
Nurmengard in the early morning was shrouded in a layer of mist, exuding a ghostly atmosphere under the sunlight. Anna and Phoenix Fawkes appeared at the gate of Nurmengard, and a burst of flame instantly burned a lot of dead leaves.

Anna followed the previous route through the hall, climbed the stairs, and then came to the sealed black door. Fawkes stepped forward and pecked, the door could be opened easily, “pa,” Anna turned on the flashlight and walked in.

The strange thing here is that the go with look here is not the same when I came last time, although the room is still empty as always, “Fuck”, Anna’s basket almost fell to the ground.

Although a week’s time is not short, but not long, it will not make an old gentleman who is still decent even in prison become what he is now-a thin, severely malnourished coarse cloth. old man, right? His image can be featured on social law programs criticizing “elder abuse”!

Anna stepped back strategically, “Uh, I don’t know there are other people here, I’m bothering you,” she thought she had gone wrong, and the person in front of her was completely different from the last time Grindelwald.

“Anna,” lying on the bed looking very weak, the poor old man called out Anna’s name, his voice hoarse and fine, and then he laughed, “a surprise.”

God, this is no surprise, he seems to be going to see Merlin soon! Anna suddenly felt guilty for bringing a kipper burger, “Mr. Grindelwald?” She confirmed again.

“It’s me,” Grindelwald nodded, whose coarse cloth prison uniform made him look like a house elf wrapped in sheets.

“I usually like to dress casually, and I don’t have the strength to maintain magic all the time,” Grindelwald explained for the completely different image now and last time. He struggled to sit up from the bed, moving very lightly, as if slightly Squeezing will kill him,’Squeaky-‘ The rusty iron bed of Scabbers issued a cry for help, even though there was only an old man who might be less than ninety jins sitting on it.

“So, what good food did you bring to me?” Anna suddenly felt that the bamboo basket in her hand was extremely heavy, and a little Goblin named’guilt’ was roaring in her head, “Look at you Anna! What good food did you bring to this frail old man?!”

“Uh…” Anna took out the same things in the basket, first a can of Coke, Grindelwald eyebrows raised, “Wow, it looks like something old people should drink, so sweet.”

Anna took out a baguette, paused for a second, and put it back in silence.

“When I was young, to be precise, when I still had teeth,” Grindelwald smiled, “Eating this stuff with spaghetti sauce is a treat.”

“Next time I will bring you spaghetti,” Anna continued to fumble in the bamboo basket, frowning and she brought out a plate of steak that I didn’t know was a bit cooked. This is the most normal food in a bamboo basket. I just don’t know if Grindelwald’s teeth can bear it.

Anna took a look at Grindelwald secretly, not knowing if she had misunderstood-Grindelwald seemed to have no teeth.


Anna looked down at the last thing in the bamboo basket.

“Would you not take it out?” Grindelwald was already eating very hard with the steak. He didn’t complain at all, which made Anna even more guilty. Originally, he just wanted to test whether Grindelwald had changed his evil and returned to the right, and explored the bottom line, but completely forgot He is already over a hundred years old.

“Uh…you mean stick bread?” Anna didn’t want to take out the kipper burger, for her own conscience, but also because the taste of the kipper burger was too big.

“No,” Grindelwald is still smiling, “I mean the Hogwarts specialty kipper burger.”

Wait, how did he know that there are kippers in the bamboo basket? Anna wrinkled frowned, she was very sure that she didn’t stare into his eyes, he was impossible to herself Legilimency, and Grindelwald was not a natural photographer, “Is this your prophecy? Mr. Grindelwald?”

Grindelwald clicked nodded, and the corner of his left mouth slightly raised, as if to say an insignificant little thing, “Indeed, my prophecy.”

Anna doesn’t think that prediction can predict such accurate results, but she is curious about Grindelwald’s skills, “May I have a chance to learn this technology?” She paused for a second, “In exchange, I can satisfy you Not too demanding.”

“Child,” Grindelwald took out the evil kipper burger from the basket, “Prophecy requires innate talent, and I am a little curious about your innate talent.”

He shook the hamburger in his hand and stared at Anna’s curly brown hair, “Then let’s do a test. No matter what method you use, make a prediction for me.”

Anna shrugged, “Of course, Mr. Grindelwald,” she picked up the baguette and swiped it in the air symbolically, pretending that she was making a serious prediction, and even said something like “jackfruit”. She couldn’t figure out the Chinese, she stopped, “Oh, Mr. Grindelwald–it’s a pity, I saw a man without a nose here who took your life.”

“he he he he …” Grindelwald didn’t seem to be too convinced, and his tears were about to come out from his smile. “Very good prediction, I haven’t been so happy for a long time,” he finally stopped laughing. “I believe I will die here. As for people without noses, let’s tentatively think that they exist.”

But in fact, he does exist. Anna tilted her head and wondered about Grindelwald’s prophecy. He could predict the characteristic marinated fish burger, but could not predict Voldemort?

“Mr. Grindelwald, can you demonstrate again? Your prophecy?” Anna put on a look of expectation that ordinary little girls often show, mainly imitating Miss Ginny who wants to eat pudding.

Grindelwald took a bite of the marinated fish burger and suppressed the feeling of vomiting, “Of course, Anna, that is really simple, but the future can’t be said too much, let’s talk about you Right.”

“Me?” Anna stared at the burger in Grindelwald’s hand. “If I remember correctly, we are now meeting for the second time, Mr. Grindelwald.”

“But I knew you a long time ago,” Grindelwald slightly nodded, “by prophecy.”

Anna did not speak.

“I know who set off the fireworks in Diagon Alley, and who secretly made the gap between the iron railings in Azkaban,” Grindelwald continued, “I’m sitting here, and I can know about you through predictions. See your lives.”

Anna frowned, “These may be what Headmaster Dumbledore told you, or it may be you and me Legilimency.”

“We all know that Legilimency has to look directly into the eyes of the other person, which is why you come here to refuse to look at me completely,” Grindelwald shrugged, “As for Albus, why did he tell me this? [19459002 ]

Grindelwald continued, “Oh, I also saw someone sneaking into Hogwarts with a friend. She knew the secret passage code and knew that a certain girl was a Metamorphmagus.”

Anna’s eyes widened. She was completely shocked by Grindelwald’s prophecy. If this is really prophecy, it would be too strong.

“Anna, you have great potential——” Grindelwald paused for a second, “Maybe I also have the innate talent of prophecy, I can teach you prophecy, then it also means that you will become my student, voila Although we only met twice, but I understand your experience, you know my time of death, we became close a lot in an instant.”

“Oh, dear Anna, don’t look at me like that. If I am destined to be killed by the man without a nose, I would rather leave something before I leave,” Grindelwald began to cough violently. “After all, I Now it’s just a weak old man harmless to humans and animals.”

The weak old man of harmless to humans and animals who is good at prophecy.

Interesting, although I don’t know what Grindelwald predicted and wanted to make herself his student, Anna was completely overwhelmed by such prophecy, “Your prophecy is indeed very strong, Professor Grindelwald.”

“Thank you for your praise, Anna, many people say so,” he put the kipper burger in his hand back into the bamboo basket, “don’t let your professor taste this kind of food next time, it’s better than looking up at the stars It’s uncomfortable-remember, I’m just a weak and unthreatening old man.”

“Uh… I will bring something nice next time, I promise.”

“That couldn’t be better.”

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