Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 7 Midnight Duel

During the conversation with Daphne, Brian expressed his thoughts for the first time. Of course, in the end, he had to send the little girl away who was a little dizzy.

"Please keep it a secret for me and don't tell anyone, okay?" Brian said earnestly before leaving, "This is a secret between us."

"Of course." Daphne nodded hard, her mind was in a mess.

Brian adjusted his attire. He was going to try to participate in a midnight duel between Malfoy and Potter tonight.

The acquisition of witness points was too slow, and he did not want to miss possible witness points.

Although he can continue to improve his magical abilities through learning, who doesn't want to do it faster? Moreover, witness points can also enhance aspects such as magic and memory, which is very useful.

Especially magic power, which is a prerequisite for many magics, will improve with age and knowledge. But a wizard's magic power is limited. It basically stops growing in middle age and declines as the body ages.

Powerful magic like that of Dumbledore and the Dark Lord can only be obtained through some adventures and dangerous magical transformations.

Not everyone has the adventure like Dumbledore and can get help from the Phoenix. Look what Voldemort has done to himself!

Therefore, you cannot miss the witness points and save more for emergencies.

It was not difficult to know the time and place of the duel, for Malfoy had been bragging loudly in the common room, occasionally turning his head and glaring at him haughtily.

Therefore, that night, Brian walked towards the prize display room on the fourth floor a while early.

After walking along the stairs for a long time, he had to be careful that he would encounter the caretaker Mr. Filch or his cat Mrs. Norris, but fortunately they didn't seem to be here.

Instead, in a corridor on the fourth floor, he saw Slytherin's ghost, Bloody Barrow, staring blankly through the window. Ravenclaw's tower can be seen there.

"Good evening, Sir Barrow." Seeing Barrow turn to look at him, Brian bowed slightly to him.

Barrow obviously didn't want to pay attention to him, he just nodded slightly to him and continued to look out the window with empty eyes.

Seeing this, Brian didn't stay long. He continued walking along the corridor.

"Filch in front."

A hoarse, low voice sounded from behind Brian, causing him to pause in his steps.

"Oh, thank you for the reminder, Sir." Brian turned to thank him and said carefully, "Actually, I need to go to the prize showroom. Can you point out other paths for me?"

This corridor is almost the only way to go to the trophy display room. If Filch is in front of him, it means that Brian is likely to meet him, which will not end well.

Barrow looked away from the window, stared at him blankly for a while, and then drifted away in the opposite direction.

Just when Brian thought that Bloody Barrow was unhappy with him disturbing his view of the scenery, Barrow's voice came faintly: "Follow me."

Brian followed him in steps, passing through several narrow corridors and passing through a well-hidden secret passage.

A ghost who has been at Hogwarts for such a long time always knows a lot of things that others don't.

Brian looked at Bloody Baron's translucent figure and thought that this knight's attitude towards Slytherin students was quite friendly, although it was all hidden under that hollow and scary appearance, which made many students stay away from him.

But in fact, according to prefect Emma, ​​if you can build a good relationship with Barrow, he won't mind helping you scare other students.

Of course, don't mention the blood on Barrow, he won't like the question.

Soon, the prize room arrived. Brian sincerely thanked Barrow and walked in when he saw no one inside.

Under the moonlight, the crystal glass cabinets in the trophy display room sparkled, containing various trophies, medals and statues. Seeing that there was still some time left, Brian started looking at the trophies on display.

Bloody Barrow also followed, floating behind Brian with dull eyes. This scene was really scary at night.

Brian stopped in front of a trophy because of the name on it: T.M. Riddle.

"This is an award for special contributions to the school fifty years ago." Brian recognized the handwriting on the trophy, "Sir Barrow, do you know this person?"

Bloody Barrow looked at him blankly and said, "Yes, he is from Slytherin and is very good. He caught the heir of Slytherin who was disturbing the school and saved the school from disaster."

"That's it." Brian nodded. Barrow, the bloody man, didn't know the inside story of the matter. Apparently Riddle hid himself well.

Next, nothing happened, Brian and Bloody Barrow admired various trophies and medals. For some of them, Bloody Barrow could always tell their stories. Brian even heard something called pride in his empty tone, and he didn't know if it was an illusion.

The door to the trophy display room was opened. Brian looked up and saw four little wizards standing blankly at the door, seemingly petrified. He heard Neville let out a low sob.

Under the silver moonlight, the prize display room was still a bit eerie. Half of Brian's body was hidden in the darkness, and half of his body was in the moonlight. His pale skin color and slight introverted smile at the corners of his mouth were reminiscent of a vampire in a deep castle.

Brian looked at himself, then at Barrow, who had a scary expression, and smiled softly.

"Sorry, I think Sir Barrow means no harm." Brian added with a smile, "Of course, I don't mean any harm either." He couldn't help but smile again.

Harry and Ron looked wary and distrustful. They looked around, as if convinced that Malfoy was hiding behind some statue, waiting to give them a heavy blow when they entered.

Neville sniffed and lowered his head silently.

Hermione was wearing a pink dressing gown. She straightened her clothes and suddenly felt that her clothes were very inappropriate. She said, "Hi, Brian."

Brian nodded slightly to him and approached: "I heard about this from Draco. You know, we have been having conflicts recently. But I'm still a little worried, so I came over to take a look."

"But it seems that Draco obviously has no intention of coming." He spread his hands and looked helpless.

Brian didn't mind a few white lies, at least it worked to his advantage. Nobles were always required to lie gracefully and gracefully.

Administrator Filch's voice came from outside the door, frightening the four little guys.

"Oops, it seems Draco always does something unexpected." Brian muttered, "Follow me."

The four little wizards had no time to think, as Feenqi's voice got closer and closer. They followed Brian, and Neville knocked over a suit of armor, causing a huge noise that disturbed the tranquility here.

Brian grabbed Neville's arm and helped him up, pulling him to continue running forward. Using the moonlight, he identified the path and quietly led them towards the forbidden corridor on the fourth floor.

"The annoying little first-year kid, staying up late at night and wandering around!" When they turned a corner and saw Peeves throwing a pile of parchment everywhere, he chuckled and shouted.

"No, don't, Peeves, don't shout, please." Ron hurriedly tried to grab Peeves' feet, but missed.

Brian looked around, wondering if Bloody Barro was following them. He might have become invisible when everyone was panicking.

"Sir Barrow, I wonder if you would mind disciplining Peeves?" Brian looked around earnestly.

"What?" Peeves trembled, looked around, and then became angry and said, "You dare to lie to me, I want-"

Bloody Balor appeared behind him. He picked up Peeves by the scruff of his neck, causing Peeves' yelling to stop abruptly.

Barrow nodded slightly to Brian, carried Peeves and disappeared into the wall.

Peeves lamented: "No, I was wrong, Sir, Sir, please spare poor Peeves..."

Peeves' always mischievous eyes were full of panic at this moment, his hands and feet were dancing wildly, trying desperately to catch something. His pitiful and miserable look made him look like a good woman being dragged away by a bully.

"Oh, good job!" Ron praised happily.

"Come on, Filch will probably find this place as well." Brian whispered, leading several people to stop in front of a door.

"Where are we?" Harry looked around.

"I don't know. To be honest, I'm not familiar with the roads here." Brian took out his wand, knocked on the door lock and said, "Open the Alajo Cave."

The door opened and Brian walked inside and saw the big three-headed dog. Six ferocious eyes looked over, three big mouths were drooling, they let out a deafening roar, and then rushed over.

Harry and others walked in and saw this scene, and they fled out tremblingly. Brian didn't interfere with anything. He slammed the door shut and blocked the big dog inside.

A few people continued to wander around for a long time, getting rid of Filch, and then Brian said goodbye to them.

"That dog must be guarding something. I saw a trap door pressed under its body." Before they left, Brian said to them, "Don't try to explore it."

"However, things that can be kept in Hogwarts must be very precious." Brian looked at Harry and said meaningfully.

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