Early the next morning, Harry got ready and arrived at No. 13 Privet Drive.

Normally, the first floor of Moonlight Castle should be empty at this time. Uncle Mu En is either still sleeping or doing magic research in the basement.

He would stand outside the door and knock softly, and then Mr. Lucifer, who controlled the entire castle, would open the door for him.

However, today, as soon as Harry walked into the flower garden, he heard some exciting melodies in his ears.

The door opened slowly, and immediately, the music in my ears became louder. Harry recognized it immediately. It was the sound of a very popular British band.

Uncle Vernon didn't like music and would always change the channel with a grumpy look on his face every time a music program came on.

He always yells something like: "It's so noisy, a bunch of ear-polluting guys." and the like...

Then, Harry saw Uncle Moon busy in the kitchen.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Moon turned to look at the door. When she saw it was Harry, she nodded to him, then turned her head and continued to focus on cooking.

"Uncle Moon?!" Harry greeted in surprise.

"Yeah." Mu En responded lightly.

There was low music in Harry's ears, coming from the gramophone he had repaired while practicing his spells.

Mama, just killed a man…

Mama, life had just begun…

Listening to the singing in his ears, Harry felt that everything in front of him was very strange, but... he couldn't tell.

Then, he set his sights on Lucifer and asked, "Mr. Lucifer, what happened?"

Lucifer seemed normal at this time, still responding lazily to Harry: "He, he's lost!"

"Lost?" Harry was confused.

"Yeah." Lucifer didn't want to say more and sank back into the fire.

At this time, Mu En also brought out two breakfasts. After asking Harry to sit down, he said, "You can go to the second floor and find a room to use as a study."

"Really?" Harry raised his head.

"Yeah." Mu En nodded. During this period, Harry had been on the first floor, using this big stone table to study, which was really a bit shabby.

There are many empty rooms in the castle, where sailors used to stay.

The reason why I didn't build a study room for Harry before was... laziness.

After breakfast, Moon walked to the basement, and while Harry was cleaning, he took out many books from underneath.

"What are these?" Harry looked at the books nervously.

"These are the books you need to read this year." Mu En nodded flatly.

Mu En looked at the expression on Harry's face and turned to look at the book, which was about the same height as Harry. She was a little confused: "One book a month, it's not too much."

Harry nodded stiffly: "It should be... no problem."

Obviously, he himself was a little unsure.

Moon looked at the expression on Harry's face and wanted to laugh. Then he turned around and walked upstairs first, followed closely by Harry.

On the second floor, Moon took Harry to a room about twenty to thirty square meters with a balcony. There was some clutter in the house, but there was no trash.

Mu En waved his hand, and a large amount of debris rushed towards the wall on the left. At the same time, a large hole opened in the wall. In just a blink of an eye, all the debris was cleared into the next room.

Only a desk, a chair, and a bookcase were left.

"If you want to add something, you can go and search in other rooms." Mu En said, pushing his hand forward slightly, and all the books flew towards the bookshelf.

"You've been cleaning for so long. I think you know better than me what useful things are in the junk pile."

Harry nodded repeatedly, his eyes shining.

He couldn't help but walked forward and looked around the room.

This is your own room! !

Although he had been "given" a room by the Dursleys some time ago, it was too small, and it also served as Dudley's junk room.

It's the house where a bunch of toys Dudley broke...

"That's right." Mu En suddenly remembered something and called Harry.

Harry turned around and saw Moon's left hand on her right wrist.

When Harry saw Moon for the first time, his sleeves were rolled up. It was then that Harry knew that Uncle Moon's arms had many rune formations.

After that, Harry saw Moon depositing and withdrawing many items from this hand through the sleeve.

Mu En slowly retracted her hand, and an ancient ring appeared in Mu En's hand like magic.

"A birthday present for you." Moon said, throwing the ring to Harry.

Harry's heart skipped a beat and he hurriedly took the ring.

Taking a closer look, you can see that this is an ancient ring that is somewhat oxidized. The material is more in line with the description of pewter in the book.

The ring is not as big as the rings on Uncle Mu En's hand, and there are no other excessive fillings. There are only some mysterious runes that can only be discovered if you look carefully.

"This is an amplifier that I eliminated a long time ago." Mu En said: "It has about 135% amplification effect on most magic spells. However, if it is used to release black magic, it is only 80% effective. "

Mu En rubbed the ring on her hand and suddenly changed her subject: "Harry, what are the advantages of the ring caster?"

Harry was playing with the ring. He didn't expect that one day he would also get a spellcaster.

He put the ring on the middle finger of his right hand, and the ring automatically shrank and clasped his finger tightly.

Just as he was happy, he didn't expect Uncle Mu En to ask a question right away. He was so excited that he quickly started brainstorming, and after a moment he answered:

“The advantages of ring-based spellcasters are concealment, resistance to disarming, and the fact that we can use it to cast spells at any time.

And the ring basically has no requirements on the coordination between the person and the caster, because it is worn on our finger! "

Mu En nodded, quite satisfied with the answer, and turned around: "Clean up the room. You can deal with him as you like. Clean it up exactly as you want. I'll give you one day..."

"Yes!" Harry said happily: "Thank you, Uncle Moon."

Time goes by very quickly. Today, the Dursleys turned on their lights early, before the sun came out. Even Dudley took the initiative to get up from his bed.

Harry looked at No. 13 Privet Drive diagonally across the street through the window and sighed slightly.

There is no other reason. Today is the first day of school.

He has to go to school.

Dong dong dong dong——

There was a violent banging on the door, and Uncle Vernon shouted angrily outside the door: "Get up, you bastard, do you want everyone to wait for you?!"

"I'm already up!" Harry said to the door, and then quickly started to get dressed.

His school uniform was Dudley's old uniform, which was given to Harry after Dudley fell down and accidentally tore his crotch.

After Dudley tore his clothes, he even knew that the clothes would fall on Harry. He deliberately wore the clothes and went to wallow in the mire. He led a group of his friends to paint on the clothes with watercolor pens. He even sticks his nose to his clothes...

"Clean up!"

Thinking of this, Harry reluctantly cast a spell on the school uniform again.

The movements are extremely skillful.

Then, he put on the clothes. As he walked downstairs, he was greeted with disgusted urgings as expected.

But no more insults.

This is the change Uncle Mu En brought to this family.

Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, Harry looked at the clothes he was wearing. During this holiday, thanks to Uncle Moon, Harry looked much stronger and could barely hold up the dress.

He adjusted his collar and looked at himself in the mirror, suddenly feeling that something was missing.

His hand unconsciously reached for the comb. Then, he combed the long and messy hair on his forehead.

The extremely conspicuous scar was just exposed.

Through this scar, Harry seemed to see the gestures of those in the school and the words they spoke.

A child with an ugly scar on his forehead is not a good thing.

Especially when this child is still the target of bullying.

This is why even if Harry's hair was cut short the day before, it would be long and messy again the next day.

Because he was afraid of showing this scar from the bottom of his heart, he needed long hair to block it!

Because of this scar, he will be discussed and even laughed at by his classmates.

Harry took a deep breath, no longer hesitated, and combed his hair up.

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