Quirrell's appearance was just a small episode. Although he was a little unusual, Mu En didn't have such strong curiosity to explore the other party's secrets.

After arriving at the lobby on the first floor and saying goodbye to Harry, Mu En headed straight for the fifth floor.

Hogwarts has two houses whose common rooms are on top of the tower, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor.

So along the way, his unique appearance attracted many little wizards' glances.

During this period, he met two impressive children.

"Mr. Jones!!"

Two children with red hair and some freckles on their faces greeted him in unison.

Obviously, they are twins.

"Good morning, gentlemen." Mu En smiled and nodded: "What can I do?"

A child on the left spoke first: "Good morning sir, we mainly want to ask about your... this... shape!! What spell does it come from? Sorry, we don't mean any harm."

"This is very handsome and gives us some new inspiration." Another person on the right quickly added.

The left person quickly said: "If you mind, we'll get out right away!"

After saying that, the two people looked at Mu En eagerly.

"No, of course I don't mind." Mu En nodded and then explained:

"Maybe Dumbledore didn't make it too clear yesterday. In fact, my current appearance is not an ordinary transfiguration trick, but comes from a mistake in practicing Animagus."

The two little wizards showed apologies on their faces: "Well, I'm really sorry, sir, we didn't mean to..."

"I said I don't mind." Mu En smiled: "But I'm curious, what inspiration are you talking about?"

"We are researching some joke props. After seeing you at the opening party last night, we came up with a new idea, a joke candy that can turn a person's head into a lion or something like that!"

"Or become as handsome as you."

"You two are quite sharp-tongued." Mu En thought for a while: "Maybe you can find inspiration from the compound soup potion."

"Wouldn't that become someone else's medicine?" they wondered.

Mu En looked at the two of them with interest: "Would you like to try putting a piece of cat hair in the compound soup potion?"


Seeing Mu En's confident look, the two little wizards looked at each other and fell into deep thought.

"Okay, I have to go to the library. I'm looking forward to seeing your joke candies come out. Remember to leave one... human for me when the time comes!" Mu En said goodbye to the two of them and walked past them.

"Hiss...what he said...seems to make sense."

"But George, you forgot a question!"


"We have no money..."

Mu En also didn't expect that just after finishing the conversation with the two little wizards, he would meet another person.

Head of Gryffindor House, Minerva McGonagall.

"Professor McGonagall, good morning!" Mu En greeted: "Are there any classes this morning?"

Professor McGonagall nodded: "Yes, this morning is the first year class for Gryffindor and Slytherin."

She didn't expect to meet Mu En here by chance, so she said curiously: "Mr. Jones, I finally meet you. Albus told me a long time ago that a wizard from the ancient school was coming to Hogwarts to take a job. Sinecure.

At that time, I was looking forward to meeting you.

Then a few days ago, when Pomona told me that you were a unique animagus, I looked forward to it even more. "

"It's flattering." Mu En smiled.

"So what is your current status?" Mag was a little curious, and then introduced himself: "No harm, I am also an Animagus."

"Of course. I'm in good condition now." Mu En nodded: "Except for the occasional need to cover up my face when I go out. It won't happen that after I turn into a cat's body, my head will turn into a human again."

"I see." Professor McGonagall nodded: "We usually have an afternoon tea party on Friday afternoons. Do you want to come? I think Professor Flitwick will also be very curious about ancient witchcraft."

"Okay, I will definitely be there on Friday. Is it in the staff lounge?" Mu En would not refuse a tea party with the master of transfiguration and the master of magic.

"Yes." Professor McGonagall nodded: "Welcome."

After finishing speaking, Mag said goodbye and left.

Arriving on the fifth floor, the library door was already open. When Pingsi saw Mu En, his face was filled with joy: "I didn't expect you to come so early."

With that said, she walked to the library with Mu En.

On one of the tables, there was a mountain-like pile of books.

"These are the books I have compiled during this period." She said impatiently, and then asked with some uncertainty: "It won't be too many."

Mu En looked at these books and was a little stunned, but still nodded: "It's still acceptable."


"Am I working here?" Mu En asked uncertainly. These books occupied at least half of the table.

"Would it be too eye-catching?"

"If you want to go to the office, you can leave the library to me." Pingsi said.

"I won't trouble you too much."

"No." Pingsi shook his head: "As long as these books can be restored quickly. As for the library, I have been alone for so many years."

"Okay." Mu En nodded and did not refuse.

Then he just raised his hand, thought for a moment, and took out the wand he had previously seized from someone at the Ministry of Magic, and waved it at the pile of books.

The small mountain of books floated slowly and followed him to the office.

After taking a cursory look at all the books, Mu En suddenly admired Mrs. Pingsi.

All books in need of restoration can roughly be divided into two categories. One category is basic damage that is beyond the scope of her abilities, such as a large number of missing pages, wear and tear on ancient texts, and pages that have been completely defaced by little wizards.

The other is on the magical level. For some books of this type, the book itself is not damaged, but the magic attached to it is gone awry.

For many books, their original owners added various magics to the books in order to prevent the knowledge contents from being obtained at will.

For example, every page of the "Introduction to Cleveland Transfiguration" that Mu En is holding in his hand is blank.

On the cover of the book, there is a note from Pingsi, which details the issues about the book.

The original owner of this Introduction to Transfiguration attached a unique invisibility spell to it. The contents of the book can only be seen by opening it in the correct way.

And because of an accident more than thirty years ago, something went wrong with the spell on this book, and its content has never been revealed again.

There is another book with a similar protective magic attached to it. The book cannot be opened unless the magic spell on it is unlocked.

Under the erosion of time, the logical chain of magic spells attached to the book was damaged. As a result, the book was sealed forever and has not been opened again for more than ten years.

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