Hogwarts: The Cat Wizard of the Moving Castle

Chapter 23 Lucius is very angry

Bojinbok quickly suppressed the excitement on his face and first apologized to Mu En, then turned around and put on a businessman's flattering smile and smooth tone: "Mr. Malfoy, it's great to see you again. You have Whatever you want to buy, just take a look.”

Lucius Malfoy looked at Borgin Burke: "No, I'm not here to buy anything, Mr. Borgin, I'm here to sell something.

You must have heard that the ministry has stepped up its raids on several of our big families. The Aurors at the Ministry of Magic suspect that we are related to the idiot who caused havoc here a month ago. "

As soon as Lucius finished speaking, the smile on Bojinbok's face suddenly froze, and he looked at the door involuntarily.

It was the biological instinct to escape that drove him.

Even though he had become a living dead now, he still felt a desire to escape at this moment.

Thinking about it, he turned back somewhat stiffly.

Mu En flipped through the ancient Greek manuscript casually, not caring about Lucius's words.

Lucius didn't notice the change in Borgin's expression. He took out a roll of parchment from the inner pocket of his clothes and unfolded it to show Mr. Borgin.

"I have some...ah...things at home that might cause me inconvenience..."

"Sorry! Mr. Lucius, could you please wait for a moment? I need to talk to this gentleman first." Bojinbok interrupted him quickly, and then turned around regardless of Lucius's answer: " Sir, let’s go to the back room to talk.”

Mu En nodded, picked up the manuscript, and walked into the back room first. Bojinbok looked back at Lucius: "Mr. Malfoy, you can do it yourself."

The expression on Lucius's face did not change, but his breathing gradually became heavier and his eyes became a little gloomy. He stared at Mu En's back, trying to find out his origins.

Borgin Burke.

His full name was Caractacus Bork, and he was generally known as Mr. Borgin.

Yes, honorific. Even he, Lucius Malfoy, was no exception. No one in the British wizarding world would look down upon this greasy-looking old guy.

In addition to selling all kinds of strange and dangerous black magic items, he also collects all kinds of strange and evil things. Many families even pawned their illegal magical objects here because they were afraid of being raided by the Ministry of Magic.

Anyone with any brains knows that this guy's strength cannot be underestimated, and he is even a true master of black magic.

Even the mysterious man who just graduated once did errand work here.

Lucius knew his master very well, and he was definitely not the kind of person who would do errands.

This is undoubtedly a strong evidence of the strength of this store and its owner Bo Jinbok.

However, now, Mr. Borgin actually showed such a gesture to that person whom he had never heard of before...

The back room looked like a messy storage room, but as soon as he walked into it, Mu En felt a lot of malice wrapped around him.

These fluctuations of magic power coming from various black magic items are enough to corrode and destroy a young wizard's mind, making him startled and nagging.

Bojinbok waved his magic wand, pulled out a large box from the corner, wiped away the dust and cobwebs on it, and released the box's restrictions.

Later, Mu En also saw what was inside.

A small wooden box exuding a strong salty smell, about the size of a jewelry box. The wooden box was somewhat rotten, covered with moss and barnacles, and water was constantly dripping from the cracks.

Bojinbok looked at the box with some fear: "That's it. It has been sealed for so many years, but it always looks like it was just fished out of the water."

As he spoke, Bojinbock took out the small box. After opening it, there was a snail number, a small stack of fish skin rolls, and a gold disc necklace lying inside.

"This is the curse that this necklace brought to me." Bojinbok looked at the necklace, fear and anger intertwined in his eyes.

Sure enough, the curse of Bojinbok has the same origin as the curse that Jack Barbossa and the others encountered in the Caribbean.

"Mr. Bo Jin, you know. It's easy to kill people, but it's hard to save people." Mu En said calmly, stroking the cat's whiskers that were invisible to others.

"I know." Bojinbok nodded: "As long as my curse can be solved, sir, you can choose my things."

Mu En nodded: "I try my best. To be honest, I have a little understanding of this curse."

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and the wand, which seemed huge to wizards in this world, appeared.

Mu En waved the wand, and light appeared in the eyes of the skull at the end of the wand, leaving an afterimage in the dark room, like two fire dragons blooming with brilliant colors.

Finally, Mu En's wand struck at Bo Jinbok's forehead, and all the brilliance penetrated from his forehead into his brain, making him look like a lantern.

The glory walked around in a circle from top to bottom, and then...

Bojinbok pursed his lips and his pupils gradually dilated. Then he took out the wand and pointed it at his wrist. The tip of the wand turned into a blade, and he gave it a sharp stroke.

Gurgling blood came out of his wrist.

"I...I...succeeded." Borgin murmured tremblingly.

The pain... was so long ago that he had even forgotten what pain felt like.

In order to lift this curse, he tried every means, even slaughtering the French family and returning all the loot to the destroyed mermaid tribe, but to no avail.

He has been living as a living dead for decades.

Now, that feeling of being human came back to him.

"Don't be too excited. I'm only temporarily suppressing the effect of the curse. It can only last for about an hour. If it is to be truly lifted..."

Bojinbock quickly responded: "Sir, you can do whatever you want." After saying that, he took the lead in handing the box to Mu En: "You can take whatever I have here. Bojinbock is always open to you."

Mu En was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he only suppressed the curse temporarily and the other party would be so excited.

He admitted that he had small thoughts, but he didn't expect Bo Jin to be so honest and not hide his desire.

Isn't he afraid that he will plunder him?

"I have been a living dead for forty years, and there is nothing to be afraid of. As a human being, if you can't feel anything, what's the point of it all," Bojinbock said frankly.

"Yes." Mu En nodded and said with a smile: "I don't want to be stared at by a living dead for the rest of my life. That would be too unsettling."

"I definitely don't have such thoughts." Bojinbok quickly lowered his head.

Mu En didn't care about these words. He stood up, wrapped the wooden box with parchment, then picked up the ancient Greek manuscript and gestured to Bojinbok.

"I will study it when I go back, and I will come back again."

"Please give me the books." Bojinbok said quickly: "May I ask, when will you come next time?"

"Next week?" Mu En casually gave an approximate time and walked out of the house.

Lucius was in the shop, holding an ancient silverware in his hand and looking at it. Then he noticed Mu En and Bo Jinbok coming out of the house.

The smile on Bo Jin's face was squeezed out.

When Mu En walked to the door, Bo Jin hurriedly arrived: "By the way, what should I call you?"

Mu En took the box and turned around, thinking for a while...


After that, he teleported away.

Lucius watched solemnly the guy who called himself "Captain" left, and then turned to look at Bojinbok.

"Mr. Borgin, I think we..."

"Oh, Mr. Malfoy, right? Sorry, I have to close the store." With that, Borgin came over and almost half-pushed Lucius out of the store.

"It's hard to explain to you, but...well, if you really want to sell something, come back in an hour." Bo Jin couldn't wait to close the stall.

"Why?" Lucius was a little sullen. Even a clay figure could still be angry. What's more, he was the head of the Malfoy family.

Making him wait outside had almost exhausted his patience and the little respect he had for Bo Jin.

Borgin smiled nonchalantly, not caring what Lucius thought at all. When he was in Knockturn Alley, Lucius was still a baby.

In the past, everyone was in business, so they had to look nice, but now...

"I'm going to enjoy this rare hour of my life, Lucius."

After that, he also apparated away.

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