In two days, the exams for all the courses were over.

Hermione had almost all outstanding grades except for the excellent Potions class, while Lorne only got a passing grade due to a slight mistake in the history of Magic class.

Comparing the two people, Miss Hermione, who worked hard, won this time.

"The Demon History class is too difficult to memorize..."

Looking at Hermione, who was happily holding the report card, Lorne shook his head helplessly.

He strongly suspected that the old ghost was deliberately jamming his score, wasn't it just a few more classes during class?

"You also said that when you were in the history of demons class, you slept on your desk every day. "

Hermione gave Lorne a funny look.

Of all the grades, Lorne had the lowest score in the Demon History class.

"He's so boring!"

Lorne dropped the transcript on the table, but the paper slipped in front of Harry and Ron.

The corners of their eyes twitched as they looked at the report card, which was almost entirely O's.

It was a critical hit for both of them.

Harry glanced at his report card, Potions class was undoubtedly rated as a troll by Snape, and most of the other classes were passing.

As for Ron, it was even worse, with only two passes.

"My mom will beat me to death when she goes back!"

Ron wailed feebly.

He could already imagine Mrs. Weasley's expression when she returned home when she saw this report card.

"How did you do on the exam?"

That's when the Weasley brothers came over.

George snatched Ron's report card and glanced at it, a little gloating.

"You're done with Ron, mom will call you again. "

Hearing this, Ron slumped limply on the table.

"Wow, it's all O!"

Fred looked at the transcript on the table and let out an incredible exclamation.

You must know that he has been at Hogwarts for so many years, and he has never seen such a neat report card, except for the magic history class that was rated A.

After reading the name on the report card, Fred looked at Lorne in surprise.

"You're too versatile, aren't you?"

Lorne smiled and showed the two brothers the report card of the girl next to him.

These two are really a natural pair.

A few people around couldn't help but think.

After the exams, tomorrow will be the last night at Hogwarts.

Tomorrow night there will be a graduation ceremony in the auditorium, after which it will be the start of the summer vacation.

Because she had to pack her bags in advance, Hermione Heron didn't go to the Room of Requirement tonight.

Wait for Lorne to return to the dorm.

Malfoy, who had been lying in the hospital bed, had returned, and he was lying on the bed with a letter in his hand.

That's what Hallie sent him.

I heard that Harley has transferred to another school because of what happened last time.

Poor Malfoy was toyed with between the palms of Harry's hands.

Lorne shook his head.


Hogwarts Great Hall.

Tonight is the graduation ceremony, and the auditorium is lavishly decorated, with bright candles hanging upside down from the ceiling.

This dinner was the last meal of the term at Hogwarts, and Lorne sat down in Gryffindor's place as usual.

The color palette of the Great Hall is punctuated with green and silver, the representative colors of Slytherin, and the banner of the Little Serpent is flown high in all corners of the Great Hall.

The two brothers, Fred and George, kept complaining to Lorne.

Ever since the two of them came to school, it's been this hue every year, and it's almost like vomiting.

All the professors were present, even the lady and Hagrid from the school infirmary.

Snape sat in the corner, and next to him, Hagrid took Quirrell's place.

It can be seen that Snape is still very happy with Slytherin's consecutive titles.

Professor McGonagall didn't look too ugly, even if this year's lion cub once again broke the lower limit.

"Lorne, do you have anything to do after the holidays?"

Fred asked, taking a sip of juice.


"I might have to go to Diagon Alley to get some work?"

Lorne also said with some uncertainty.

After all, he wanted to rent a shop to sell some potions.

But it is not yet known how much the shop will be rented.

"If you have time, you can come to the Burrow outside the village of St. Kachpol to find us!"

If nothing else, he and George will continue to make cards on vacation.

"Okay, I'll visit when I have time. "

Lorne smiled and nodded.

Swing –

There was a crisp thud, and Dumbledore tapped the silver quilt with his fork, drawing everyone's attention.

"Before we start dinner, let's announce the winners of the House Cup. "

Dumbledore crossed his hands slightly and said with the same smile.

"Although everyone knows the color of the flag, there is still a sense of ritual. "

There is no doubt that the winner of the House Cup is Slytherin.

As the winner's name was spoken, cheers erupted at the Slytherin table in the distance.

At the Gryffindor table, Fred George celebrates Lorne with juice.

They had a problem with Slytherin, but it was clear that Lorne wasn't included.

"Congratulations Lorne!"

Even Neville sat down, holding up the juice in celebration for Lorne.

"Thank you!"

Lorne picked up the chocolate milk and toasted with a few people.

On the contrary, Miss Hermione sighed helplessly when she saw Gryffindor's score.

She really tried her best.

But it's still the penultimate one.

Lorne leaned over and pinched her little face.

"I'll let you next time!"

Lorne laughed.

"We play fair!"

Miss Hermione blushed and patted Lorne's little hand.

In terms of results, Miss Hermione emerged victorious.

But on the house score, Lorne emerged victorious.

"Well, everyone, I think you listen to the chatter of an old man like me. "

Dumbledore tapped his glass.

"Now, the dinner party begins!"

Bang –

On the originally empty table, an abundance of food appeared out of thin air.

All the little wizards were cheering and celebrating the end of the semester.

And Hermione quietly hugged Lorne's arm at this time, and her eyes flashed with antiquity.

"Come, open your mouth!"

Lorne laughed, picked up a piece of fruit and fed it.

The dinner ended with brilliant fireworks.

Tomorrow is the first day of the holiday.

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