Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 41 The Sorting Hat

For the next three days, Hogwarts was still immersed in a relaxed and calm atmosphere.

The little wizards are all enjoying their rare leisure time without having to worry about test scores.

It is worth mentioning that the last Quidditch match was held during this time. Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw match.

Apparently, Harry had not yet woken up from his coma. The Gryffindor team was missing a member and had to temporarily find a senior student to make up the number.

The result was undoubtedly Gryffindor's biggest defeat in three hundred years.

When the score was not as high as Ravenclaw's, Ravenclaw's Seeker successfully caught the Golden Snitch to end the game. Obviously, in the absence of one of the most important players, the other Gryffindor players had little motivation and performed unsatisfactory.

Brian saw Wood, the captain of the Gryffindor team, scratching his hair with a dejected look on his face after the game, as if he was about to cry.

He was satisfied to see that he had gained 0.1 new witness points.

Malfoy was very happy. It should be said that the cheers of Slytherin's little wizards covered Ravenclaw, because based on the overall points, Slytherin was undoubtedly the first place, which meant that they He went on to win the Quidditch Cup that year.

Malfoy was still smiling proudly on the way back to the common room, as if it was all his fault.

"Ah, so Potter does good things occasionally." Malfoy commented slowly.

After that night, Harry was sent to the school hospital. Almost all the students in the school knew that Harry Potter and his friends broke through the levels carefully set by the professors and successfully stopped the greedy Professor Quirrell. And saved two classmates from him.

Except for Harry who was still in a coma, the other three little wizards were discharged from the hospital the next day. Through their publicity, other people also knew about Harry's deeds.

Under Ron's big mouth, the little wizards quickly learned how they passed the professors' levels, attracting the admiration of countless people.

Malfoy was quite disgusted and unhappy about this, but in fact many Slytherin wizards also changed their attitude towards Harry. At least his deeds were indeed admirable.

"That's not brave, it's clearly reckless and arrogant." Malfoy said. He sneered at Harry Potter's approach, which attracted the approval of many Slytherins. Snakes are always good at protecting themselves wisely, making decisions before taking action, and never put themselves in danger casually.

Brian also agreed with this. They were indeed too reckless.

At the same time, their test scores were also sent to them in these days.

Brian ranked third in the grade, and except for the History of Magic grade, which was E (good), everything else was O (excellent). But obviously, History of Magic gave him points. Hermione got the first place in the grade, and the second place in the grade was a top student in Ravenclaw.

Malfoy also achieved excellent results, with good grades in three subjects and excellent results in the others. He put the transcripts up casually, saying that these exams were trivial.

Daphne's grades are slightly worse than Malfoy's, but she's still good enough. The little girl showed a relaxed smile that she had not seen for a long time, and finally let go of this worry.

But Crabbe and Goyle were a little miserable, especially Goyle. They cried all day long.

"Anyway, Goyle, at least you have learned something, haven't you?" Malfoy reluctantly comforted, "At least... uh... you can peel apples quickly and well. Maybe you can go back and peel them for your parents. A few apples and they won’t hit you when they’re happy.”

Looking at Gower's thoughtful expression, Brian secretly covered his face. If Goyle really did this and proved that he only learned to peel apples during his whole year at Hogwarts, his parents would definitely beat him to death, right?

However, he was also looking forward to what was going on in this scene?

At the end of the school year, Brian received another letter from Dumbledore, inviting him to the principal's office.

Brian was noncommittal. Even if Dumbledore found out that he was there, it wouldn't matter. He had done nothing bad.

With a relaxed mood, Brian arrived at the principal's office with ease.

However, Dumbledore seemed not to be there at this time. The old headmasters in the picture frame on the wall were still sleeping soundly, and Fox was standing on the high perch and taking a nap.

Brian approached Fox and wanted to touch its feathers, but he nimbly dodged it. Those clear little eyes were full of disgust and arrogance.

Brian stretched out his hand again, and the phoenix hid several times, but finally had no choice but to let him touch its golden-red feathers.

Its feathers were as warm as a soft heater. Brian stroked it gently for a moment, causing it to squint its eyes comfortably, but it raised its head high, its eyes still full of pride.

"This Phoenix's character is quite interesting." Brian thought to himself.

Withdrawing his hand with satisfaction, Brian waited boredly. No idea where Dumbledore went.

This is very disrespectful behavior.

Then he saw the Sorting Hat on the shelf.

Brian narrowed his eyes and slowly approached the Sorting Hat. It is like an ordinary dirty hat at this time, without any reaction.

The Sorting Hat probably spends a whole year accumulating the magic of the next Sorting Ceremony and writing the lyrics for the next year.

Brian pulled out his wand and pointed it at it: "Clean it up!"

He put up with it for a long time.

However, this magic had no effect on the Sorting Hat. It was still dirty and itchy.

Brian twitched the corner of his mouth slightly. He wanted to conjure up a basin of water and put it in it to wash it thoroughly.

"But... maybe I can try and ask the Sorting Hat which house I am more suitable for?"

Brian was a little eager to give it a try. He originally belonged to Slytherin, but he didn't necessarily. Already an expert in Occlumency by this time, there was no doubt that he would not reveal his deepest secrets.

He endured the feeling of repulsion, picked up the hat with two fingers, and put it on his head.

"Ah, I remember you, Brian Foley, you were the little kid who threw me to the ground." A small voice said in his ear, "Is there something you don't understand?"

"I just hope you can take another look, which college should I belong to?" Brian said silently.

"Oh? Are you not satisfied with the house I assigned you?" the Sorting Hat whispered, "I never make mistakes! I will never assign a person to a second house."

"No, I'm just curious." Brian smiled slightly, "Can you help me?"

"Oh, dreaming..."

"Or I'll wash you off in the water." Brian responded politely.

"Dream...I will also help you." The Sorting Hat expressed.

"Well, okay, let me take a look..." it said in a long tone, "Oh, your thoughts have changed so much, this is growth. But there is no doubt that my answer remains the same, you are A born Slytherin..."

"Born from a pure blood, cautious and shrewd, strong-willed and ambitious, you possess almost all the excellent qualities that Slytherin values."

Brian pondered and took off the sorting hat from his head that was still complaining about him.

Well, at least it solved one of his doubts, but he still wanted to wash the hat.

Brian stared at the hat in his hand with a thoughtful expression.

Just as he was about to put it into action, the door to the principal's office opened and Dumbledore walked in, interrupting his actions.

"Ah, Brian, I'm sorry, I'm late." Dumbledore was wearing a luxurious dark blue robe with golden stars embroidered on it.

"Harry just woke up, so I went to visit him for a while," Dumbledore said.

"I'm glad he woke up." Brian nodded and blessed him, then put the Sorting Hat back on the shelf.

"Yes, yes, I was scared at the time and thought it was too late." Dumbledore sighed, "I was sent to the United States that night, but I realized something was wrong halfway through, but when The sun was almost out when I rushed back.”

His blue eyes blinked and said: "Fortunately, Harry defeated Quirrell on his own and kept the Philosopher's Stone in his pocket. He always brings me unexpected surprises."

"Did you keep the Philosopher's Stone in your pocket?" Brian murmured. Harry didn't wonder why the Sorcerer's Stone ended up in his pocket?

"Yes, I thought this matter had been spread throughout the school." Dumbledore said with a smile, "I found the Sorcerer's Stone from his pocket and destroyed it."


"Yeah, that's not a good thing. Immortality is not a wonderful thing. For people with a clear mind, death is just another great adventure." Dumbledore said leisurely.

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