Chapter 239: Not having to do homework is the proof of academic excellence.

Even in the world of wizards, wizards will have all kinds of topics to talk about, and no matter how interesting they are, they will be washed away like gravel in water in ordinary life.

Although Quirrell’s death caused a great sensation at the time, it was quickly forgotten by the students in their daily studies. They would only occasionally think of it, sigh briefly, and then continue their lives.

Quirrell has few relatives and no one to commemorate him. In the end, he will become a symbol on the Ministry of Magic files and then gather dust.

In comparison, the disappearance of those pure-blood wizards is more important and attracts more attention. At least for some students at Hogwarts, this is sad news.

Because many of those missing are their relatives or even parents. And these miserable students are often concentrated in Slytherin. There’s no way, who wants Slytherin’s Death Eater family to do more?

This made the joy and laughter of Hogwarts gray in the past, and the school was filled with a dull atmosphere.

In this dreary atmosphere, Easter has arrived. Many students carry their suitcases and go home for Easter, but this holiday is not easy.

In addition to those who have to face an empty home, ordinary students may face a terrifying amount of homework during the Easter holidays

”So what exactly is the Easter holiday supposed to be about, and are professors giving enough homework?”

Ernie was sitting in the library as if he was out of his body.

He had too much homework during the Easter holiday. In order to prevent him from being locked up at the end of the holiday, Ernie did not choose to go home, but took the time to do his homework.

”There is no way, who told me that the final exam will be two weeks after the Easter holiday? Oh, what should I do when it comes to the exam? I still can’t pass the transformation spell.”

Justin complained

”Shh! Please keep your voice down, Mrs. Pince is looking over here!”

Susan whispered.

”If you don’t want to be kicked out of the library, don’t talk.”

”Yes, if you are kicked out at this time, you will definitely not be able to keep up with the progress. I still want to play for two days and have fun.”

Hannah said

”But when it comes to homework, why is Leonard so relaxed? Ernie looked at Leonard angrily and muttered, staring at the parchment as he wrote, his mind a little stuck.

”This is too······too···”

”How abominable!”

Justin added to Ernie

”That’s so abominable!”

Ernie nodded.

Speaking of Leonard, Susan and Hannah couldn’t help but look at Leonard sitting next to them. Compared to them who were busy writing and writing, Leonard who was reading leisurely looked particularly chic.

”Hey, hey, I came back to help you choose homework materials after you begged me, so don’t be ungrateful.”

Hearing someone mention himself, Leonard raised his head and said

”That being said, why don’t you have any homework?”

Ernie complained

”Probably because most professors think that my level is pretty good and there is no need to do homework, right?”

Leonard said as he flipped through the tome in his hand.

Ever since he tasted the benefits of having a good relationship with Professor Sprout and being exempted from homework, Leonard began to take the initiative to show his learning progress in front of professors in various subjects.

After all, Leonard felt that writing homework was a waste of his time. Not having to do homework

was the proof of academic excellence. This process was quite smooth, except for Professor Sprout, who was the first to exempt himself from homework. The one who was exempted from homework was Professor Flitwick.

This professor was already very optimistic about Leonard’s ability to cast spells silently and without a wand. After Leonard’s several insinuations, he easily agreed to Leonard’s request not to do homework..

Next came the homework for the astronomy class. The main content of the astronomy class was to mark the names and locations of the planets in the solar system. Most of the homework was handed in in the form of drawings.

For this, Leonard just showed the contents of the encyclopedia he had read in his previous life. I got exemption from homework.

Transfiguration Curse is considered the most difficult class, but after Leonard took the initiative to perform several perfect transformations, Professor McGonagall agreed to Leonard’s request.

Why Transfiguration Curse Which class is the most rare? Why not the Potions class or the History of Magic class? Because the old professors of these two courses have no intention of agreeing to Leonard’s request.

Needless to say, Snape, the relationship between them is It was not easy, but the professor of the history of magic, Bin Cuthbert, ignored Leonard at all. After the lecture, the guy ran away through the wall….

Leonard was so angry that he almost gave him a hard blow with his soul-targeting magic.

So, in theory, Leonard still has homework, and he still needs Potions homework and History of Magic homework with the largest number of words, but so what? In the face of Leonard’s speed, no homework can survive until the next day, and Leonard will show off that day.

As for the rest of the time, of course, you can do your own things or do things required by the professor. Leonard slowly turned the pages of the book in his hand, his expression calm as if he was reading a casual novel.

Susan on the side looked curiously. She was dizzy due to the dense small words on the page and quickly retracted her head, and asked in surprise.

”Leonard, what are you reading? It seems so difficult”

”Yes, I have never seen this book.”

Justin also asked curiously

”It was a book in the restricted area. When I first came here, I saw Leonard coming out of the restricted area with this book in his hand. Ernie said casually

”Restricted book area!!!”

The Hufflepuff students sitting around all exclaimed at the same time.

At this moment, a sharp, knife-like gaze shot over, causing the surprised Hufflepuffs to bury their heads in their books and not even dare to raise their heads. Pince The lady’s eyes were sharp, and she turned around the heads of the Hufflepuffs. 0.1 was like an executioner holding a big knife, but she paused when passing by Leonard’s face, and then looked away. The pressure on the top of the head was greatly reduced., the Hufflepuffs breathed a sigh of relief.

To say who is the most terrifying person in Hogwarts, it must be Mrs. Pince. She is even scarier than Filch, staring with a straight face. It felt like a mouse being stared at by an owl.

Several people raised their heads and looked at Leonard, whose movements had not changed at all. They couldn’t help but sigh that he was indeed Leonard, even in the face of Mrs. Pince’s gaze. Can be so calm


Susan asked softly

”How did you get into the restricted area?”

”Walked in. Leonard said casually.


God walked in. Is this what she asked?

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