Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 5 Disagreement

After several classes, Brian found that he did not have much advantage in learning. He had no intention of wasting time and spent almost all his spare time studying.

He quickly grasped what he had learned and began to preview the upcoming lessons. As a student who was educated to the exam, he knew how to study better than Hermione.

However, the textbooks in the magical world are obviously not very well written. If you just study through textbooks, you will not understand some parts at all. He had to spend most of his time in the library, rummaging through various materials under the nose of the administrator, Mrs. Pince.

Malfoy was very puzzled by Brian's behavior. He had never been a child who loved learning. His favorite thing is to provoke and mock Harry Potter and his friends.

Brian was also puzzled by Malfoy's behavior, but whenever he asked, Malfoy would only raise his slender chin arrogantly and say in his characteristic tone: "It's Potter who doesn't know what to do. I will always regret not coming to Slytherin, but choosing Gryffindor and those poor Weasleys."

In his spare time, Brian finally found the tapestry on the eighth floor of the castle where the troll beat Barnabas silly, and entered the Room of Requirement.

To be honest, he had completely forgotten the location of the Room of Requirement before. He only remembered that it was in a tapestry where a troll was hitting something. For this reason, he searched the castle for many days. Fortunately, there were very few paintings about trolls here.

At present, he has no need for the Room of Requirement. Most of his energy is focused on magic spells. He is trying to learn the Disguise Charm so that he can sneak into the forbidden book area and find the book "How to Shut Off Your Brain" and start learning Occlumency. The technique allowed him to let go a bit, rather than being careful to avoid attracting Dumbledore's attention.

However, the reality is very skinny. At his current level, he cannot learn the Disguise Curse, a spell that can only be learned by senior students. He is far behind in terms of magic power level and knowledge reserve.

He searched for the Room of Requirement just to see if he could get a witness point.

The result disappointed him. The system did not leave any loopholes for him to exploit. Apparently nothing big happened here.

Brian's great career in learning has suffered a setback, and now he can only learn knowledge step by step. It was during this period that he became good friends with Daphne Greengrass.

She always liked to sit by the window in the lounge, with one hand on the edge of the window to support her chin, and look out the window at the deep and magical scenery at the bottom of the lake.

Whenever a huge shadow crossed the window, she would open her blue eyes wide and press her face close to the window, curious to see what kind of monster it was.

Brian would sometimes read by the fireplace, and Daphne would ask him questions she didn't understand. As they went back and forth, the two became more and more familiar with each other, so much so that Daphne would occasionally make little jokes with him.

She is a girl who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. She can be a little cold to people she doesn't know, but once you get to know her, you will find that she loves to laugh and make harmless jokes. She is sincere and friendly towards her friends and is willing to help. other people.

Even most of the time, she is an independent girl.

What made Brian especially comfortable was that although she agreed with the pure-blood theory, she was not extreme, and she would not always talk about it.

Through the chat between the two, Brian also learned that Daphne had a sister who was two years younger than her, but her sister was in poor health. She had been worried that her sister would not receive the notice to Hogwarts.

Brian would often take time out to chat with Daphne, so that he would feel younger and more energetic, instead of letting himself slowly decay in loneliness.

Everything developed normally. As he continued to study, his grades began to show excellence, and he became a well-deserved academic leader in Slytherin. Of course, there are still some differences between him and Miss Granger, mostly because of his unruly wand.

Standing in front of the bookshelf in the library, Brian pulled out the last book "Hogwarts: A History" on it, only to find that another hand was also placed on it.

"Sorry, just take it." Two voices said in unison.

Brian was stunned for a moment and took back his hand, only to find that the other hand was also taken back.

"You should take it, I mean, if you need this book. I just want to use it as a casual book to read. In fact, it is almost the same as other things." The female voice said in a low voice.

Brian had a strange feeling. He seemed to have guessed who it was. When he turned around, he saw that it was indeed Miss Hermione Granger.

The little girl who was explaining awkwardly saw his face, her face sank slightly, and she turned to leave.

"Miss Granger, don't you want this book? I just took it out of curiosity." Brian said softly.

Hermione turned around in surprise when she heard the polite and gentle voice.

Brian handed the book to her, and Hermione took it blankly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm not... I mean, I thought you didn't like me..." The little girl explained awkwardly while holding the book, with a slight blush on her face. Then she realized that this made it even more embarrassing, so she coughed lightly and started talking about the history of Hogwarts.

When talking about what she was best at, Hermione's eyes became confident and bright. Brian listened with a smile, nodding in agreement and adding supplements from time to time. For a while, the conversation was quite pleasant.

The little girl talked happily, and she was very happy that someone could pick up her words and discuss these interesting knowledge with her.

Since arriving at Hogwarts, Hermione has not been popular because of her nosy reputation and self-esteem, which are always not very likable.

However, Miss Know-It-All always lives up to her name. Her knowledge makes Brian feel inferior to her, and he sighs in his heart that there really are geniuses in this world. At least she has a good memory and rarely forgets the books she has read.

Brian smiled and listened to Hermione's lowered voice. At this time, she was obviously not liked by children of the same age. They preferred candy, Quidditch or wizard chess.

Brian's eyes were always gentle, and he only needed to give support and approval to a little girl who wanted to be recognized by others.

Until Mrs. Pince came and kicked the two of them out of the library.

Hermione's face turned slightly red and she said, "I'm sorry, I thought you... Oh, you know, you all don't like me because of my background... but you are different from them."

After Brian waited for her to finish speaking, he smiled slightly and said, "It's okay. I know what they think, although I don't think so. Of course, I also have reason to apologize to you for this. This is not fair enough."

"However, I apologize for Slytherin's prejudice against you, and you apologize for thinking that we all don't like you. Are we even?" Brian said, his eyes calm and gentle.

Hermione chuckled, looking at Brian's gentle and sincere eyes that seemed to contain melancholy, she said more naturally: "Wrong sense."

"Thank you for talking to me. I think I should go back." She waved her hand and said goodbye.

Looking at the little girl's leaving figure, Brian's eyes were dark.

Why should I get to know her? Brian couldn't tell, he could just turn around and ignore it, which would save a lot of trouble.

Maybe it was because of his liking for this character in his previous life, maybe because he was touched by this girl, or maybe getting acquainted with her would create some convenience for him to collect testimony points... He couldn't tell what he was thinking, and he didn't think about it so much at the time. It was just some strange mistake that stopped her.

"Perhaps, it doesn't need to be so complicated. This is a fairy tale, isn't it?" Brian raised the corner of his mouth, "It's not bad to do something casually every once in a while."

He put the book in his hand against his chin and fell into deep thought.

In the following time, Brian and Hermione became familiar with each other. They always meet each other in the library.

Unexpectedly, the two of them had more common topics than Daphne.

Sometimes Hermione would explain to him some knowledge and interesting facts about the Muggle world, especially after discovering that Brian was not exclusive about this. She seemed to be trying hard to change their minds about Muggles.

Brian could only smile and listen patiently. Although the little girl was talking about things that he was extremely familiar with, he could even tell her in turn for three days and three nights.

Malfoy, on the other hand, was very unhappy about this. He heard from Pansy Parkinson that Brian had been in constant contact with Hermione recently, scolding him for "getting too close to the Mudbloods" and "degrading himself", and threatened to Write to his father to tell Mr. Foley.

Brian was temporarily unable to change his deep-rooted beliefs, but asked him not to say the word "Mudblood" again.

"It is rude to insult others, Draco. It is not something a noble should say, and it goes against your honor."

Brian told him calmly, but Malfoy just cocked his head to the side proudly.

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