Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 368 The Fairy Tale of Love

In the long corridor surrounded by endless doors, two people with the same appearance were facing each other, but the surrounding darkness was still quiet and peaceful.

Evenly matched powerful magic powers surged around the two people, fighting against each other, as if they were going to tear everything around them apart. But there was no change in the surrounding doors. They were still quiet and hazy, like empty phantoms.

Brian stared intently at the black crow on the opposite side, knowing that his chances of winning were slim.

Because he was going to enter the Door of Death, Brian took down all his alchemical items and magic potions in advance, and now he didn't carry anything with him except the three Deathly Hallows. Presumably the same goes for the black crow opposite.

In terms of age, he is not as good as Black Crow, so his experience is far less than that of Black Crow, who has experienced hundreds of battles. In terms of knowledge, Black Crow has stayed in this world of death for too long, enough for him to gain more knowledge and truth.

When all conditions including magic power are equal, these factors become the key to victory.

However, Brian was not one to give in easily. Even if you fail in the end, you still have to fight it out.

The Elder Wand in his hand was as cold and powerful as ever, but he didn't expect that the first time Brian used it against an enemy, he would face himself.

The battle was about to break out, and Brian and Black Crow chose to attack almost at the same time. The two disarming spells collided in mid-air, and the red sparks seemed to illuminate the surrounding darkness.

Then, the two people disappeared from the spot at the same time. The place where they were standing was hit by another magic spell, and the surrounding void trembled faintly.

The two appeared at the same time and exchanged places. With a wave of the wand, the two spells intersected again and were extinguished at the same time.

Where Brian stood, ravens made of black flames emerged from the void. They opened their red eyes, spread their scorching, poisonous and cursed wings, and surrounded Brian.

Next to the black crow, the fire dragon and phoenix transformed from the purple sharp fire were chirping loudly, launching the most violent attack on the black crow.

Brian passed the wand in front of him in a wide arc, and all the black fire ravens in front of him were wiped out. At the same time, his left hand gently wiped the air, and another group of ravens disappeared as if they had been erased by an eraser.

But while the Blackfire Ravens disappeared, the poisons and curses still existed in place, attacking Brian non-stop. The remaining raven also spread its wings and exploded amidst the noisy chirping, turning into more blackfire ravens and growing stronger.

Brian took a deep breath, held the wand in his right hand at his feet, and a bright golden halo suddenly burst out from where he stood, like sunlight, instantly driving away all the Black Fire Ravens, even those curses and poisons It was also cleaned out.

At the same time, Black Crow had already dealt with those fire monsters, seemingly easily and casually.

The two spells that seemed to tear everything apart collided again, sparks flying.

The figures of the two people disappeared again, constantly moving their positions, appearing and disappearing in an instant, constantly looking for each other's flaws, as if they were performing a strange and strange double dance.

After once again having to use defensive spells to fend off the Black Crow's attack in a hurry, Brian knew he couldn't continue to fight like this. The Black Crow on the opposite side has more experience in battle and knows how to save the most effort and how to put the opponent into crisis at the minimum cost. In comparison, Brian's methods are much more immature.

At the same time, Brian also discovered that some kind of slow power was gradually exerting itself on him. It was some kind of magic that he did not understand, which was slowly slowing down his speed. And in this highly confrontational state, he simply couldn't spare the time to unlock this magic.

Brian took a deep breath and did not panic. Instead, he chose the method that was most beneficial to him without hesitation: a head-on confrontation!

Put aside all fancy means and fight head-on with magic spells!

Brian's body suddenly stood still, and the wand in his hand waved out a series of afterimages, and the spells were released one after another, shooting at the black crows like raindrops composed of fireworks.

The black crow always had a playful and mocking smile on his face, as if he was playing an easy game that was destined to end. He also stood still, and the magic spells poured out smoothly from the tip of the wand.

A series of magic spells collided and were destroyed in front of the two people, and there were also magic spells that escaped the net and hit the two of them. Brian and Black Crow unanimously chose to teleport within a small area to avoid those powerful spells. Occasionally, any spells that hit their bodies would be blocked by the defensive spells on their bodies.

The two figures are like the most elegant conductors, conducting the most intense movement. Those music pieces turned into life-harvesting curses and life-killing scythes, charging towards the opponent.

Magic power was pouring out, the roar of the curse's confrontation filled his ears, and the flash of the curse turned his vision into a blur of white. Brian was still slowly falling into a disadvantage.

The enemy is himself. He understands all of his habits and methods, and even knows what he is thinking. He has power as powerful as himself, but he also has mastered various methods that Brian has never known. His attacks are smooth and elegant, but cold and dark, with unreserved evil and murderous intent, and the power of black magic to corrode people's hearts...

They are so similar and yet so different. They have the same mind, but they are irresolvable mortal enemies.

When another spell slipped through the net and hit the defensive spell around Brian's body, the faint light shield was extinguished together with the spell. Brian sighed and looked at the dark claws that suddenly surged under his feet. They were like ghost hands stretching out from the swamp, gripping Brian's ankles tightly, as if they were grabbing a scapegoat and never let go.

These ghost claws that had been laid down from unknown time were not very powerful, at least Brian could deal with them with a casual blow, but at this moment it became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Brian's body sluggishly sluggished, and the spells that followed quickly extinguished the defensive spells Brian had just released.

In the blink of an eye, Brian was in a dead end.

The teasing smile on Black Crow's face deepened. He ignored the ground that suddenly turned red under his feet and swung a dark curse at Brian with the intention of devouring all life.

Brian frowned, sighed softly, and suddenly exploded with the power accumulated around him, instantly annihilating all the attacks around him. Then, he disappeared instantly, avoiding the dark spell.

Brian looked at the Black Crow warily. The red ground under the Black Crow's feet suddenly erupted, setting off a deadly pillar of fire like a volcanic eruption, completely surrounding the Black Crow!

The figure of the black crow dissipated like a mirror in the pillar of fire, disappearing in the blink of an eye. Only the mockery still hanging on the corner of his mouth was still vivid in his mind.

"No!" Brian was horrified, realizing that he had been tricked by some unknown trick. He was about to teleport away from the place, but found that his body fell into the mire again.

The figure of the black crow appeared from his side, waving to him with a sarcastic and haughty expression.

The light of the curse suddenly filled Brian's sight, completely engulfing his figure!

Brian sighed softly and put down the wand in his hand, his expression vaguely sad and tender.

The fatal curse hit Brian, but it did not bring any pain or harm, as if it was gently wiped away by some force.

"How could..." The joking smile on Black Crow's face froze, and for the first time his face turned cold.

"As expected." Brian stood silently, feeling the pure and gentle power surrounding him, and smiled slowly.

"What did you do?" Black Crow said with a slight tilt of his head, not paying attention to the spells surrounding him again.

"I didn't do anything, I just expected it." Brian still had a gentle smile on his face, "You shouldn't not know, Black Crow. Daphne died for me..."

"Although she died a bit stupidly, she did choose to face death to protect me. When she made up her mind to die for me, she gave everything to me."

"Love?" Black Crow smiled ferociously, "I have done so much, and you tell me that I also lost to love? This is like a child's game, Brian!"

"Why can't it be treated as a child's game?" Brian asked, "Although this is a real world with darkness and despair, it is still a fairy tale about love after all."

"Do you really want to believe in love?" Black Crow still tilted his head and put on the expression as if he had seen something strange.

"Since Daphne can protect me, why can't I trust her once?" Brian asked again.

"Do you believe it can last forever and never change?" Black Crow asked aggressively.

Brian looked at Black Crow for a while, then slowly shook his head and said, "I don't believe it."

He then turned to smile and said: "But, how can there be anything immortal in this world? When the world is destroyed, time and space may collapse, so no matter how unforgettable the feelings are, they will be erased with time..."

"But I want to believe that at least for now it is sincere and pure. Since it is so fragile and so short-lived, we must cherish it now." Brian said softly.

"Haha, it's up to you." Black Crow put on that mocking expression again.

"I'm just thinking that since you've watched everything about me, you shouldn't know this, Black Crow. I've been invincible from the beginning..." Brian said, "You just don't want to go believe."

The sarcasm on Black Crow's face became even stronger, but there was a hint of undetectable complexity hidden in those black, dull eyes.

"You know what? You're lucky, Brian." Black Crow said indifferently.

The cursed aperture around him slowly glowed, but Black Crow did not choose to resist in vain and continued to fight this embarrassing battle that was destined to fail. The sudden burst of flames engulfed everything and swallowed up the figure of the black crow.

"I won't regret anything I did, Brian. I didn't lose to you!"

He was burning in the flames, but he was laughing wildly, and gradually turned into ashes in the flames.

Brian said softly: "Yes, you did not lose to me."

Brian looked at the place where the black crow disappeared, with unspeakable sadness in his eyes.

Perhaps, he is also eager to be killed by himself.

Perhaps, he also longed for love.

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