Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 43 On the train

"Cakes, candies, all-flavored beans, pies, magic wands, chocolate frogs! Guys in front of you, please put your legs into the box. I don't understand how you managed to stretch your legs from the box into the aisle. .”

shouted the sales witch on the Hogwarts Express, pushing a trolley.

Brian and the others finally found an empty box. They sat down, and Brian silently took stock of his abilities. After witnessing the year-end celebration, the system awarded him 2 witness points, and he is considering how to use these 6.2 witness points.

Malfoy bought a bunch of snacks from the vending witch and put them on the table for a treat.

Crabbe and Goyle kept eating, listening to Malfoy complaining about the train, nodding from time to time to show that they heard.

"By the way, why use the Muggle train? It's not comfortable or convenient at all. It's like a big bloated iron lump." Malfoy commented slowly, "Why can't you use a portkey? Or you can use floo powder, that would be much faster, wouldn’t it?”

Brian smiled slightly and said: "Maybe they want a sense of ceremony. Besides, using portkeys and floo powder is not that convenient. It is easy to cause accidents. Of course, you can't bring many people with you at one time."

In fact, Mr. Foley is also repulsive to the Hogwarts Express and the Knight Bus. He hates everything about Muggles, and has even submitted a bill to ban them and use portkeys or magical creatures for transportation.

Of course, his proposal was not passed because it would obviously significantly increase the budget.

"Besides, I think this is quite convenient." Brian picked up a piece of chocolate frog and said casually, "At least Muggle vehicles are readily available, so why not choose a more time-saving and labor-saving method?"

"Humph, do you think the stuff developed by Muggles is good?" Malfoy said disdainfully, "Things that can be done with magic must be made so complicated."

"This is prejudice, Draco." Brian said slowly, "Although Muggles do not have magic, their intelligence is undoubtedly demonstrated in technology. They can make technology achieve magical effects. Even if it is not convenient, it can For everyone to use.”

"For example, Muggles invented firearms for war. You only need to move your fingers slightly to kill the enemy. Is it like magic?" Brian asked, "How many wizards can kill the enemy with one blow? At least. We don't have that magic yet. But Muggle firearms can be used by everyone, even children, to attack."

Malfoy showed an incredulous expression, and he doubted: "Are you not exaggerating? That Mudblood told you? She must be lying to you!"

"Don't say that word, Draco." Brian said sincerely. "Insulting others is very disrespectful and the deepest form of prejudice."

"In fact, compared to Muggle-born wizards, we don't have many commendable advantages."

"Born proves everything, doesn't it?" Malfoy raised his chin and said, "We are of noble birth, which they will never be able to match."

"But in fact, most pure-blood families are in decline." Brian sighed, "And many of the powerful and outstanding wizards in the wizarding world today are from Muggle families."

"Take Miss Hermione Granger as an example. Doesn't it mean that she is ranked first in her age group?"

"So what, it doesn't change anything."

"There are only two possibilities for her to get first place and surpass you." Brian looked into Malfoy's gray eyes and said, "Either her talent exceeds yours, or she puts in more effort than you."

"Which type do you think she belongs to?"

"Of course it's the second one." Malfoy grimaced. There was no way he would admit that a Mudblood was more talented than him.

"Then it's obvious. How can you look down on and insult a person who has changed his destiny through his unremitting efforts, surpassed the geniuses from pure-blood families, and achieved outstanding achievements?" Brian spread his hands.

Malfoy opened his mouth, but had nothing to say.

"At least, you have to surpass her in knowledge and magical attainments before you can look down on her with confidence." Brian said.

"...Well, I won't call her that again." Malfoy turned his head to the side.

"Okay, back to the Muggle issue." Brian smiled gently at him and said, "Actually, everything I said is not a secret in the Muggle world. You can easily get it by paying attention to Muggle newspapers. This is the news.”

"The Wizarding Statute of Secrecy only limits our bodies. Don't let it limit your vision, Draco." Brian chuckled. "You can find out. Really, with the development and development of Muggles, Being powerful, the wizarding world will inevitably be exposed to the eyes of Muggles, and finding a way to peacefully coexist is the general trend."

"I think we can work together to seek a future that is more beneficial to us." Brian said softly.

"A more favorable future?" Malfoy's gray eyes flashed, staring at him intensely.

"That's right, let wizards gain a higher status in the future, a future where wizards are supreme. It is up to us to lead the wave of the world, instead of hiding in the small wizarding world."

Malfoy's cheeks flushed slightly, obviously immersed in inexplicable passion.

"Wizard supreme?" He said with a slightly excited tone.

"Yes, wizards are supreme." Brian smiled and nodded.

Malfoy felt an inexplicable sense of responsibility on his shoulders, and his heart pounded. He felt that he was about to participate in a major event that would change the world and play a pivotal role in it.

"Okay, what are we going to do?" He lowered his voice, understanding that this was something that he couldn't tell others at will.

"It's still early. First, we have to open our eyes and see the world." Brian said softly, "Know yourself and the enemy, and you will never be in danger."

"This holiday, you can try to learn more about the Muggle world, such as reading more newspapers, or trying out their weird inventions."

"Well, I'm not sure Dad will let me go out on my own," Malfoy muttered.

"Crabbe, Goyle, don't speak out about what you heard, understand?" He turned to raise his voice and said to the two people who were engrossed in eating, "Don't even tell your parents!"

The two big guys were confused and nodded blankly. They actually didn't listen at all.

In this way, Brian convinced Malfoy and allowed him to take the first step out of his prejudice.

As for letting wizards rule Muggles? Brian knew this was almost a dead end.

This requires war, but first of all, most wizards will oppose it, and civil strife in the wizarding world is inevitable. This is the path Grindelwald once took, and obviously he failed in the end.

As for Voldemort, he first targeted the wizarding world. But it's hard to say whether he has that ambition. His mind that was split into seven parts probably only relied on fear and death to maintain his rule.

Even if the opponents are eliminated and the war is successfully launched, so what? Regardless of success or failure, war will only bring endless hatred, which will continue until one party is destroyed. That would be an extremely painful price.

Even if you use the Imperius Curse, there will be a time when the paper cannot contain the fire. That will only widen the rift between the two, completely collapse the already weak trust, and make it impossible to achieve peace.

Perhaps the right way is to find a way to peacefully coexist and allow wizards to gain a higher status.

"Wizards first, this is really a very inflammatory slogan." Brian secretly sighed, "But in the end, we still have to focus on reality."

He didn't know what the future would be like, but it was the unknown that gave people something to look forward to.

Thank you for the reward of 500 starting coins from Zhenlibi. Thank you, boss. Thank you Setu for your monthly pass, I appreciate it.

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