Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 343: turmoil ends

Fortunately, among the twenty Aurors, there were two who were neither blind nor mad - Scrimgeour and Kingsley. They recognized the figure on the stone pillar, and hurriedly scolded the Auror beside him for quickly putting down the wand in his hand. After being beaten up by the little devil at the gate of the camp last time, and Delix paid an arm as the price, the Aurors this time have learned to behave. When Scrimgeour and Kingsley spoke up, they quickly opened their eyes, trying to distinguish the appearance of the young man wrapped in the flame demon. The dark blue and fierce fire, the short golden hair, the different pupils... The different pupils can't see clearly because of the distance and light, so it's hard to say, but the first two are enough to prove the identity of the young man. Kyle looked at Scrimgeour. He had a good opinion of the upright Auror Chief of Staff, but that didn't mean he had to stay and cooperate with Scrimgeour's questioning and investigation. As for Kingsley, although this guy is his father's subordinate, he also doesn't intend to pay attention to Kingsley. "Max, let's go." Kyle greeted, jumped off the stone pillar on his own, and walked back to his tent. The Aurors, who surrounded the stone pillars in a circle, did not dare to say anything in the face of the defiant Kyle. The twenty Aurors had already arrived near the camp a minute ago. Although they let their guard down because it was late at night and the Quidditch World Cup was over. However, their arrival speed after the turmoil in the camp was remarkable. From Kyle being woken up by the riots outside, to fighting with the Death Eaters, and finally Lei Dun Qilin showing his power... This process seems like a century for those Death Eaters who were unilaterally abused. But in reality it was only five or six minutes. Due to the existence of the anti-Apparition ban, the Aurors who arrived in a hurry could only watch the battle in the camp from a distance of one kilometer. But even so, they also saw the lightning unicorn with a body length of nearly three kilometers falling from the sky. It's just that they just recklessly used Apparition to break into the camp, and they didn't know the situation for a while, and they didn't know who the wizard who performed such a devastating magic was. Looking at the humble appearance of Scrimgeour and Kingsley now, they understood in an instant. Can't be bothered. They still want their own lives. So they consciously got out of the way, and when Kyle passed by them, they didn't even dare to breathe, for fear that the sound of breathing was a little heavier and angered the little devil. Not long after Kyle left, the already scorched camp sounded the sound of Apparition again. The leaders of the Ministry of Magic were "long overdue" when the Aurors emerged as strikers and the scene was confirmed to be safe. ... When Kyle returned to his tent, a huge... let's call it a refugee camp beside their two tents. After the turmoil, this group of unlucky wizards all rushed to the direction of Grindelwald's tent in a panic, wanting to seek refuge in Dumbledore, the White Devil. Among this group of people, few were injured under the Death Eaters. After all, the group of Death Eaters were ruthless, and basically they all started with the Avada Suo Life Curse, and they died when they hit the curse, so no one was injured. On the contrary, in the process of escaping for their lives, one by one in a panic, they forgot that they were a wizard, and they stepped on each other, which led to the appearance of a large number of injured people. That's how the third tent appeared. This group of people are all in a mess, and they are no different from refugees, so this third tent is called a refugee camp, and it deserves its name. In the refugee camp at this time, the saints were treating those hapless ghost wizards who were screaming in pain. The saints under Grindelwald are all talents. This time, the people who can be brought by Grindelwald and come to the Quidditch World Cup Finals together are basically fighters. Precisely because they are combatants, they understand more comprehensive things. After all, it is normal to be injured in battle. They all know a certain degree of medical magic. Although they are not as proficient as specialized healers, it is absolutely not a problem to treat this group of wizards who were injured by trampling. . Glancing at the scene in the refugee camp, Kyle continued to walk. Originally, he wanted to go back to his room to take a look at Xiao Nan and Hermione, but he was stopped by Grindelwald when he passed the tent that his two old fathers later built. Opening the curtain and walking in, Kyle found that Weasley and Diggory, father and son Sirius and Harry, and Zhang Qiu were all staying in their tent. It was a wise choice, and there was no safer place in the entire camp than the Grindelwalds' tent. They were all unscathed, although the Weasleys and Diggory's tents were close to where the Death Eaters had attacked, protected by the ferocity of the other three Patriarchs, and they were not injured at all. It's just that the fright was inevitable, and Ginny was frightened. At this time, she was holding her mother's arm tightly, sitting silently in the corner without saying a word. As soon as Kyle walked into the tent, everyone's discussion disappeared, and they all turned their heads to cast their eyes on him. George smacking his lips~www.wuxiamtl.com~ was the first to break the suddenly silent atmosphere in the tent. "The thunder magic you cast in the end was a little too perverted, right?" Seemingly forgetting Dumbledore's existence, Fred said with a smile, "With your current strength, Kyle, become the third-generation Dark Lord. Is it enough?" After speaking, Fred instantly realized the inappropriateness of his words and covered his mouth suddenly. Carefully turning his eyes to Dumbledore, Fred realized that the kind smile on Dumbledore's face at this time had disappeared, and his heart suddenly froze. Done. What should I do if I accidentally offend the most powerful white wizard in the world? Online wait, very urgent. Mrs. Weasley gave Fred a shudder, can you talk! Without caring about the feelings of his father, the White Devil King, Kyle grinned, "You are now the minions of the three generations of Meguro." Dumbledore heard this, his face darkened even more. If Grindelwald hadn't been there, he'd be pulling out the Elder Wand now, and giving the British wizarding world one

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