Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 2 The Foley Family

Brian continued to identify the teachers, and he saw Professor Flitwick. God bless him, he almost missed him, the little professor was almost completely obscured by the food on the table.

He could almost recognize most of the teachers. Except for some characters who didn't appear much in the original work, he didn't even remember their names.

Brian looked away and silently began to look at the classmates at the Slytherin table.

It has to be said that Slytherin is the base camp of pure blood, and many young wizards come from wizard families with a long heritage.

While stubbornly adhering to the glory of pure blood, he also maintained a good upbringing like an ancient nobleman. This can be seen in the behavior of many young wizards.

Of course, you can't expect these eleven-year-old wizards to have high demands on themselves under such circumstances.

For example, Draco Malfoy, who was leaning forward and talking to two big boys in a weird way, while the two big boys nodded in agreement from time to time, and occasionally smiled dully, looking a little silly.

Needless to say, these were definitely Crabbe and Goyle, but Brian couldn't tell who was who.

Sitting diagonally across from Malfoy was an ugly girl who was raising her head and chatting with the girl next to her, peeking at Malfoy from time to time. Brian heard the girl next to him call her Pansy.

Well, he always thought that the original work looked at people and things from Harry's perspective, and it might vilify the characters he hated.

However, Pansy Parkinson is indeed not good-looking, but at this time she is still young and looks ugly.

On the other hand, the blond girl on the other side made Brian take a second look. She had beautiful blue eyes, her skin was as white and tender as milk, and her temperament was dignified and generous like a lady.

At this time, she was skillfully cutting a piece of steak, occasionally nodding in agreement with the conversations of the girls around her. She had the usual arrogance of Slytherins in her eyes, and her demeanor was slightly cold but also calm.

The girl seemed to notice Brian's gaze, and turned her blue eyes to look at Brian. They both smiled politely, and then looked away.

Soon, Brian stopped looking at everyone in the auditorium. At this time, his headache was almost exploding. He just wanted to have a good sleep.

After dinner time, Dumbledore stood up and emphasized the precautions, such as no entry into the Forbidden Forest, no magic in the corridors between classes, and of course, no entering the right corridor on the fourth floor.

Brian clearly noticed that when Dumbledore said this, his eyes flashed mischievously under his half-moon glasses.

Later, after singing the school song, the long entrance ceremony finally came to an end.

Of course, Brian just opened and closed his mouth randomly a few times while singing the school song. He nearly fainted from a headache as he stood up, making him suspect that if he moved even a little, his head would explode like a watermelon.

When Dumbledore announced that he could go back to the dormitory, there was a "ding" in Brian's head.

Brian managed to concentrate, and finally found a line of small words that seemed to be printed in his mind:

[Witness the opening ceremony, witness point +1]

Brian reluctantly turned his painful and jerky brain, and finally gave up the idea of ​​conducting research now.

He needed rest, he seemed likely to die at any moment now.

The new students in Slytherin followed their prefect Emma Farley out of the Great Hall, and walked deeper and deeper down the marble stairs, finally stopping at an empty stone wall at the back of the dungeon.

Emma spoke the password to Stonewall: "Noble."

A stone door hidden behind the stone wall slowly opened. Inside was a long, narrow, low basement-like lounge, with green lights hanging from the ceiling. Outside the window was a dark lake, with occasional flashes of huge... There are shadows, but the flames in the fireplace make the place warm.

Brian didn't care to observe the scene here. He finally found his dormitory, threw himself on the four-poster bed with "Brian Fawlay" written on it, and soon fell asleep.

In the dream, his head exploded, and a lot of messy information poured into his memory.

He experienced eleven years of a boy's life from a first-person perspective.

The next morning, Brian woke up very early and his headache no longer hurt.

He looked at the thin, pale little boy in the mirror. He had smooth black hair, but it was a little too long in the front, slightly covering his somewhat melancholy black eyes.

Pushing back the hair that partially covered his eyes, the boy in the mirror had a pale complexion as if he had never seen the sun all day long, and his beautiful black eyes were as deep as the stars and the universe, giving him an elegant and melancholy temperament like a medieval aristocrat.

His appearance is very exquisite. Of course, I cannot say that he is handsome. He can only be said to be cute or beautiful.

Brian inherited his father's dark hair, dark eyes and pale complexion, as well as the good looks he inherited from his mother. Although his father, Mr. Foley, always complained that he did not inherit the hooked nose that had been passed down from generation to generation in the Foley family.

As one of the twenty-eight pure-blood families, the Foley family of three lived in a large manor in Hampshire and owned huge wealth.

Mr. Foley has always had extraordinary business acumen. Like Mr. Malfoy, he is also a member of the Hogwarts Board of Directors and has also used various facilities to make friends with numerous Ministry of Magic officials.

But he refused to take up a position in the Ministry of Magic. To be honest, the Foley family had not been very enthusiastic about entering the Ministry of Magic since the Minister of Magic of the Foley family was ousted during the raging period of Grindelwald.

Humility and low-keyness are the ancestral mottos passed down from generation to generation in the Foley family. According to Mr. Foley, no one knows how to protect oneself better than he does.

Of course, there are also not so good situations. Like most pure-blood families, Mr. Foley is a pure-blood believer and enthusiastically advocates pure-blood theory.

For another example, Mr. Foley was a Death Eater.

Brian once saw the Dark Mark on Mr. Foley's arm, and the original person even thought it was "cool."

During the period when the Dark Lord was raging, Mr. Foley silently supported the Dark Lord's cause, but he was low-key enough and only supported wealth, connections, and the magic and items passed down by his family, so that he was rarely known to outsiders. , but maintain good relations with them.

He even maintained a friendship with the Lestranges, and whether to win over or for whatever reason, he made Bellatrix the godmother of Brian.

However, when the Dark Lord fell, Mr. Foley, like all Death Eaters who escaped punishment, claimed that he was just under the Imperius Curse and denied everything about the Dark Lord.

Escaping sanctions is not difficult, especially if Mr. Foley is low-key and wealthy enough.

Likewise, Mr. Foley never spoke to Brian about his godmother, who was currently imprisoned in Azkaban. The reason why Brian knew about this was because the original person overheard it secretly.

But there is no doubt that for Mr. Foley, investing in the Dark Lord's business is the most losing business he has ever done. Fortunately, he is low-key and humble enough, which makes the Foley family's reputation better than the Malfoy family, but it is also Too good to be true.

But Mr. Foley obviously still supports the Dark Lord. He has lamented more than once the benefits of the Dark Lord's period of power. The power of the pure-blood nobles has reached its peak. They can torture Muggles at will and arrest those who have tarnished the purity of the wizarding world. of mudbloods.

Finding out that his father was a Death Eater was not pleasant.

Brian sighed helplessly. In his opinion, the wizarding world did not need the Dark Lord.

If there had to be one, it could only be him.

But Brian obviously doesn't have this idea. He thinks that letting himself become the Dark Lord and standing on the opposite side of most people in the world is simply the stupidest thing.

As for his mother, Lady Betty Foley, she was the youngest sister of her generation in the Prewett family.

The current Mrs. Weasley, Molly Weasley, is her biological sister.

Speaking of which, Ron Weasley wanted to call him cousin.

But this doesn't mean anything. To be honest, all pure-blood wizard families have distant or close relatives.

Mrs. Foley never interacted with Mrs. Weasley, and she even prohibited Brian from having contact with anyone in the Weasley family.

She made no secret of her resentment towards Mrs. Weasley in her voice when she accidentally mentioned her.

Mrs. Foley is a woman who lives a very meticulous life. She is like the opposite of Mrs. Weasley. She speaks softly, always maintains her manners and demeanor meticulously, is keen on attending and hosting banquets and dances, and almost lives a medieval life. A luxurious life like a lady.

Influenced by his parents, Brian Foley is a low-key and introverted child who likes to cover his eyes with his long hair, although this makes Mrs. Foley who pays attention to appearance very uncomfortable.

He talks very little, hangs his head slightly when walking, and tries not to look into other people's eyes. He has a good upbringing and elegant etiquette has been integrated into all aspects of life.

Like most young wizards from pure-blood families, they firmly believe in the supremacy of pure blood.

At the same time, there is also a little bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder inherited from Mrs. Foley.

At this time, while retaining his original elegance, Brian also overcame his original lack of self-confidence. He liked to lift his hair in front of his eyes, revealing his dark eyes that always seemed to contain melancholy, but were calm and composed.

Of course, coupled with a little mysophobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder that I had in my previous life, it seems to be more serious now.

For example, he really wants to clean the Sorting Hat, which is very important.

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