"who are you?"

"Are you the only one?"

"Is there another world?"

"Is the person you were in the past the same as you are now?"

"Where is the future?"

“Does history move forward or reincarnate?”

“Are the stars guiding everything?”

"Is the person in a cage?"


Brian walked in the endless darkness, and the whispering voices asked questions one after another, as if they were asking him, but also as if they were just asking themselves.

Brian had no desire to answer, and no other feelings. He was just calm and walked into the distance.

There was an archway that seemed to glow slightly in the darkness, guiding him.

He remembered this place, he had been here last time in a dream.

But at this time, he had no curiosity or extra thoughts, and just slowly approached the arch.

All he knew was that the black shadow had gone in, and he had to go in too.

I don’t know how long I walked, but the arch gradually came closer.

The whispers around him were getting closer, and they seemed to be coming from within the arch.

There is the source and the destination.

He knew it.

Finally, Brian stopped in front of the arch.

It was an ancient stone arch, standing there quietly, looking shaky, with a tattered black curtain hanging on it, swaying gently as if being blown by the breeze.

There seemed to be countless people noisy inside the door, as if they were commenting on him through a thin curtain.

Brian stood in front of the arch and looked at the curtain quietly.


A small silver bell popped out of the black wood pendulum clock. It tinkled, and its sweet sound woke Brian up from his dream.

Brian gasped for breath, and thin beads of cold sweat covered his forehead.

He sat up from the bed, his pale face looked a little sick, and his expression was not good at this time.

"It's this dream again," he murmured.

If the first time was just a coincidence, then the second time means things are not that simple.

"Why does that stone arch in the dream seem familiar?" Brian adjusted his mentality, put his hand on his chin and fell into deep thought.

Searching in his memory for a moment, he was sure that he had never seen that stone arch before, but it still felt inexplicably familiar.

Brian picked up the wand on the bedside and waved it gently, and the curtains on the bed opened automatically. He opened the curtains wearing slippers.

This is a beautifully furnished bedroom, with luxurious carpets on the floor, a wide four-poster bed with gorgeous green curtains, a small silver bag he brought back on the wooden desk, and a soft armchair next to it. The cabinets on the wall are carved with exquisite hollow patterns, and there are also detailed carvings on the walls.

The black wooden pendulum clock in the shape of a thorn birdcage has stopped chiming and hid the small bell.

Brian looked at the scenery outside through the floor-to-ceiling window and exhaled softly.

Foley Manor is located on a hillside outside the village of Foley in Hampshire. From the outside, the manor's mansion is a pale yellow Tudor Gothic building, which looks classic and beautiful.

The wrought iron gate of the manor has the coat of arms of the Foley family. The main body is a golden castle wrapped in ivy, with a silver snake on it, embellished with gold and silver stars on the edge. The outside is surrounded by gold and white roses and silver ribbons, and the satin below The belt has Latin meaning: endless life.

The main building is surrounded by gardens, so that the place is filled with the fragrance of flowers in all seasons. Mrs. Foley's favorite thing is to sit on the bench on the garden lawn and drink afternoon tea.

In front of the main entrance, there is a fountain engraved with sculptures of the twelve constellations, which reflects rainbows in the sunlight. There is a beautiful lake on the side with a group of white swans in it. It is said that there is a community of magical animals living in the lake. Every time the full moon hangs high, beautiful and ethereal songs will come from the depths of the lake, like water monsters that lure people into falling.

Looking out from the windows of the mansion, you can see the exquisite gardens and the endless flat lawn in the distance.

Muggle shielding spells and obscuring spells have been cast on Foley Manor. To the Muggles in Foley Village, this place is just a barren mountain covered in woods, but there are also terrifying legends about it.

Brian packed himself up, walked through the corridor filled with ancestor portraits and beautiful tapestries, walked down the escalator to the restaurant on the first floor.

Mr. Foley was already here, wearing a soft hat, holding a copy of the Daily Prophet, and eating the breakfast carefully prepared by the house elves.

"Good morning, Brian. Are you down so early?" Mr. Foley looked up at Brian and said with a smile, "If you ask me, you should have a good sleep after the holiday, especially since your mother is eating in the bedroom today. Breakfast." At the last word, he lowered his voice.

"Good morning, Dad, I just want to solve some things." Brian gently pulled out the chair and sat on it.

The things in the dream are still too far away from him, and he is currently helpless, but he does not intend to waste his vacation time.

"Dad, do you know how to solve Zongsi's problem?" Brian asked casually while eating an omelette.

"Ah, Zongsi, that's a good thing!" Mr. Foley wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin and said with admiration.

"You know, every underage wizard has traces on his body. When you leave school, the Ministry of Magic will step up the use of traces, specifically to catch those young wizards who violate the rules and use magic outside of school." He said softly. frightened.

"But to be honest, tracking silk is still very useful. At least it allows us to determine your location at any time, lest you be taken away by a fire dragon or something." Mr. Foley blinked.

"Then can I use magic outside of school?" Brian said softly.

"Yes, of course, Trace Silk has little restriction on you. Because it can only detect magic fluctuations within a certain range around you." Mr. Foley said with a smile, "In other words, as long as there are adult wizards around you, they It’s completely unclear who is releasing the magic.”

"The Ministry of Magic has finally done a good thing, allowing those Muggle-born little guys to know their place. And for you, this mainly depends on parental supervision." He winked at Brian and said, " You know."

"Of course, it's best not to try to use black magic, as it might be detected." Mr. Foley added, "Actually, it doesn't matter if you use something that's not too bad. After all, the people at the Ministry of Magic will still give me some." Face-saving."

"But that's not very convenient." Brian said.

"Indeed, no one likes this." Mr. Foley smiled playfully, picked up the newspaper and put it in front of his eyes, "You can try it yourself, don't think about asking me for a solution. I succeeded when I was 16 years old Cracked it.”

"Okay." Brian shook his head and then said, "I lost my wand and I need to go to Diagon Alley to buy another one."

Mr. Foley moved the newspaper covering his cheek downwards, revealing his deep black eyes. They blinked slightly and looked a little dull.

"Merlin's beard! To be honest, I didn't expect..." Mr. Foley grabbed the hat off his head.

"A wizard could lose his wand?" he said in disbelief. "This is simply the stupidest thing I have ever seen."

"Oh, wait a minute, I haven't asked you about your test scores yet?" Mr. Foley said cautiously. He heard last night that Gower almost beat his useless son to death, and he laughed about it as a joke for a long time.

"Oh, it's okay." Brian said calmly.

"What's going on?" Mr. Foley twisted his body uneasily and stared intently at Brian's calm eyes. He felt that they were a little dull and stupid for no reason... He had a bad feeling.

"I think you will receive my transcript soon. I've eaten, bye." Brian showed a helpless and funny expression. He stuffed the last bite of breakfast into his mouth, stood up and left the restaurant.

"Master, your robe." A sharp and thin voice sounded.

It was a house elf, he was only over two feet tall, with slender arms, a big head, big bat-like ears, and eyes like big bright glass beads.

He was draped in clean and neat sheets, like the most satisfied butler, and an ironed robe was brought to him, and he bowed gracefully and gracefully.

"Thank you, Ika." Brian said calmly.

There are six house elves in Foley Manor. They are responsible for all aspects of the manor and have been loyal to the Foley family for generations. And their lives apparently changed for the better after Mrs. Foley's arrival.

Mrs. Foley always gives the house elves a lot of tablecloths or bedsheets - as long as they are not clothes - to use as clothing. At the same time, she also divides a room into a room for them to live in, and also gives some quilts and so on. to them.

According to Mrs. Foley, as a servant, you should also pay attention to appearance and keep clean and tidy. At the same time, the Foley family would not treat them badly, which would make the master so stingy that he would treat and exploit his servants harshly. This apparently convinced Mr. Foley.

These house elves are extremely grateful to their kind and kind mistress, and they are more loyal and diligent, and can always do everything thoughtfully and to everyone's liking.

Brian put on his robe, took his wallet, and threw the Floo powder into the fireplace, and the flames inside burst into the flames.

"Diagon Alley." He stepped into the flames and spoke clearly.

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