Hogwarts: The Cat Wizard of the Moving Castle

Chapter 13 Don’t mention my name if you get beaten in the future

Harry, on his side, was already imagining the scene after he learned powerful magic in his mind.

When Dudley provoked him, he would show a faint smile that was as calm as Uncle Moon's.

Dudley will definitely want to attack directly. According to Dudley's habit, he will first grab his clothes and want to throw himself out.

Then I would calmly raise my hand, my fingers flickering slightly, and throw Dudley into the flowers in front of everyone in the school.

Then he patted his clothes and said, "Don't dirty my...

"What are you thinking about?" Moon's voice pulled Harry back.

Harry was shaken, his face felt a little hot, and he coughed twice: "No...it's nothing."

Mu En couldn't help but laugh. He had already vaguely guessed what Harry was thinking. In fact... he could understand it. He himself also liked to have such random thoughts when he was a child.

"Don't be too happy too early." Mu En said with a smile.

Hearing this, Moon's "you have something to eat" smile appeared in front of Harry's eyes again.

"First of all, we need to know what magic is. By the way, do you need a notebook?"

"Yes!" Harry said instinctively without even sitting down.

Moon stood up and walked towards the basement. After a while, he took out a stack of yellow parchment, a pen, and several things that Harry couldn't understand, including a small wand.

It was exactly the same as the wands in the hands of the wizards he had seen in Diagon Alley.

Moon placed a stack of parchment in front of Harry and handed him the pen.

"Do you use this to take notes?" Harry was a little surprised.

Mu En showed a mysterious smile: "This is the only way to have style. It looks like the handiwork of an ancient master."

Harry nodded with some understanding, that's it.

"Back to the topic, don't let me talk about Qi Ji! After I finish speaking, you can review my words by yourself, and then use your own way of expression to take notes. Do you understand?"

Harry nodded hurriedly, his heart full of anticipation for magic: "I know."

"If you want to get started with magic, one thing you cannot avoid is magic power." Mu En spoke slowly, leaning on the sofa, like an old man telling a story.

"Magic is an abstract concept, not a real energy. You can think of it as the physical strength we need to cast spells.

Physical strength will be consumed, restored, and increased. So is magic.

If the laws of the world are like the strings, then the magic spell is the music score, and the magic power is the plectrum that plucks the strings. Without magic power, it is impossible to connect to the laws of the world, and therefore unable to cast spells. Do you understand? "

"Understood." Harry nodded, which was not difficult to understand.

Moon nodded, gave Harry time to take notes, and then straightened up: "Now that we know the magic power, let's talk about how to use it."

"Wand?" Harry asked.

"Bingo!" Mu En praised slightly: "But this expression is not completely accurate. It's just that the mainstream of wizards' spellcasting nowadays is indeed the wand."

With that said, Mu En laid out all the things he had just brought up in front of Harry.

There is a black and shriveled lizard trunk, a plump-looking pufferfish, a ring, and a wand.

He even saw Uncle Mu En taking off a bunch of rings from his hand, and then took out the taller wand he had seen before from his cuff.

"These are all items that drive magic power. We can collectively call them - spellcasters."

After that, Mu En divided everything into left and right sides.

"There is magic in you, we can be sure of that, right?"

"Yes." Harry nodded: "But I...I can't feel them, and I can't control them."

"This is normal. Most people are unable to control magic. In ancient times, spellcasters even regarded magic as a miracle and defined themselves as people who communicate with the gods." Mu En said.

"So is there really a god in this world?"

"This world doesn't know. But I have encountered it before. I wanted to kill him, but I didn't succeed... No, don't interrupt!!" Mu En suddenly reacted.

"Sorry." Harry quickly lowered his head and smiled, not daring to look at Moon.

"The magic power in most people's bodies is chaotic. Therefore, in the long history of magic, spellcasting tools have also been divided into two types."

As he spoke, Moon pointed to the pile of things on the left, two rings, a small wand that Harry had seen before, some bracelets, eye pendants and the like.

"This type is a guide. It is responsible for pulling the magic power so that the caster can complete the spell casting normally."

Then he pointed to the other side, including the ring, bracelet, and the huge wand that Mu En was wearing before.

"These are amplifiers. They can enhance the effectiveness of the caster's spell and achieve twice the result with half the effort."

Mu En noticed Harry's burning eyes on the guide. At the same time, Harry also asked with some expectation: "So Uncle Mu En, only need to use the guide, even if it's just me, can I successfully use magic?" ?”

Mu En nodded: "Yes, the guide can help the caster guide the magic power correctly and complete the spell casting."

After speaking, he changed the subject and asked: "Have you noticed the difference between the directors and amplifiers on the table?"

Harry looked carefully, but couldn't see any difference between the two. They also come in various forms, including wands, rings, bracelets, and even some bloody-looking animal products.

Similarly, they all have different artificial traces on them, and there are no natural items...

Harry looked and looked and racked his brains for a long time before he came up with a somewhat strange answer.

Then he replied with some uncertainty: "These amplifiers belong to you, Uncle Mu En. And these guides were just brought up from the basement."

"That's right!!" Moon nodded, confirming Harry's answer. Then he said seriously:

"Harry, what I have to tell you first is that what I said is not absolutely correct. Wen Wu is the first. On the road of magic, everyone has their own opinions.

So even if it is my words or the knowledge in books, you must remember to look at it with a dialectical perspective. "

"I understand." Harry nodded.

When Harry nodded, Moon pushed away all the guides: "So what I want to say is that all wizards who use guides are rubbish!!"

"Huh?" Harry gasped on the spot.

Mu En continued: "Don't worry about these guides. If you can't control the magic power by yourself, there is no way I will let you touch the caster."

! !

Moon's words destroyed Harry's little thoughts just now. He looked bitter, but after a moment, he nodded firmly.

"I know, I will try my best!"

As he spoke, he wrote in his notes: "Wizards who can't cast spells on their own are trash!!"

Harry obviously listened to Moon's words and replaced "use a guide" with "cannot cast spells independently".

Mu En looked at what Harry had written and showed a pleased expression.

This kid is so smart.

In fact, in his previous world, there was a detailed process for how wizard apprentices learned to control magic. But this world seems to have chosen another path.

A path that depends on the guide.

He had previously seized several wands from the Ministry of Magic for research, how should I put it...

These wands have very low amplification effect on the caster. The core part and the rune part are both designed to guide and stabilize the magic power in the wizard's body. As for the amplification effect, it all depends on the wood of the stick body.

For example, the warlike nature of aspen wood has a weak increase in some attack-type spells.

Another example is the toughness of cedar wood, which in the hands of a strong-willed person will increase his spellcasting efficiency.

But the amplification performance is quite average.

Of course, Mu En is not looking down upon it. The formation of a world magic system must trace back its historical reasons and look at it from a macro perspective.

The magic wands in this world tend to be standard guides, so their wizard population must be much larger, and there will naturally be more mid-level experts. After all, everyone can cast spells and participate in magic research.

This has been confirmed by the "Compendium of Household Curses" and the fact that a gangster used an instant-death curse that touched his origin to fuck him.

If Mu En's previous world was in a pyramid shape. Then the world tends to be olive-shaped.

Everyone has such a useful bootloader, so naturally there won’t be too many low-level novices.

What he said just now... was just to give Harry some blood.

After all, he didn't want the person he brought out to be just the middle of the olive.

As for what Harry wrote in his note...

Moon stood up and patted Harry on the shoulder: "If you go to school and get beaten up in the future, remember not to mention my name."

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