Hogwarts: The Cat Wizard of the Moving Castle

Chapter 46 Dumbledore’s invitation

After returning to No. 13 Privet Drive, Lucifer immediately said: "Mo En, go and set up those shielding spells you had before. We are going to cross Germany."

Mu En stretched and fell on the sofa: "Okay, let me take a rest."

Germany is also a big magical country, and its border management is relatively strict. When Lucifer is in action, concealment spells will be weakened by several levels.

So every time at this time, Mu En would go outside the castle to add some powerful concealment spells.

The reason why those goblins broke into the door last Christmas was because some of the formations that Mu En had arranged during the holiday gradually failed.

After resting for a while, Mu En turned around the door, walked into the forest outside, and began to set up the formation.

Harry continued his daily homework.

Early the next morning, in the bathroom, Mu En had just taken a shower. She was wearing a robe and was trying out the newly bought smooth hair spray in front of the mirror.

Maine Coon cats all have big snoods, like little lion cubs, long and thick. During this time, taking care of them has become a big project.


"It's really useful!" Mu En combed her scarf and praised.

But soon, his care was interrupted!

"Mu En, someone is here!" Lucifer emerged from the flame pipe in the bathroom and said.


"An old man with a white beard, he should look more normal than the giant yesterday..." Lucifer said.

Mu En frowned and walked downstairs to open the door.

Sure enough, Dumbledore was standing outside!

There were still bubbles on Mu En's face, and she looked unhappy: "What are you doing here?!"

Dumbledore looked at Moon's dress and opened his mouth, obviously a little shocked.

Although he knew that Mu En had a disguise spell on her face when they first met, this was the first time he saw Mu En like this.

"What kind of look are you looking at? Is my hair more exaggerated than your beard that reaches to my waist?" Mu En was unhappy.

"No, it's nothing, I just didn't expect you to look like this." Dumbledore smiled gently.

"So why are you here?" Mu En looked at him with an unkind expression: "Are you coming to test me again?"

Dumbledore shook his head and said calmly: "No, I just want to talk. Also, I must say that I really didn't expect it yesterday."

The corner of Mu En's mouth curled up: "Guys like you are impure and only think about interests. With your tricks, how could you predict my thoughts?!"

With that said, Mu En turned around: "Come in, let outsiders see me, they will think that I am bullying the old man."

Dumbledore walked into the house and looked around. It was a simple and clean room, not messy, and it didn't look like a wizard at all.

At the same time, he also felt the magic that was always permeating the room.

No wonder the Book of Access couldn't pinpoint Harry's exact location.

After sitting down, Dumbledore took the lead and said: "What's your face?!"

"Animagus's mistake." Mu En leaned on the sofa, and Lucifer didn't know where he ran. It was obvious that he was frightened by Hagrid's performance yesterday.

Now he is not very willing to show his face in front of strange wizards in case he encounters "perverts" again.

"So what's your purpose here?" Mu En glanced at him.

"Oh, yes, back to the topic. Hagrid praised you so much after returning to Hogwarts yesterday, so I was wondering, would you mind going to Hogwarts?"

Mu En touched her chin: "I admit that although I am very young, I am indeed past school age."

"Um... no, I just wanted to ask if you have considered working at Hogwarts." Dumbledore said: "It just so happens that I have a sinecure at Hogwarts.

Right in the library, the best in Europe with thousands of collections - the Hogwarts school library! "

When Moon heard Dumbledore's words, a smile appeared on her face and she propped herself up to sit up a little straighter.

"A sinecure? I can read at will?!"

Dumbledore nodded. He understood that this had aroused the interest of the person in front of him.

There wasn't much that was attractive to a wizard who had come to their level.

As it happens, precious knowledge is one of them.

"Go!" Lucifer's voice also sounded in Mu En's mind.

"Living here is really lonely and boring." Lucifer said: "Go to a place with many outstanding wizards and make some friends. Maybe the curse on you will be more effective.

You have indeed slowed down now, but Mu En, people are social animals, so you still closed yourself in the castle.

I think this is wrong. "

Mu En pondered for a moment, since even Lucifer said this...

"Okay, I accept this job." Mu En nodded.

Dumbledore took out a parchment scroll from his cuff and slowly unfolded it. There was a unique fiery red feather imprint on the top of the parchment.

"This is the contract." Dumbledore said, pushing the parchment in front of Moon's eyes.

Mu En took it, looked at it carefully, and suddenly discovered the surging magic power in it.

Obviously, this contract has extraordinary effectiveness. However, the terms are relatively loose.

The term of office is one year, and if unexpected circumstances arise, one can resign early. Hogwarts will provide a series of employee protection terms including accommodation and meals.

As for salary and so on, Mu En ignored it after just one glance.

After taking a look at them all, he signed his name without much hesitation.

The next moment, he felt a thread connected to his body, pointing to a distant place.

His spirit followed this thread, and he saw a huge castle standing in the meadows of the Scottish mountains.

"After signing the contract, you gain admission to Hogwarts. You also know the address of Hogwarts.

Owls you send and receive will also automatically gain access to Hogwarts. "Dumbledore explained, then put the contract away and rolled it up.

"On behalf of Hogwarts, I welcome you." Dumbledore smiled:

"When do you want to go to Hogwarts? If you want to ride the Hogwarts Express with Harry, that's fine too!"

"Let's talk about it later." Mu En shook his head.

"Okay, then I'll take my leave. By the way, say hello to Harry." Dumbledore stood up and said.

After reaching the door, he looked back again.

"By the way, I will ask my friends from the Ministry of Magic to eliminate some of the small mistakes you made a year ago."

After that, he opened the door and walked out, and then disappeared...

Lucifer suddenly emerged from the fireplace: "This guy... is so strong."

"Indeed." Mu En nodded approvingly: "And he is very experienced."

Dumbledore thought that when he first met Moon, he knew that he was the wizard who caused great damage in Knockturn Alley a year ago.

After all, he had taken out that unique and conspicuous wand when he was fighting with Dumbledore.

At the beginning, Dumbledore never thought of bringing this matter up.

Because as long as you do this, it is likely to make you feel bad.

So he waited until the contract was signed before finally saying those words...

"When are you going to go to that Hogwarts school?" Lucifer asked.

"I don't know, but I will definitely go there in advance. That castle has a strong magical power. If you want to 'open' there, you must go and see it first."

Mu En breathed a long sigh of relief and murmured:

"Finally something serious to do..."

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