Hogwarts Shippuden

Chapter 368: Lu Yiji hasn't come for a long time, and he still owes 600,000 Galleons.

Just as everyone was eating, two more figures walked into the auditorium and filled the two empty seats on the staff seats.

Ludo Bagman sat on the other side of Professor Karkaroff, and Barty Crouch sat next to Mrs. Maxime.

Kyle raised his head and gave a malicious smile to Ludo Bagman next to Karkaroff.

Ludo Bagman looks very different now than when Kyle saw him at the Quidditch World Cup.

The fat belly disappeared, and the short blond hair was white.

It can be seen that Ludo had a very bad time during this time.

Anyone who owes the world's most ferocious criminal, Shura in the wizarding world, the darkness of Hogwarts, and half a million Galleons, the son of the revolutionary Grindelwald, can't be able to live as freely as ever.

Ludo has been working hard to make money during this time, and he is about to sack Gringotts.

It is a pity that Gringotts has strengthened the security of the underground vault since the last time the vault was forcibly broken into and looted, and the guard strength can be said to have increased more than tenfold.

Not to mention a Ludo Bagman, even if the fathers and saints join forces, it is very difficult to break in again.

So Ludo could only make money crazily within his power, and even began to use power for his own personal gain as the director of the Ministry of Magic's sports department.

But even so, he has only given Kyle less than 200,000 gold Galleons until now.

In addition to the bets of the other three fathers, he still owes a total of 440,000 gold Galleons, which is still the case that Kyle has not paid him interest.

If Kyle really wants to calculate the interest with him, even if it is only based on the interest rate of the bank's low-interest loan...

It is conceivable that the next time Kyle sees Ludo, it will probably be like this scene-

Saint 1 reported to Kyle: Ludo hasn't come to pay back the money for a long time, and he still owes hundreds of thousands of gold Galleons!

Saint 2: How did he come? He got his leg broken!

Kyle: Oh?

Saint 2: He couldn't earn enough gold Galleon to pay back the money, so he had to take the risk. This time he lost consciousness and stole it into Gringotts. Gringotts, did he steal it? ?

Kyle: What happened after that?

Saint 2: How is it? First, I wrote a defense, and then I beat him. I beat him in the middle of the night, and then I broke my leg.

Saint 1: What about the discount?

Saint 2: How? Who knows? Xu is dead.

When Kyle saw Ludo again, he had completely changed his appearance - his face was black and thin, and he was out of shape; he was wearing a ragged jacket with his legs crossed, a pouf under it, and grass The rope hangs over the shoulders...

Cough, cough, thinking of such a scene, Kyle couldn't help but laugh.

Hermione saw the weird smile on Kyle's face, "What's wrong?"

"No no," Kyle waved his hand, "I just think of happy things."

When all the food had disappeared from the plate, Dumbledore stood up.

All the students looked at Dumbledore expectantly, and although the other students at Hogwarts were 100% sure that their school's warrior must be one of the four paternal men, they still had A feeling of excitement and tension.

"The time has finally come," Dumbledore smiled at the raised faces in the auditorium. "But first of all, allow me to introduce two guests."

"Director of International Cooperation at the Ministry of Magic, Mr. Barty Crouch." There was sparse applause in the auditorium.

"Mr. Ludo Bagman, Director of the Department of Sport and Sports of the Ministry of Magic." The applause in the auditorium was also not very enthusiastic.

Maybe it's because Ludo looks so down on him now, compared to his high spirits at the Quidditch World Cup.

The four sad fathers all had the same weird smiles on their faces.

Others don't know why Ludo became like this, don't they know?

That's a full 600,000 Galleons, and it's not assets like land, mansions, or magic materials. What the worried fathers want is cash.

Even an old landlord like the Malfoy family can't come up with 600,000 Galleons in cash at a time, unless the good things in their family's treasury are sold.

Maybe he would have to sell some of the family property to collect 600,000 Galleons in cash.

On the podium, Dumbledore continued to introduce:

"Over the past few months, Mr Bagman and Mr Crouch have worked tirelessly to arrange the Triwizard Tournament."

"They have three very challenging programs for the Warriors, each at different times throughout the school year, and they will test the Warriors in many different ways..."

When he heard Dumbledore's words, Kyle rolled his eyes.

In this case, I just want to get rid of the foreign friends of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang.

In fact, the three projects of the Triwizard Tournament were basically planned by Kyle.

Beauxbatons and Durmstrang threatened to withdraw from the competition, forcing Dumbledore to agree not to use nuclear weapons at Hogwarts...

No, not to send Kyle Grindelwald, the big killer.

Although Kyle didn't plan to participate in this three-level competition from the beginning, after all, his strength is too strong and needs to be sealed, but he doesn't want to participate and being forced by others to not participate in the competition are two completely different concepts.

If he didn't complain, he would be a ghost.

Kyle is the third-generation Meguro Demon King, can he endure this kind of thing?

If he can't compete, it doesn't mean that he can't find a place elsewhere.

In order to appease the little devil's emotions, the Ministry of Magic had to compromise on the formulation of the project content, allowing Kyle to participate in the work of formulating the content of the event, and he still has a great right to speak.

It can be said that all three projects were planned by Kyle, and Ludo and Barty were just doing some tinkering and fringe work on the side.

Although he was able to cover the sky in the formulation of events, Kyle did not put Beauxbatons and Durmstrang to death.

After all, the content of the project still has to take into account the ability of the other two schools to participate in the warriors.

Give them a kind of hope that they can win the championship, and then let the father-worshipers who went out in his place smash their hopes severely.

Ruining the opponent in this way can maximize the pleasure of revenge for Kyle.

"They will form a jury with me, Professor Karkaroff and Madame Maxime to judge the efforts of the warriors."

"As you already know, the selected Warriors will represent their respective schools and we will rate them based on the quality of their completion of each event."

"After the three events are over, the Warriors with the most points will win the Triwizard Tournament trophy..."

Dumbledore said a lot of words from the elder, but he did not mention the selection method of warriors, which made the students in the audience feel itchy.

Dennis Creevey couldn't help but climb into his chair and shouted at Dumbledore to quickly announce the selection method.

Noticing the restlessness of the students in the audience, Dumbledore smiled slightly, "Mr. Filch, bring the box up."


what box?

All the students noticed the word in Dumbledore's sentence.

Could it be the Sorting Hat in the box?

When all the students who meet the registration requirements will go up and take turns to put on the sorting hat, and finally hand it over to the sorting hat to announce the result?

As Dumbledore's voice fell, Filch, who had been lurking in the corner of the auditorium, immediately stood up and trotted towards Dumbledore, holding an old wooden box inlaid with jewels in his hand. .

The old and frail Filch actually ran out of the athlete's momentum at this moment, and the students were amazed.

Dumbledore took the box and placed it on the podium in front of him.

With a mysterious smile on his face, he tapped the box with his fingers, "It's how we select warriors."

Hearing Dumbledore's words, the auditorium instantly became silent, and it seemed that everyone stopped breathing.

Having said this, Dumbledore drew his wand and tapped three times on the lid of the box, which creaked open, revealing a large, rough-hewn wooden goblet full of Beating blue-white flames.

This flame... looks a bit like a Grindelwald gas stove.

Dumbledore didn't give a shit, "Every student who wants to run for a warrior must write his name and school name on parchment and throw it into this goblet."

"On Halloween night, tomorrow night, the Goblet will choose the names of the three students it thinks best represent the three schools."

"Until then, the cup will remain in the foyer, accessible to all students who would like to run."

Immediately, there was a buzzing sound like the wings of a bee in the auditorium, and all the students were discussing the selection method of the Triwizard Tournament in a low voice and enthusiasm.

At the Gryffindor table, Ron was almost going crazy.

He had heard from both George and Fred this morning that they had a way of manipulating the final selection.

Originally, he hadn't planned to sign up yet. After all, the Triwizard Tournament in previous years had caused a lot of deaths. Who would like to participate in such a dangerous game, he wouldn't participate anyway.

But when he saw the girl from Beauxbatons, the idea of ​​participating in the competition and becoming a warrior instantly grew and spread in his heart like weeds that had been doused with Viagra solution.

Especially after he made such a big embarrassment in front of that girl.

He is different now. He owns an eight-tailed power bank. Although he has not yet become a perfect person, his strength is still not to be underestimated.

He's going to punch Beauxbatons at the Triwizard Tournament! Kick Durmstrang!

Great game style! ! !

Then! to that girl! Confess! ! !

He Ronald Weiss came to prove that he is not a lunatic or a lunatic!

Dumbledore raised his palm, signaling the students to take it easy.

"In order to avoid the temptation of underage students, after the goblet is placed in the hallway, I will draw an age boundary around it."

The smile on Dumbledore's face was even worse, and Kyle actually saw a bit of encouragement from the smile on his father's face, "No one under the age of seventeen can cross this line."

Those who can graduate from Gryffindor are not the ones who follow the rules.

Dumbledore said so, but Kyle clearly saw that his father was clearly encouraging students to take various methods to try to bypass the age limit he set.

The twin brothers' eyes lit up immediately, "Maybe we can try an age-increasing potion instead of a Confusion Charm."

"Maybe there are other ways, and then we won't have to trouble Kyle."

The discussion between the two made both Harry and Ron ticklish.

One is to perform in front of Zhang Qiu, and the other is to perform in front of Furong.

At this moment, the tacit understanding between good friends made them speak at the same time.



Each of them stopped one.

"What's wrong?" The twins said in unison, "You guys also want to sign up for the competition?"

Dumbledore's voice on the rostrum continued: "I want to remind everyone that this competition is not a child's play."

"Once a champion is chosen by the Goblet of Fire, a magical contract is formed that must be kept. So please think twice."

Dumbledore's warning did not deter many people, and even underage students were eager to challenge the age line set by Dumbledore.

Harry and Ron were two of the many brave men who challenged the age line.

Looking at the firm expressions of the two, George and Fred grinned at the same time, "If you really think about it, then..."

The two put their hands into their clothes and took out a bottle of potion.

Although Ron is a potions scumbag~www.wuxiamtl.com~, he can still guess the effect of this potion. If nothing else, this should be the aging potion mentioned by the twin brothers just now.

Taking the potion into their arms, both Harry and Ron had satisfied smiles on their faces.

They have already started to fantasize about winning the game and holding the beautiful picture.

Dumbledore's speech was over, and the students stood up and walked across the auditorium towards the two doors leading to the foyer.

Watching the backs of Harry and Ron go away, the twin brothers looked at each other, and the smile on their faces suddenly turned ugly.

After seeing the anti-thief waterfall under Gringotts, the twin brothers knew even with their butts that the age limit set by Dumbledore was not so easy to break through.

At the very least, simple potions like age-enhancing potions won't work.

As for many other methods, such as standing outside the line with a three-pointer and throwing the parchment with his name on it into the goblet, or entrusting senior students to sign up for themselves...

Can Dumbledore think of these simple methods?

But Dumbledore won't defend the goblet too tightly. After all, the age line is more like an extra test for underage students.

A test to prove that he is capable of performing well in the Triwizard Tournament.

Therefore, the most correct way to break through the age line should be to use magic to fight magic.

The barrier created by Dumbledore will definitely leave some back door, and the difficulty level of this back door will not exceed the magic knowledge they have learned in the seven years of Hogwarts.

The only thing that matters is whether the students can discover it.

It's hard to say about other students, but they are the famous Alliance of Fathers and Worries.

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