Hogwarts: The Way of the Dharma

Chapter 342 Life Mentor Alvin

Alvin laughed too, why is Ron still such a waste?

Ignoring him, Alvin looked at Crabbe and Goyle hanging on the wall and announced their punishment.

"Slytherin deducted 100 percent, and went to Professor Snape to lock himself up after class this afternoon.

"As for the time, just a week, let the professor decide what to do.

As for Harry, he didn't say a word, and was obviously pulling the strings.

Among the crowd of onlookers were some Slytherin students, all of whom expressed resentment and felt that his treatment was unfair.

Alvin also noticed and added:

"Don't think about adding points back by other means. If any Slytherin prefect dares to do this, I will let your professor talk to him personally."

Became a school bully once, Ai "290" Erwen directly pulled Hermione away swaggeringly.

As for the Crabgall that is still hanging on the wall, hang it for a few hours first, and then it will naturally fall off.

The first day of school was so full of gunpowder, it was destined to be an extraordinary semester.

But it's not right to say that, since Alvin's admission, or Harry's admission to be exact, this school is doomed to be uneasy.

To tell a joke, Hogwarts is the safest place in the wizarding world.

Now Harry is in a difficult situation.

Because of the smearing of the Ministry of Magic, he has become a man who wants to make a splash and talk nonsense in many people's minds.

In addition, Voldemort was relatively honest this summer, and nothing happened, and everyone distrusted him even more.

Even his roommate Seamus had a fight with him. Every day Seamus would not go back to the dormitory except sleeping.

"There is a mountain of prejudice in people's hearts, and once they believe what the Ministry of Magic says, no one will believe you unless they see Voldemort in the future.

After a get out of class, Alvin once again acted as a life mentor, and persuaded the confused little Harry:

"Why do they believe in the Ministry of Magic? Because he is the authority, and only if your power or prestige is above it will you be spared this affliction."

Harry thought, "Like you now?"

"That's right." Alvin is not humble at all: "Every word I say, every action I make, countless people will try to figure it out and guess my thoughts. 99

Harry remembered that during the trial, Alvin's only slight cough had caused most of the Wizengamore members to turn their backs on Fudge's verdict.

A strange seed was planted in his heart, and it slowly sprouted.

"What's the next class?

After fooling Harry, Alvin asked Hermione, he really didn't know what the next class was going to be.

"Defense Against the Dark Arts class, still with us, but after lunch."

Hermione thought for a moment before she said it.

"Okay, we won't go to the auditorium to eat today. The house-elves in the kitchen told me that they have learned a beggar chicken again. Let's try it..."

After lunch, Alvin sat comfortably in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, and Hermione next to him had the same expression.

The house-elf's beggar chicken is really good, as for how good it is, there is no water here.

After all, this book is not called Hogwarts on the tip of the tongue.

There were more and more students in the classroom, and Umbridge walked in wearing her pink suit.

All the students are silent, no one can figure out her way, what if it is a very serious professor?

With a professional smirk, Umbridge started her first class.

She took out a surprisingly short wand and tapped it hard on the blackboard, and two lines immediately appeared on the blackboard:

"Defense Against the Dark Arts, back to basics."

"Students, your teaching in this class has been intermittent and unsystematic." "Umbridge stood upright, hands crossed.

"Many are not taught to the standards of the Ministry of Magic, which puts you well below the level of the 0.W.L.S exam.

"Now, open the book Defense Theory of Magic, turn to page five, and start reading.

After speaking, she left the blackboard and sat down on the chair behind the podium.

The students opened the book with little interest and began to read. …

The content is very boring, comparable to Professor Binns' history of magic, and within ten minutes, the sound in the classroom has become much quieter.

Alvin didn't even open the book, just lay down on the table and took a nap.

He knew exactly why Umbridge had come here. It was nothing more than that Fudge had sent Dumbledore to trouble Dumbledore to prevent him from inciting the little wizards in the school to oppose him as the Minister of Magic.

As the biggest villain in the entire book, Umbridge's nausea is just beginning.

She will definitely have more outrageous operations in the future.

What? You say Voldemort is the biggest villain?

Then please find a Umbridge fan, and some please leave a message in the comment area, let me see what kind of strange line it is... cough cough.

As for why Alvin didn't stop her from entering the school?

Quite simply, it does no good, although Umbridge is a nasty, vicious dog who will do anything for his power.

But her presence didn't have much impact on Alvin, Umbridge would only come to provoke him when he was out of his mind, and Fudge would not allow such a thing to happen.

And, once the Voldemort thing comes to light, how much hated Umbridge is now, these feelings will be transferred to Fudge's head.

It will be easier to get him off the stage then.

Time passed slowly, and soon the time of a class passed 1.0 and more than half of it was gone.

During the period, Umbridge didn't do anything, just let the students read books, but he took out a set of tea sets and made afternoon tea.

The reading volume in the classroom is getting quieter and many people are already lethargic.

But whenever they wanted to close their eyes, Umbridge would always find someone exactly and stare at them.

They looked enviously at Alvin sleeping there, but they didn't dare to make any movement.

Finally, Hermione couldn't bear it any longer, she stood up suddenly, and the movement was so big that she woke up Alvin who was sleeping soundly next to her.

The whole class was staring at her, and Umbridge couldn't ignore it. She asked in a greasy sweet voice:

"Dear, do you have any questions about the content of this chapter?"

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