Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 79 Seeing Through

"Have you heard? Another attack has occurred..."

"This time it's a double attack, Granger and Finlay..."

The next day, all the little wizards talked about was this matter.

"It must have been Harry Potter. He claimed that he was the first to discover them. Perhaps he exposed himself last night and attacked them to vent his anger."

"That's right, I heard that Fin-reli sneaked out to look for Potter. He must not have known that he was being targeted by Potter. Granger even foolishly considered Potter as his friend..."

"Perhaps she had definite evidence that Potter was the heir, so she was attacked..."

According to Justin Finch-Fletchley's good friend Ernie, Justin had always believed that Potter was not the heir. The poor guy was blinded by the so-called life-saving grace and stupidly sent him to the door.

"He had a fight with me about this last night, and it turns out I was right." Ernie said with a pale face.

And Harry's situation became very bad. He had to bear the discussion of everyone. Everyone stayed away from him as if he had seen a ghost, as if he was carrying some terrible disease.

Harry hurried to tell Professor McGonagall last night, and then he was taken to the headmaster's office.

Although Dumbledore believed he was not the heir, the Sorting Hat told him that he should indeed go to Slytherin. This frustrated Harry, who began to wonder if he was really Slytherin's great-great-great-grandson or something.

Ron had to go to the school hospital to fix his pig nose. Now his nose is wrapped with thick gauze, and he still can't help but squeak when he talks. Madam Pomfrey said it would take him a week to fully return to normal.

The two looked at each other, both in a very low mood.

"I wonder, Foley, could he be the heir?" Harry said in a difficult voice.

"Did you find any clues?" Ron stared at him excitedly.

"No, I have no evidence." Harry said frustrated, "But yesterday, the snake was talking to him, calling him master. Of course, it doesn't rule out that he couldn't understand..."

"But who would keep a snake as a pet?" Harry said.

"But Malfoy is also very suspicious... Huh Chi... At that time, he said, 'You will be next'. Didn't this come true? Hermione was indeed attacked." Ron guessed, "Do you think it will be possible? Could they be working together to harm people?"

"We can only find a way to find a way to talk... Oh, no, Polyjuice Potion!" Harry whispered, and Ron looked at each other, and they thought together.

They jumped up from their chairs and headed for Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.

"Wait, let's look for Hermione's book, "Powerful Potion"!" Harry stopped and said.

"She left her school bag in the common room last night. I'm looking for it... Ouch... Oh, damn Malfoy..." Ron touched his nose, found Hermione's school bag, and rummaged through it.

"Found it!" He took out the thick, moldy book and held it in his arms.

They hurried to the bathroom, and all the little wizards hurried away from Harry, but he obviously didn't understand.

Myrtle howled in a toilet bowl, splashing water everywhere. The two ignored Myrtle and went straight to the crucible hidden in the corner, where the potion was bubbling.

Harry and Ron looked at each other, turned the book to the page about Polyjuice Potion, and read: "You need to stir it with the wand once a day, first stir it nine and one-third times in the direction, and then stir it three and four times in the opposite direction. Three quarters of a turn...repeat three times.”

"It shouldn't be difficult..." Ron took out his wand and looked at the upper half of it tilted to one side. He twitched his lips and said, "Harry, come on!"

"Okay, okay, I'm not sure..." Harry took out his wand and swallowed, "Do you really want to do this?"

"Hurry up, we can't let all this hard work go to waste." Ron urged.

"Okay." Harry gritted his teeth and put his wand into the cauldron to stir, while the two of them counted the circles.

"One, two, three...nine, okay...whoops...don't turn it around." Ron said in a hazy voice, "Yes, then turn it the other way around...oh, three and three-quarters of a turn!"

Harry turned the wand with trembling hands, and after doing so three times, he pulled out the wand.

"Phew - I said it's not difficult, we'll be fine." Ron breathed a sigh of relief.

"But, I always feel like I missed half a turn clockwise the last time..." Harry said uncertainly.

They looked at the pot of potion, watching it bubble slowly and slowly, turning into a dark color, like thick mud, and emitting a strong stench.

"This...did the book say that this scene would happen?" Harry said with a pale face, covering his nose.

"No, I don't think there is any potion that smells like shit." Ron said sternly.

They stared at each other, then slumped their shoulders in unison.

"It's over, I've screwed everything up..." Harry said on the verge of tears, "Without the Polyjuice Potion, how can we make up the story?"

"Polyjuice Potion..." Ron murmured, "By the way, I remember Hermione said that Foley made a pot of Polyjuice Potion and placed it in Snape's office. I saw it when I went back to steal medicinal materials!”

"You mean, steal the Polyjuice Potion?" Harry's eyes lit up, "But if Snape finds out, he will guess what we are going to do."

"Can't we just change it to a fake one?" Ron said. He stared at the smelly unknown object in the crucible, flipped through the book in his hand and said: "Yes, the polyjuice potion is a black, sticky and odorless potion. Look, it's exactly the same as the one we made! Just put it in a bottle , who knows if it’s Polyjuice Potion.”

Harry clapped his hands and said, "What a good idea! Snape probably won't check it carefully when he has nothing to do."

They took out a large medicine bottle, poured the contents of the crucible into it while holding their noses, and tightened the cap tightly.

"Then, we'd better steal it quickly, lest Snape puts away the potion..." The two people whispered, discussing the method, "How about Christmas? There are more opportunities then..."

Brian walked in the corridor, feeling the solemn and depressing atmosphere in the castle, and sighed softly.

Draco was very excited when he heard the news. After seeing Ron with his nose wrapped in gauze, he and the two big guys imitated his appearance and laughed at him.

Harry and Ron were in no mood to pay attention to him, and Ron just glared at them viciously.

Brian finished the day's class in a calm mood. In fact, the world will not stop because of a certain person. Except that the atmosphere on campus becomes more tense, everything is no different from usual.

After dinner, he returned to the common room. Daphne hugged her white cat, looked up at him, and then quickly lowered her head.

Brian found a seat and sat down, spread out his History of Magic homework, and wrote the article in beautiful and neat fonts. Since his memory has improved, although he can't have a photographic memory now, he can hardly forget the knowledge points he has memorized.

Ofer slid off his shoulders and swam lazily across the table.

Daphne quietly sat down next to him and placed the parchment on the table. Her cat Daisy jumped on the table, stretched out her furry paws and held down Ofer, her blue eyes curiously looking at the shiny silver snake body.

"Brian..." Daphne's blue eyes looked forward blankly, her tone hesitant.

"What's wrong, Daphne?" Brian smiled softly at him.

"Are you the heir to the Chamber of Secrets?" Daphne said in a very soft voice, almost inaudible.

Brian was silent for a moment and said softly: "Why do you think it's me?"

Daphne glanced at him quickly, lowered her head and said: "I originally thought it would be Harry Potter, after all, he is a Parselmouth. But Miss Granger was petrified last night... I think, he should be You wouldn’t attack your friends.”

"We were all at the Halloween party the night of the first attack, and you weren't there...and the second attack, you weren't in the common room..." she murmured.

"And last night...last night, although the lounge was very chaotic at that time, I saw you sneaking out, although no one else noticed." She said softly, "Soon you came back, and that A third attack occurred in a period of time."

"I just have the habit of going out at night to practice spells." Brian said in a calm voice.

"Draco said that too." Daphne frowned slightly, then relaxed, revealing a demure and gentle smile, "Brian, I...I want to believe you."

"Last year you said that we could work together to find a solution to the wizarding and Muggle issues. If you think it would be better to kick those people out of school, I am willing to support you, because we are friends, and I think it is better. With Draco and the others... you don't have to bear everything on yourself..." Her voice trailed off.

"If you think Muggle-born wizards are... pests, I am willing to agree with you..." Daphne looked at Brian seriously with her blue eyes.

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