Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 10 Quirrell

After thinking about it for a long time, Brian's face became indifferent, he sorted out the things he was carrying, got up and left the classroom.

He did not return to the Slytherin common room, but turned and walked towards the fourth floor.

We arrived at the rightmost corridor on the fourth floor, which was blocked by a door. Brian lay beside the door and listened for a while. The only sound inside was the snoring of the big dog.

Apparently Professor Quirrell hasn't come yet. He used the troll to attract the professor's attention, and he would come here and try to pass through the trap door.

There were rustling footsteps behind him. Brian pursed his lips and left the door pretending to be panicked. He secretly put his wand behind him and turned to look at Quirrell who was rushing over.

"You... are you a student of that college? Why did you run... here?" Quirrell gasped and stammered.

"Sorry, Professor, I'm just curious about what's inside." Brian looked at Quirrell and the ridiculous big scarf on his head, imitating Malfoy and squinting, "I'm Brian from Slytherin. Foley, my dad was Albert Foley, he was on the school board."

Quirrell took a deep look at him and waved to him: "Quickly...get out of here quickly, this...no one is allowed in here." He was obviously a little anxious.

"Professor Quirrell, do you want to go in and steal something inside?" Brian suddenly said loudly.

"What are you talking about?" Quirrell stared at him fiercely. Brian noticed the wand in his hand was raised slightly.

"I know there is a big dog with three heads inside, and there is a trap door under its body. It must be guarding something." Brian said quickly, "You released the troll, right? ?Because you clearly passed out in the auditorium and shouldn't have come here."

"You are right, so you are so arrogant that you came here to catch me? Couldn't your poor head have imagined what I would do to you?" Quirrell stopped pretending, he sneered fiercely, and raised his hand took the wand out of his hand.

"I...I have informed Professor Dumbledore! He will come here soon to catch you!" Brian pretended to be panicked and raised his wand and pointed it at him, "And I have the alchemy equipment given by my father. , I’m not afraid of you. You despicable thief!”

"My father is a member of the school board. He will definitely kick you out and throw you into Azkaban." Brian imitated Malfoy's proud look.

Quirrell was so angry that he was breathing heavily from his nostrils. Just as he raised his wand with a ferocious expression, intending to teach this annoying brat a lesson, his movements suddenly paused, as if he was listening to something.

"Very good, Mr. Foley?" He smiled stiffly and slowly put down the wand in his hand. "I'm not a thief. On the contrary, these are the owner's things. I just got them back for him."

"Your master? There is another master behind you?" Brian said aggressively.

"That's right, it's the great master, the Dark Lord!" Quirrell's face twisted, and then he said enthusiastically.

"The Dark Lord? You are lying!" Brian was stunned, and then his face was full of disbelief, "He has fallen."

"He just left temporarily." Quirrell sneered, "But he will be back soon!"

"Really?" After hearing Quirrell's words, Brian showed a mixture of surprise and worry, mixed with a little doubt.

"Yes, and the thing inside this door is the last bargaining chip for his return. I know your father, he is a loyal supporter of the Dark Lord, but everything he did after the Dark Lord left made the master very unhappy ." Quirrell threatened in a sinister tone.

Brian looked horrified.

"Of course, you can make the difference for him, Foley." Quirrell said in a slower tone, "As long as you help me and contribute to the return of the Dark Lord, you will be the biggest contributor when the time comes!"

"At that time, you will be the person whom the Dark Lord trusts and relies on most, and everyone will crawl at your feet."

Brian's eyes lit up, as if he had fallen into a beautiful fantasy, showing an expression of pleasure.

"Really? The Dark Lord is coming back?" Brian asked in a low voice, "What can I do? Let's go in and get something together?"

"Now, you need to go back first." Quirrell frowned and said, "The defense inside cannot be cracked in one go. Now time is of the essence. I need to go in and explore the situation first."

"Okay! I'll come find you later." Brian nodded, turned around and ran outside, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Wait." Quirrell suddenly stopped him.

"Is there anything else?" Brian broke out in a cold sweat and turned around to ask in surprise.

"Someone is coming." Quirrell said with a cold face, pointing his wand at Brian, and wisps of ripples flashed out from the tip of his wand and fell on Brian.

Brian raised his hands and looked at them, seeing that they had become transparent.

"Illusion Curse." Brian understood.

Quirrell also cast a Disillusionment Charm on himself, and then he opened the door with the Unlocking Charm, and shot a spell at the big three-headed dog, causing it to suffer pain and growl angrily.

The three heads stared with fierce eyes, roared and stuck their big mouths drooling out of the door, but their necks were pulled by ropes.

A black figure appeared on the other side of the corridor. He floated over very quickly, like a huge black bat.

Professor Snape.

He looked around warily, and then cast a spell on the big dog, trying to drive it back.

The big dog was hit by another spell, and now he was even more angry, transferring all his hatred to Snape.

Quirrell cast a silent spell and loosened the rope around the dog's neck.

Snape's eyes looked keenly in Quirrell's direction, but he soon had no time to think about anything else. The big dog was completely freed, and Snape was overwhelmed by the three dog-headed siege.

The big dog Luwei is very strong, and it is obviously very resistant to magic spells. Even a powerful stun spell can only knock one of the dogs out, but the other two will be even more irritated. Be aggressive and quickly wake up that dizzy head.

"Sure enough, only Hagrid is good at dealing with such a big monster and thinks it is a little cute." Brian sighed secretly.

While a man and a dog were fighting fiercely, Quirrell grabbed Brian's arm and silently led him farther and farther away.

Before turning the corner, Brian glanced over his shoulder.

Snape struggled to pull his legs out of the big dog's clenching mouth. He successfully pushed all three of the big dog's heads back and closed the door with a snap.

Snape was left leaning against the door with his bloody thighs, pointing his wand in front of him and muttering the Apparition spell.


[Witness Snape stopping Quirrell, witness point +0.5]

After Quirrell took him far away, he asked him to go back first. Tonight is clearly not the time for conversation.

Brian himself returned to the Slytherin lounge, which was now full of people. Everyone was talking about the trolls, and the buzzing sound almost lifted the ceiling.

Malfoy loudly boasted to a group of girls, claiming that when he was ten years old, he and his father were chased by several trolls, and that he even set fire to drive away one of them.

Brian found a place to sit down and listened quietly to Malfoy's words.

He went to see Quirrell tonight, but it was actually just a whim.

He had never planned to contact Voldemort now, but tonight's troll incident had changed his mind.

Since he couldn't significantly change the plot, he could only choose to maintain the plot as much as possible and witness it.

But how to do this?

He couldn't always follow Harry Potter, but he needed witness points, there was no doubt about it.

If you don’t want to miss the plot, you can only try to control the plot and let him play it at the right time and place so that he can participate or watch.

If you can't be on Harry Potter's side, then you're on his opposite side.

The situation on Harry's side is very controllable. As long as Brian reveals a little information to them in some way, he can well control the actions of the Saviors.

Of course, just avoid Dumbledore.

But the Dark Lord's side is difficult to control. It's full of surprises and unknowns. He might even do something inconspicuous, and the butterfly effect caused may change the plot beyond recognition.

So, why not join him, get inside, and let the plot unfold according to Brian's ideas.

He needs the Dark Lord to rise and fall as in the original plot.

The Dark Lord needed to live, but he also had to die. This is Brian's opinion.

The wizarding world doesn't need a Dark Lord.

Going to see Quirrell tonight was a bit of a whim, but he was well prepared.

Since sooner or later we have to contact and follow the Dark Lord, we might as well start now. Once you leave an impression on the Dark Lord now, it will be easier to gain his trust in the future. This will be much more convenient.

Of course, it is just an insurance policy and may not be used in the future, but it also provides an alternative path.

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