Hogwarts Melon Eater

Chapter 278: home, sweet home ②

It was past four o'clock in the afternoon when the train entered platform nine and three-quarters of the King's Railway Station.

Anna stared at the poor flight attendant outside through the glass at the door of the box. She had observed the worker for some time, and came to the conclusion that the flight attendant of the Hogwarts Express was not easy.

Braided hair, fitted uniforms, and some stiff movements caused by overwork, the flight attendant wizard used a steely smile to cover up the angry creaking of her white teeth from time to time, she waved her hand and pointed to a little wizard in fancy clothes, "Yes. , don't forget to change into muggle clothes... that boy, oops, you forgot to take off your hat!"

"Please queue up to get off the train, don't be crowded and slapstick, my Merlin, don't die! Fireworks and firecrackers are prohibited in the train!"

The sweat on the forehead of the flight attendant shone with shreds of light under the sunlight, reflecting the busyness of the workers everywhere, "Don't rush out of the station, you haven't taken your luggage yet!"

"There are also wizards who need to transfer. Please pay attention to our timetable. It is hung on the wall next to the exit. Don't get off at the wrong station, or you will be too late to go home for dinner."

After everything was sorted out (which took at least half an hour), everyone lined up with their luggage and waited at the exit post, where there was a very old, very old wizard maintaining order, and only allowed two or three wizards at a time. Get out of the post and mix into the crowd, lest these little wizards, who are stubborn, swarm out like mad bison, and smash the poor Muggles away.

The speed of the old wizard is very slow, whether it is the speed of speaking or the speed of moving his body.

He has really reached the age of retirement, his upper and lower lips are trembling all the time, and he has to catch his breath after a few words, but he is still very dedicated and greets everyone with a smile;

"Summer vacation—happy, I wish you—have a good time—and, be careful—safe, don’t use—magic in the—Muggle world.”

Anna followed the Weasleys' children out of the station, and soon found Lena holding Ivan in a prominent position, Harry, Ron standing beside her, and Ms. Molly holding Ginny.

"Here we are!" Harry and Ron jumped up and waved, and Ivan also waved a small fist in his mother's arms, "This!"

"Dear children - I miss you so much!" Ms. Molly rushed over and hugged each child warmly.

"Anna dear! It's getting more and more cute! Look at those big charming eyes," Ms. Molly touched Anna's little arm kindly, "I heard that your grades are very good, oh, our Anna , what a good boy with excellent character and study!"

"Thank you, Ms. Molly," Anna patted the back of her head embarrassedly, "Actually, she's not that good at both academics and conduct..."

Ms. Molly patted Anna's back enthusiastically, "Honey, you are so humble—oh Charlie!"

Ms. Molly turned her attention to Charlie who was pulling the suitcase, "My good boy, congratulations on graduating from Hogwarts, we have prepared a huge surprise for you..."

"Mom!" Ron hurriedly grabbed the hem of Ms. Molly's skirt, "You're about to leak!"

"Uh! Anyway, hey! Percy!" Ms. Molly hurriedly changed the topic of the surprise party and greeted Percy who was beside Charlie, "Your grades are as good as ever, you really never let us worry about it, I've got your room ready, my dear, and the little window on the west side is open, and I know you like the air in your room."

"Oh," Percy nodded with a smile, "Thank you Mom..."

Before he finished speaking, Ms. Molly had already poked her gaze on the twins behind him, "Look, there are two more children here—"

Ms. Molly stepped in and walked over, with a smile of 'I really want to educate you' on her face.

She hugged Fred and George harder, and patted them on the back, "Aw, Fred, George, you're a lot stronger, a lot naughter, and a lot more naughty. Vitality—wouldn't it be about getting a good night's sleep in Potions class to feed your spirits?"

Who dares to sleep in Snape's class, that's really not wanting to live, Fred and George shrank and shook their heads.

"Mom, this exam is really out of order," George tried to quibble.

"Opportunities are always given to those who are prepared. If you are prepared, how can you fail to perform well? It seems that you still fail to recognize your mistakes," Ms. Molly announced the bad news with her hands on her hips. "Maybe you To be able to chat with the goblins about potions while cleaning the backyard."

"No, Mom! We've got to be house-elves for the Potions Professor! Where's the time to clean the backyard!" Fred shouted desperately, "This is utterly cruel exploitation of poor children, what we need It was a happy childhood!"

"Pfft," Ron laughed aside, "but you made my childhood very happy, thank you very much."

Anna rolled her eyes at the twins staring at Ron, and it was very easy to predict that Ron's childhood might not be as happy as he imagined.

"Sister," a very soft and cute voice came through, shattering the noise of the train station and shielding the twins' wailing, like a candy-smelling wind, whizzing into Anna's ear.

My brother will call me sister, he has changed from a meat ball to a cute meat ball that can be called sister, Anna walked over in surprise and pinched the cheek of Ai Wen, who was being held by Lena, "Tell me again. who I am?"

"Anna," Ivan giggled.

"That's not what you called just now," Anna squeezed his cheek again.

"Anna," Ai Wen didn't change his mind until Anna took out a lollipop, "Sister."

Very smart, Anna nodded and handed him the lollipop.

"Welcome back, dear Anna," Lena leaned down and gave Anna an intimate hug with Ai Wen, and she touched Anna's head.

"I've been learning from the food show for a long time for today's menu. Now it's almost time to go back and prepare, oh, wait here, I'll drive the car here!"

Lianna hurried away, and Harry, who was standing beside him, coughed.

"Hey, long time no see," Harry chose the most old-fashioned nonsense literature to chat with friends. He may have some social barriers. When he sees a friend he hasn't seen in a while, he always feels a little strange and needs to get to know each other again. "Go on The last time we met was... er, last time."

"Harry," Anna cast a glance at him, "did you forget my name?"

"What? Oh! Of course not!" Harry scrambled for a moment, "Anna, how could I... Of course I remember your name!"

"Then why do you feel like a stranger who has lost his memory and came to ask for directions?" Anna tilted her head and stared at Harry who didn't know where to put her hand, "It's only been a few months since we haven't seen you, and my friendship with you is worth it. It's almost zero?"

"No! I..." Harry was eager to explain but was quickly held back by Anna's question.

"You guys have final exams too, right? How are you doing?"

"I—" Harry took a deep breath and suddenly relaxed, he couldn't help laughing, oh, when it comes to studying, the familiar Anna came back, "I'm doing well in the test, I'm better than Ron a little."

Taking Ron as a unit of measurement, it was only a little bit better. It seems that Harry's grades may not be so good. If it is really good, he should proudly announce that he and Hermione are side by side.

Seeing that Anna still wanted to say something about her grades, Harry quickly changed the subject, "Uh, I, um, hey! Did you know that Hermione found a new tutor?" He rubbed his wrist.

"Have I been back recently?"

"Huh?" Harry answered honestly, "No, why don't I remember?"

"Then of course I didn't know that Hermione found a new tutor, dear Harry."

"Oh, of course—" Harry scratched his cheek embarrassedly. He always felt that Anna's way of speaking had changed. Maybe the environment of the new school had an impact on her. Harry was always sensitive to these subtle changes. , "Hermione found a house-elf as a tutor, one of those... creatures like your Dudu, who got the flyer when she was shopping for books in Diagon Alley."

Oh? The house-elves are finally starting to frown? It seemed that Mark's series of operations were quite effective, and Anna touched her chin.

After founding the company, the elf Mark was often worried about the lack of employees. The elf who could accept new ideas was still in the minority. The traditional house-elves were more willing to obey their masters unconditionally rather than their own hearts.

"Most house-elves don't have the consciousness of being human, let alone let them fight and resist for their rights as human beings," Anna and Mark sat on a wooden barrel in the corner after an afternoon tea. Such a conversation, "They don't know what they could have, and they are pitifully fixed from birth to the lies woven by the exploiters."

"Then... what should we do?" Mark frowned, and the wrinkles on his face suddenly became much more obvious under the light. He thought of his compatriots who suffered and suffered too much, but he still felt that these were all for granted. .

"Mark, you are different from other house-elves, what's the difference?"

Mark thought for a while, and the more he thought about his thin back, the straighter he straightened, and then he looked at Anna very firmly, "That's the difference of thought, I think from the bottom of my heart that I should have legal rights, and I and other wizards No difference, I can use spells, and I can tell right from wrong - I'm no worse than anyone else, and no one has the right to make me their slave."

"Then let's free the minds of house-elves," Anna stretched out her hand to Mark, "take the word "housekeeping" off the elf's head, and there will be no house-elves anymore, but the elves of society It's a free elf!"

Mark's thin hand and Anna's strong hand clasped tightly.

Since then, Mark has often given passionate speeches in the Hogwarts kitchen, "I hope that one day the house-elves will finally unite and have the ability and opportunity to realize their dreams and be free to marry the person they love; I I hope that one day, in an elegant art gallery, the children of the elf will be able to sit with the children of the pure-blood wizards, and both have the right to appreciate beauty..."

"It's great, I just hope they don't admire the heads of house-elves hanging on the wall," the house-elves passing by carrying the vegetable basket complained.

Mark ignored him, he coughed and continued his speech, "I hope that one day, my child will not be enslaved because he is a elf, he will have human rights and let himself be his own master - I With dreams and goals, the magical world should change, and one day the elf will stand freely in the sun, bathed in the warm soft light, and smell the fragrance of flowers and plants!"

Mark's speech was not ineffective. From the beginning, everyone covered their ears and walked away from him. Later, occasionally a few house-elves would stop and listen to what he was saying. Over time, a few elves would talk unconsciously. Two sentences 'right as a human being'.

At the same time, Mark has repeatedly asked Principal Dumbledore to borrow the TV of the Muggle Studies classroom, and played the adaptations of famous novels such as "Xue Lin X", "Misery X World" and "Orphans of X" in a prominent position in the kitchen, emphasizing the suffering of poor people. The oppression and the splendid flower of humanity that bloomed in the crisis and suffering resonated with the house-elves and the hard-working and kind-hearted working people inside.

Later, "Suet X" and "X Notre Dame de la Li" were played. The naked tragedy made the house elves feel sympathy for the poor lady Suet Ball, while the kind and simple Quasimodo who descended into the clock tower eccentricity was in love for the little angel. While Smeralda observed a moment of silence, she felt utter anger at feudal rule.

Finally, play the fresh theme "E.T. Aliens" that was released a few years ago. If even alien visitors who are more grotesque than house-elves can be friends with humans, instead of you enslaving me and I whip you, then house-elves And why can't the wizard change the status quo and become friends, which will bring great confidence to the elves.

The house-elves are very interested in this novel entertainment, and sometimes they even watch TV while cooking, which leads to a whole can of salt in the dishes.

At Anna's suggestion, Mark also played more movies adapted from famous novels to enrich the inner world of house elves and broaden their horizons. "Detective X Sherlock", "Pride X Prejudice", "South X North", "Romeo and X Lie", etc., the effect is very good, even let a deeply oppressed elf say, "Human wisdom is Included in these two words, wait, and hope!"

Although he was led astray by another elf in the next second, "Let's not be human, the wisdom of house elf should be included in the master and obedience!"

"Indeed," the house-elf who was washing dishes paused, then nodded in agreement.

Mark shook his head, alas, overall this is a good start.

Let's put aside the question of the long-term front of house-elves' ideological liberation and return to the matter of Hermione looking for a tutor. After Hermione used the owl to send an email with Jin Galleon, the one who came to work was a man named Weaving house elf.

"Sir, it's nice to meet you, but soon you won't be able to see Zhizhi. Zhizhi will hide and clean the house secretly without you finding out," said the timid smile. Lady Elf tugged at her pillowcase clothes with dry fingers.

Hermione's father, Mr. Granger, a sane dentist, quickly accepted the existence of house-elves after he reconfirmed that the creature in front of him was not an evil creature created by the mating of a chihuahua raised by the wife next door and a wild bat.

"Why hide and clean the house secretly?" Hermione's mother talked to Hermione in a low voice, "Are you sure it didn't mean to secretly pack our house and take it away?"

"Oh, that's because they think that a good house-elf should do all the housework perfectly without anyone noticing...wait for it," Hermione frowned when she suddenly noticed a question, "Weaving Madam, I didn't ask someone to do the housework, I think I sent a letter asking for tutoring?"

Zhizhi patted his forehead suddenly, "Yes, yes, please let Zhizhi be your tutor, dear Miss Granger, Zhizhi lived for more than a hundred years, before the master was caught in Azka. Ben has been serving the esteemed Avery family before, and at that time, he took care of many young masters and young ladies!"

Zhizhi patted his chest proudly, "Whether it's using fresh cow testicles to make emotional potions, or using feathers to summon a not-so-happy wild wicked bird... Oh! Zhizhi can also tell you the most beautiful thing in the last hundred years. The terrifying list of wizard homicides, if you're wondering—"

Hearing this, Mrs. Granger felt a little dizzy. It was unfortunate that Hermione had to deal with her mother's deep anxiety before she began to learn the ranking of wizard murderers from her tutor.


"Hey, Harry, don't you think it took my mother too much time to drive?" Anna looked down at her watch. The minute hand had moved from one to seven, which meant almost half an hour had passed, Weasley The family had already packed up more than ten minutes ago, said goodbye to Anna and the others, and then went home in a flying Ford sedan.

There were people coming and going at the train station. From time to time, someone cast curious glances at Anna and Harry. Oh yes, Anna is still carrying Catherine's cage. It's hard for such a big owl not to attract attention.

"It's been a long time indeed," Harry turned his head and glanced at the guard leaning on the edge of the pillar, who kept looking over here, "if Ms. Lena doesn't come again, the guard over there may come over and ask if we should leave. lost."

"Anna!" Linna's voice finally came from the door, "Harry! Fortunately, you all stay where you are!"

She hurried over and wiped the dense beads of sweat from her forehead with a wave of her hand. It was not difficult to see that she was in a state of anxiety before seeing the children.

"What's wrong mom?" Anna handed Lina a tissue, "Can't you find where the car is parked?"

"Oh dear, it's almost, it's almost the same," Lianna took a breath and shook her head again, "To be precise, our car was stolen, just a while ago, fortunately I didn't write it down. Put the manuscript on the car, or I really have to ask a wizard to curse the little thief who stole the car!"

"What?!" Harry and Anna exclaimed in surprise at the same time.

Anna really could not have imagined that such a thing as a car theft could happen to her. She thought it was ridiculous and angry, "Did you call the police, Mom?"

"It's been called to the police, it's alright, don't be angry, children. The police said that there is still a certain chance that our car will be recovered. If the car thief turns himself in to the police station..."

Which car thief would turn himself in at the police station? ! Anna didn't know what to say, but it seemed that Lena was more optimistic about this matter. The main reason was that she had already planned to change to a new car. Although the yellow Beetle was a classic, it seemed that Ford was more popular here.

"Anyway, we can't stand here foolishly," Linna took the cage from Anna's hand, she smiled and cheered up in front of the children, "As it happens, I happened to meet a kind friend who was willing to send Let's go, come on kids, get moving, Ai Wen is already waiting in the car."

"Thank you so much Merlin, is that a considerate gentleman or a kind lady?" Anna dragged the suitcase and followed behind Lena.

"It's an elegant gentleman, Mr. Souris White. We met at the new book signing. By the way, he is still my client," Lena winked at Anna.

"I'm writing a biography of his mother, Walburga White, the White family is a super big family, very rich, and Mr. Soureth is also a generous person. The price of writing this biography alone is enough for us. Got a nice car."

"Oh! It's Mr. White!" Harry looked a little too excited, "I didn't expect to meet him here!"

"Do you know him too, Harry?"

"Yeah, he's been visiting Privet Drive a lot lately, mostly for his mother's biography—but he's really nice!" Harry emphasized, looking at Anna's eyes with sparks of excitement, "Mr. White always brings us goodies and fun, and even took me, Ron and Irving to the amusement park all day!"

"He's so cool! Whether it's the hairstyle, the clothes, um, or everything else, you'll know when you see him—all—cool!" The compliment jumped out of Harry's mouth for free, "You You know, one time we went to eat ice cream, and then met a gangster who was robbing a lady's wallet on the road, Mr. White reacted super fast, turned around and chased after him, easily grabbed the man, pressed him hard On the ground!"

Harry shook his head with a sigh, "If I'm destined to grow up, then I hope to be an adult like him in the future!"

This is already the highest evaluation a child can give. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Mr. White will be delighted to hear you say that," Lena Furfur laughed, then saw the dark red Jaguar XJ40 sharply, "Oh! He's already driven over—this way this way!"

Anna finally had a chance to meet Mr. White, the legendary good man. The first thing that catches her eye is the unruly hair that has been applied with hair oil, followed by his decent and expensive shirt and vest. Mr. White starts from the right. The driver's seat reached out to greet Lianna, and then quickly opened the door and got out of the car.

Those charming gray eyes are definitely the first choice for the perverted killers. White is a beautiful man. Although he does not look particularly young, his frown and frown have a special taste. There must be more than one person. Wanting to get close to his face, sympathetically stroking the marks left by the years on his face.

The strange thing is that Anna has an inexplicable sense of familiarity. Of course, this is not the fact that the handsome guy wants to get close. That kind of familiarity is real. "Suris White?" She frowned and read Mr. White again. name.

White laughed. At that moment, he was not only a handsome young man, but also had a sense of mystery, with a hint of rebelliousness and wildness. "Lena," White hugged Lianna, and then Harry next to him, and then he Looking at Anna.

"It's the first time we met, but I've already learned a lot about you from your mother," White shook hands with Anna, smiling with white teeth, which made him appear more sincere, "Miss Anna."

"Hello, Mr. White," Anna nodded. She felt that this young man's right hand was very rough, and the position of the tiger's mouth even had a thick layer of calluses—perhaps he was not such a simple son.

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