the various silks and satin that can be used freely are hung on the beams…The sloppy decorations fill every corner, making the whole room look very lively.

“Is anyone? Mr. Lupin? Ms. Satasa’s younger sister?” Harry called out in a low voice, fearing that the small cauldrons hanging on top of his head might fall down too loudly. Goatman and Sirius followed him. .

Goatman approached the air-dried horned slug to observe carefully, frowned, “What is for sale here?” He whispered.

“This is the house of everything, as the name suggests, a place where everything can be solved,” the voice rang from the large cauldron placed in the corner, and then an old man who was not too tall came out strangely.

“Of course not everything can be solved. After realizing this, the store closed.” The old man did not come out of the cauldron, he stood inside and ordered, “So you can leave.” [ 19459002]

“Sir! Are you an old man jumping pot?” Harry thought the old man in front of him looked very ordinary, coarse cloth clothes, cloth shoes, and mental state looked good, not like a terrifying old father who would use human blood to resurrect his son , Maybe both Mr. Lupin and Satasa’s younger sister are still saved.

The old man focused his gaze on Harry, still having no intention of coming out of the cauldron, he was silent for a while and then said, “Yes and no.”

“What does this mean?” The goat guy walked over and knocked on the cauldron that the old man appeared. “Can you make it clear? Don’t fix these weird riddles?”

The old man glanced at the goat guy, “I am the old man jumping the pot, but I am not the old man jumping the pot that you are looking for.”

The goatee didn’t recognize the difference. He was a violent temper himself, and now he was even more violent, mumbled, “the people here are talking madly,” while trying to pull Harry away.

“Wait,” Harry heard the difference. “Sir, you mean…you are jumping the pot?” Harry hesitated and asked.

“Yes,” the old man clicked nodded, and still did not come out of cauldron, but at this time Harry entire group already knew the reason for his stay in cauldron.

It is not appropriate to use the word’wait’. To be precise, the old man and the cauldron are one body. A thick hairy leg stretched out from the cauldron, stepped firmly on the ground, and took the cauldron off the ground—— [19459002 ]

Now the old man doesn’t look short at all, and he is definitely the most eye-catching boy when he walks on the street.

The goatee was so surprised that he had no words. Sirius was also stared wide-eyed. Only Harry accepted this setting naturally.

“Mr. Tiao Tiao Guo, have you seen a black cloak middle-aged man with a pale complexion. He should have been here yesterday…”

“Are you not surprised that I just jumped the pot?” The old man interrupted Harry, “child, in front of you is a human cauldron!”

“Uh…yes, Mr. Jumping Pot…”

Harry scratched his head. Is this something to be surprised? You should know that the boss of Diagon Alley’Potage’s Cauldron Shop’ would turn his head into a cauldron every so often to attract customers. Of course, this kind of thing would seem curious in the Middle Ages, but in the current magic circle, it seems not so unacceptable. ——It can only be said that the times have changed, “I know a man with a cauldron head.”

Tiaotiaoguo was surprised. Harry saw his legs stand up. “Unbelievable,” he said, then Tiaotiaoguo answered Harry’s question in awe, “I did see the look you described. The pale man, he is here to find Modisti, the wanderer who came here a month ago.”

Modisti is the younger sister of Satasha’s disappearance.

“But Modisti is already not in here anymore. Someone in the capital came to the House of All Things to entrust, hoping to find some children with weird abilities. Modisti met their requirements very well… and they proposed My master couldn’t refuse the reward,” Tiao Tiao Guo paused for a moment, “We’ve never done human trading before, so this is the first time, and of course the last time.”

“The man you were looking for went to the royal capital. I think you can set off now.”

Harry turned his head to go with the goatee and glanced at each other. He didn’t know the true or false of jumping the pot. The goatee knocked on Cauldron again, “Where is your master?”

Tiao Tiao Guo didn’t want to answer the goat guy’s question.

Only Harry can take the initiative, “Mr. Jumping Pot, what kind of remuneration did the people of the royal capital propose? Why is the House of All Things closed now?”

Jumping the pot sighed, his hairy legs jumped, jumped to the edge of a shelf, and almost stepped on Sirius’ tail. He answered Harry’s question, “The people in the capital said that there is a way to resurrect the master’s son, so the master I took Modisti to the royal capital…and I haven’t come back yet…”

“I don’t want to think about it, but most likely… they won’t be able to come back,” Tiao Tiao Guo took off a gorgeous robe with precious stones from the shelf, Harry looked familiar, “This is you The man I was looking for left. He had already left. Soon after, I suddenly heard something outside the house. When I went out to look at it, only this cloak was left.”

Harry took Cloak and thanked Tiao Tiao Guo politely, and then hurried to the capital with Goat Guy and Sirius to find the man who was pierced by an arrow in the heart but came back alive from the battlefield. According to Tiao Tiao Guo revealed that it was his commission.

“I am a magical cauldron,” Tiao Tiao Guo suddenly started humming a weird ballad when Harry was about to walk out of the door, “Strong hairy legs, refined shell, I will help the people who need it most~ If you are the real Knight, then prove to me that I will provide the best weapons to help you defeat powerful enemies~”


Remus Lupin opened his eyes, his head is painful like a needle prick, as if he had drunk fake wine the night before.

‘What happened? He clutched his head, struggling to get up, groping in the dark, ‘ka-cha’ he felt that he had stepped on something, but he didn’t touch anything, he could only move towards the only light more carefully.

The only light is a stone window. Looking out from the window, there is a large forest below. Apart from this, you can see the castle outside the forest. That should be the capital of the king.

Lupin remembered why he was here, and learned that Satasha’s younger sister Modisti had been brought in, and the king rushed to look for it, but as soon as he went out, he just saw the clouds disappear. The exposed full moon was forced to be transformed into a werewolf under the helpless. Fortunately, there were no people in the small town at night without causing unnecessary casualties. After running to the side of the capital, the guards of the strange force caught them… and then they were locked here.

Lupin rubbed his head, it hurts to be knocked by the guard with a wooden stick…werewolf can lose consciousness, it seems that he can’t meet force with the guard here, he touched his sleeve, fortunately , Wand was not taken away.

“Lumos!” Lupin used a lighting spell to make the wand port emit a faint light so that he could see the surrounding environment clearly.

This is a cell, the only decoration is two bones sitting against the wall, Lupin frowns moved there, judging by the thick dust on the bones, these two people have been dead for a long time Time passed, and the calf bone of one of the skeletons was pitifully broken in two, and Lupin finally knew what he had just stepped on.

Merlin’s beard… he sighed, and pointed at the calf bone with wand, “Reparo!” The bone was restored to its original shape perfectly.

“Call—” Lupin relieved.

But soon the breath was stuck back into the chest cavity, because the repaired bone suddenly spoke.

“Thank you, so sweet, sweetheart.”

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