Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 301: Human Pillar Program

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Looking at the disorganized appearance of his own laboratory, and comparing Kyle's tidy laboratory, the twin brothers scratched the back of their heads embarrassedly.

George walked to a wall in the laboratory and pulled a thick iron chain about the thickness of an arm hanging on the wall.

Immediately, the ground in the middle of the laboratory cracked a huge black gap, and all the messy things in the laboratory disappeared into the crack.

Uh... Such a cleaning method is essentially equivalent to creating a new folder on the messy computer desktop, and then throwing everything into the new folder.

When the laboratory was cleaned up, George pulled another iron chain, and the sound of rumbling came from the laboratory immediately, and in a flash, a huge iron cage appeared in the center of the room.

This iron cage must be at least 30 meters high, and each fence above it is the thickness of a normal person's thigh, and it is also engraved with various defensive magic patterns.

Seeing this, Kyle waved his hand, and a ball of fiery red jelly-like objects the size of a basketball floated out of his pocket.

In the middle of the jelly, a squid could be vaguely seen.

Placing the jelly in the center of the iron cage, Kyle lifted the ban on the Four Red Sun Formation, and at the same time, the shrinking spell on the big squid lost its effectiveness.

As the jelly shattered, the squid's body malfunctioned as quickly as a balloon.

If they hadn't made the iron cage big enough from the beginning, it would have been impossible for the cage to hold this big squid.

Looking at the comatose squid, Kyle made several handprints.

Water escape! Water blast!

A huge water firm rises from the ground, covering the squid's body with a thick water film, so that it can continue to breathe through its gills and not die of suffocation.

Cedric poured a lot of anaesthetic into the water to make sure he didn't wake up halfway through the surgery.

While the squid was absorbing the anesthetic, Kyle was not idle. He kept moving out jars of bright red liquid, which were all the essence extracted from the blood of the Raem cattle.

It is almost equivalent to ten times the concentrated blood of Raem bull. If the wizard drinks it, it can get ten times stronger effect than drinking the blood of Raem directly.

Uh, but if you do that, you are more likely to die directly.

Only hybrid giants like Hagrid, or those magical beasts with tyrannical physiques, can withstand its effects.

That's right, after finishing the most basic transformation for the big squid, Kyle will give these things to the big squid.

It's like injecting Captain America with super soldier serum.

Last month, when the big squid was sleeping, Kyle sneaked into the water, cut a small section from its tentacles, and conducted a fusion experiment with Riem's ​​bovine blood essence.

With the knowledge of potions that Snape imparted to him without reservation, Kyle can barely be regarded as a half potions master now.

Coupled with the previous experience of helping Cedric brew the bloodline fusion potion, he easily fine-tuned the bloodline fusion potion, and used this potion as a catalyst to promote the bloodline fusion between the two magical animals.

The fusion experiment of the two was naturally a success.

But it was just a fusion between a small piece of tissue and a vial of blood.

If there is a complete fusion, Kyle is very curious, what kind of wonderful chemical reaction will there be between the two, and what kind of monster will they create in the end?

After the anaesthetic took effect, George and Fred immediately disemboweled the giant squid.

No way, the other party's brain grows in the middle of the body, just above the mouth, so he can only open his belly.

What the twin brothers have to do is to implant an alchemical prop similar to a chip into the brain of this big squid.

This was developed after the two of them burned a large number of brain cells, allowing this big squid to be controlled by their fathers while retaining most of their self-awareness.

However, this chip can only simply affect the subconscious mind of the implanted person and make them loyal to the fathers.

And this thing can't work on wizards yet, because human brain activity is too complex, only those magical animals with relatively simple minds are affected by it.

While the twin brothers operated on the squid's brain, Kyle and Cedric, who were good at polymorphism, were constantly performing black magic transformations on the squid's body.

What they mainly modified was the respiratory system of this big squid.

Breathing by gills alone greatly limits the fighting power of this big squid-because it can only fight in water.

Once the battlefield is moved to land, its combat effectiveness will be sharply reduced, and a fire dragon with a little bit of backing can use its dragon breath to bake it into dried squid little by little in the distance.

What the two of them have to do is to let it have a second breathing system and the ability to exert its full combat power on land.

Of course, these black magic transformations will inevitably affect the mind of this big squid, but only the transformation of the respiratory system will not make it more murderous and bloodthirsty like Voldemort. a little grumpy

Old Fu in his student days, what a good young man, with unparalleled talent and a bright future. It can be said that he and Kyle are completely the same type of person.

But then he performed black magic transformation surgery on himself, and then he became brutal and became a terrorist.

Whoops, off topic.

Also, it doesn't matter much if it becomes as murderous as Lao Fu.

Kyle and the others are confident that they can control this big squid~www.wuxiamtl.com~ After all, with Kyle's current strength, even if the Hydra appeared in front of it at the beginning, Kyle could use Susanoo to put it down. It's held down.

"Hydra! You are too powerful, you need to be sealed!"

Hydra: ? ? ?

Of course, this is only the first layer of insurance.

The reason why the fathers are not afraid of it becoming cruel is that there is another layer of insurance, that is, the alchemy chip made by George and Fred.

Under the control of that alchemy chip, the big squid was unable to take action against the four of them.

In the same way, as long as Hogwarts students are added to the white list, there is no need for this grumpy squid to hurt Hogwarts students.

The material of mithril has the dual function of protecting magic, and there is no need to worry about the chip being damaged in battle.

In addition to this second layer of insurance, there is also a third layer of insurance for those who are worried about fathers, that is, another plan for those who are worried about fathers - the Renzhuli plan.

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