
Harry opened his eyes suddenly, jumped up from the warm bed, panted heavily, and looked around quickly.

"Huh..." He breathed a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, this was just a nightmare about frogs.

The white mist he exhaled quickly dissipated, and he wrapped himself in a quilt. After a long time, he still managed to get out of it.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and the humidity in the underground lounge has become thicker recently. It's better in the lounge because there is a fire. But the dormitory was not that good, it was much damper and colder.

He was afraid that his whole body would become wet.

Activities are a must! !

After putting on his clothes and coming outside the castle on the first floor, he discovered that the entire world had changed clothes, the ground was covered with thick white snow, and snowflakes were still falling in the sky.

The sky was still very gray and would not light up until after eight o'clock in the morning, and the whole world was silent.

At the foot of the hillside in the distance, Hagrid's hut was already lit up with yellow lights, and thick smoke could be seen faintly coming from the chimney.

Harry suddenly felt that this was the art of heaven and earth, and he even couldn't bear to destroy it.

That’s weird——

He jumped into the snowdrift and rolled.

After playing like this for a while, he started doing his morning exercises. It wasn't until dawn that he saw a figure appearing on the other side of the white snow.

Mu En was holding a golden cane with an octopus head and wearing a black woolen coat, strolling towards the castle. The snow piles were very thick, but every time before he stepped through, the snow piles would consciously give way to a place where he could stay.

He originally wanted to wear a scarf, but then he realized that his own scarf was better than any other scarf.

When he saw Harry, he was the first to say hello. Then said: "Mr. Granger invited us to spend Christmas at his house."

This is the letter that Mu En received last night. It seems that when Hermione was corresponding with him, he borrowed the barn owl of Hogwarts and wrote a letter to Mu En.

Invite him to take Harry to their house for Christmas.

"Can it?" Harry was surprised.

"Why not." Mu En nodded. "There's not much to do anyway, but of course, if you want to spend Christmas at Hogwarts, that's up to you.

But I have to say, it can be scary if you leave all the cleaning left over from these months until June vacation. "

He was referring to the work at Moonlight Keep. Although he spends most of his time in Hogwarts now, it doesn't mean that Moonlight Castle will be the same as before.

After all, he is a lazy dog, no, he is a lazy cat!

"No, I've been waiting for it for a long time." Harry smiled, he was looking forward to this.

After returning to the lounge, Draco finally got up. He looked at Harry, who was choosing what to wear today, and said, "Oh, damn. I slept again today."

"Isn't that expected? The bed is so warm after all." Harry said with a smile without looking back.

Draco was already talking about getting up early as the weather cooled down.

It’s also limited to talking.

He scratched his head irritably: "No, damn it. Harry, you are so stupid that you have to wake me up."

"If it's a kick, I can," Harry said.

He thought Draco wouldn't answer anymore, but he didn't expect that after a while, Draco nodded: "That's okay."


"Otherwise I won't be able to get up." Draco said helplessly.

Harry could only respond with silence.

"By the way, where are you going for Christmas?"

"Christmas?" Harry said, "Going home!"

On the fifth floor of the castle, Mu En was strolling around. There was nothing going on in the castle recently. Apart from the fact that he had to answer questions for many little wizards every day, he basically had a lot of free time.

After he restored most of the books, Mrs. Pince also realized something.

This Mr. Jones is not here to do the job of a librarian at all. This made her happy and disappointed at the same time. She was happy because at first she was really thinking about whether she was going to be fired, but now it seems she won't.

I am disappointed because the behavior of children destroying books may not be effectively curbed.

But at least some of the naughty students flocked to the reading room.

This made Pingsi become more and more fond of Mr. Jones, and he was thinking about what gift to give him for Christmas.

"Mr. Cat, good morning." Sindel greeted him. "Is it snowing outside?"

"Yes, winter is coming." Mu En nodded, looking at the lively girl still wearing a green dress, feeling a little touched in her heart.

"Can you feel heat and cold?" he asked.

"I don't know." She still shook her head, just like the questions Mu En asked her before.

"Can you show me winter?" She suddenly said: "The real winter is not like what I saw in other paintings."

Mu En was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Okay."

As he spoke, he took off the picture frame, brought it to the office, and opened the window.

From the fifth floor, the entire Hogwarts was more beautiful than from the underground. However, Mu En did not stop there. He hugged the frame with both hands and walked slowly in the air.

The winter wind in the sky was very fierce, carrying the snowflakes, and seemed to be sucking people into the violent snowstorm.

His body slightly expanded a barrier to resist the wind, and then strolled to the highest spire of the castle.

He even said hello at the window to Dumbledore who had just gotten up.

Watching Moon's figure gradually disappearing upward, Dumbledore's old eyes also focused on the owl in the distance.

Not long after, a letter from Austria fell into his hands.

Since the discussion after Halloween, he wrote a reply to Grindelwald for the first time in many years...

At the highest point of Hogwarts, Moon slowly stopped, looking at the frozen black lake, the white sky and the earth, and the smoky huts.

In the distance, dense black dots appeared. They were owls, delivering today's mail to the teachers and children of Hogwarts. Afterwards, they have to go to the owl loft to rest for a while before setting off again.

If there are those who are really seriously cold, Hagrid will take good care of them before continuing to work.

Hagrid walked out of the house, picked up a huge axe, hid his pink umbrella deep in the coat around his waist, and walked towards the Forbidden Forest.

"What is that person going to do?" Sindel asked curiously.

"Hagrid." Mu En looked over and said with a smile, "He should go to the forest to pick a good fir to prepare the Christmas tree."

"This is winter." He said: "The colder the world is, the warmer people feel."

"So this is winter." Sindel also praised, but it was a bit dry and tasteless.

He lowered his head slightly and looked at the picture frame in his arms: "Is it any different from what you have seen in other paintings?"

Sindel still had that lively smile: "Of course."

"What's the difference?" Mu En asked curiously.

The girl thought for a while, and finally she could only smile and shake her head: "I don't know, maybe it's because I can't feel it."

"Okay." Mu En could only stop pursuing this topic, and finally left with Sindel helplessly.

Not long after, Christmas came as promised, Hogsmeade became lively, and the red express train blew its whistle again, sending the cheerful little wizards home...

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