Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 338: Have you... seen my heyday?

The madly fleeing crowd brought considerable trouble to Kyle's retrograde.

For this reason, he had to use Transfiguration to raise part of the ground, and a towering stone pillar was raised in the center of the camp, so that he and the crowd below were separated.

Standing on the stone pillar, Kyle looked at the group of dark wizards who were wreaking havoc in the distance, with a dangerous light in his eyes.

Along with a puff of white smoke, a huge thunderbird broke through the smoke and leaped out.

After a short dive, it flew over the heads of the group at high speed, saving the Roberts family of four who were being tortured by the Morphing Torture Curse.

At this time, the group of wizards who were wreaking havoc noticed the figure above the stone pillar.

"Did you notice me?" Kyle folded his arms and let out a disdainful chuckle.

The majestic magic power belonging to the silent person burst out violently. Although the magic power is invisible without any attributes attached, the momentum that goes straight into the sky is still like a heavy hammer, hitting everyone heavily. mind.

Although there was no deliberate impact, the rock under Kyle's feet still cracked a little under the pressure.

The camp was suddenly caught in a rather strange situation.

Kyle's appearance seemed to be like a needle of the sea god, and the deterrent aura that enveloped the entire camp calmed down the wizards who were running for their lives in a panic.

And all the Death Eaters in front of them who were wreaking havoc, were terrified by Kyle's aura oppression, and all involuntarily stopped what they were doing, standing there as if they had been immobilized.

They looked at the figure on the rock pillar from a distance, and no one dared to act rashly.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and only the sound of the burning tent echoed in the night sky.

But the silence didn't last long, and a shrew-like voice broke it.

"You useless guys, all of you are stupid, aren't you! Why stop!"

Mad woman Bellatrix Lestrange scolded the surrounding Death Eaters impatiently.

Lucius Malfoy, who was among the fleeing crowd, instantly knew who the owner of this voice was.

If Bellatrix is ​​the mad woman who appears here, then the group of people who are wreaking havoc...

In just an instant, his back was soaked in cold sweat.

Bella doesn't know what's going on in the camp, but Lucius is a good guy.

This group of people didn't know him before the action, and they didn't know the situation of the camp, so they attacked the camp in the presence of Dumbledore and Grindelwald?

Hearing that some of the dark wizards below dared to speak out, Kyle's eyes narrowed, and he controlled his momentum to focus on the direction of the group of wizards in front.

At the same time, the space beside him twisted and twisted, and the figure of Max Mikkelsen emerged from the vortex of space.

As the person closest to Kyle, as soon as Max landed, he felt that the air around him seemed to freeze under the pressure of Kyle's momentum.

Even if Kyle was not targeting himself, this feeling almost suffocated him.

After applying a protective magic to himself, Max felt better.

In just a few seconds, Max found that his back was soaked in cold sweat.

"It's really amazing momentum," Max exclaimed, "Lord Grindelwald's heyday is nothing like this, right?"

Kyle turned his head slightly, and Max's words made him a little interested.

"Oh? Have you seen Grindelwald's heyday?"

"No," Max shook his head, looking at Kyle with a frenzy in his eyes, "So now, please let me see the legendary power of Grindelwald."

Kyle didn't have time to answer, and a sudden spell interrupted the conversation between the two.

Leaping high into the air to avoid Bellatrix's sneak attack, Kyle fell directly to the ground from a height of ten meters.

The eyes full of cold killing intent were locked on the group of dark wizards opposite, Kyle's lips lightly opened, "Yes!"

Under the influence of thunderbirds, the dark clouds in the sky slowly drifted over, gradually obscuring the bright moonlight.

When the shadow cast by the dark clouds on the ground obscured the opponent, Kyle moved.

At first, Kyle just moved forward one step at a time.

Every footstep he made when he walked was like a warhammer, hitting the opponent's heart fiercely, causing this group of Death Eaters to generate great psychological pressure.

Bellatrix was the first Death Eater to recover from fear.

"What are you still doing!" she howled sharply, "Kill him!"

The life-suppressing spell she released was like a signal to start a war, and instantly attracted a large group of Death Eaters to start one after another.

In the face of the various spells that came from the intensive shooting, Kyle's footsteps gradually accelerated until he entered the charge state.

Under the terrifying dynamic vision of the three-column jade writing wheel eye, the curses of the Death Eaters were accurately captured by Kyle.

Kyle is quite confident in himself.

He didn't cast any protective magic at all, he didn't even open the Thunder Dun armor, so he danced lightly in the overwhelming magic spell without protection, with a seemingly

Impossible operations evade all spells.

A few seconds later, Kyle, who was rushing forward, had already burst into the crowd.

Due to the disturbed sleep, the anger in Kyle's heart was still burning, so he chose to fight in the most violent stance.

The magic power gathered in the right arm violently, and Kyle's mouth had a grim smile, and he slammed his fist into the unlucky guy standing at the front of the crowd.

A punch ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ is like a thunder.

Driven by the force of the impact, the opponent's body was instantly blown upside down, and slammed into the body of another person behind him. ...

With just one punch, the Death Eaters instantly killed and injured seven or eight people.

"All cast the Killing Curse!" Bellatrix shouted hoarsely from the crowd, "Don't have any scruples!"

Looking at Kyle who was killing in the crowd, the surrounding Death Eaters gritted their teeth.

If Kyle continues to kill like this, then in less than three minutes, hundreds of them will be slaughtered completely.

Therefore, they did not hesitate at all when replacing the magic spell they were about to cast with the Killing Curse.

Kyle's eyes quickly recorded the battlefield information, and seeing the dense green light spots lit up around him, Kyle's feet suddenly exerted force, and he left the place where he was just now in a blink of an eye.

Almost at the same time as Kyle dodged, dozens of killing curses slammed into the position where he was standing.

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