Hogwarts: Wizards Supreme

Chapter 85 Leaving

It's March in the blink of an eye, and the weather is getting warmer.

Several mandrakes had a lively, noisy dance in the greenhouse, which made Professor Sprout very happy because it meant they were almost ripe.

"By the time they want to be moved to another pot, they will be fully mature," Professor Sprout said. "Then we can treat those poor people in the hospital."

During the Easter holidays, second-year students need to choose third-year courses, which obviously needs to be treated with caution.

Draco looked at the electives and scratched his pale blond hair. Gore frowned blankly.

Daphne also sat over and wanted to hear everyone's opinions.

"What do you want to choose, Brian?" Draco glanced at Brian's course list and said in surprise, "You have chosen so many? We only need to choose two!"

On Brian's course list, except for Muggle Studies, he signed the last four subjects.

"You have too many choices, Brian." Daphne agreed, "This will keep you busy, and you don't know how to clone yourself!"

"I have other considerations." Brian smiled gently. He didn't want to miss the chance to get a Time-Turner.

One is that he is curious about this and wants to study it. The other is that he feels that with a time converter, he can get more study time in disguise and be more flexible in some plans and arrangements.

According to his calculations, he only needs to choose four courses, and he will not be able to arrange the daily class time. You don't have to take that Muggle Studies class.

"Okay, I want to see how you perform the clone technique next year." Looking at Brian's determined look, Draco said, covering his forehead.

"I don't know which subjects are better. Maybe we can ask the prefect for advice?" Daphne looked at the course list with a headache.

"In terms of practicality, I recommend ancient runes. This ancient magic script is very useful in divination, magic and alchemy, and many ancient documents are written in runes." Brian He groaned.

"The Care of Magical Creatures class is about magical creatures. You will come into contact with many interesting magical creatures in the class. It should be the most interesting among these classes." Brian continued.

Of course, if the professor were replaced by Hagrid, the fun would probably be compromised. Brian said silently in his heart.

"As for divination classes and arithmetic divination classes, it depends on whether you are interested in fate and prophecy." He said, "But to be honest, divination classes have never been very reliable. It is said that divination requires special talents. And Arithmancy, I think, is more probabilistic and involves a lot of calculations."

"As for Muggle Studies, you know, if you want to learn about Muggles, you can definitely choose this course."

"Haha..." Draco sneered, "Only an idiot would choose this course." He first signed up for the Care of Magical Creatures class.

Daphne glared at Draco angrily. She had half wanted to take Muggle Studies so that she might be able to make some suggestions when discussing it with Brian.

But remembering that Brian hadn't chosen this course either, she had ticked the Divination and Care of Magical Creatures courses.

"I think the divination class should be quite interesting." Daphne said.

"In a way, its exam is at least easier to pass." Brian said meaningfully. As long as you exaggerate and say that you saw terrible omens, Professor Trelawney will be willing to give high marks.

Draco hesitated and signed the ancient runes.

"My dad wants me to choose this course. To be honest, I'm not very interested." He raised his slender chin.

Brian frowned a little as he watched Goyle sign the same subjects as Draco.

Well, it actually doesn’t make much difference which subject Gower chooses.

In the evening, after Brian finished writing his paper for the History of Magic class, he opened Tom's diary again.

Ofer became more active as the weather got warmer, spinning around in the armchair nearby and twirling his tail.

"Tom, the school has been very peaceful these days. Ever since the professor distributed the amulets to us, there have been no soul-departing incidents. However, those who have left the soul are still lying in the school hospital."

"Oh, couldn't Dumbledore solve it?" Tom responded, "Maybe he had other considerations and deliberately delayed solving this matter."

"Who knows?" Brian wrote. "Back to the issue we talked about last time, I think the real solution to the problem is to completely integrate Muggles and wizards, Tom."

"It's a stupid idea, Brian, and it's ridiculously naive."

"Yes, it is true. Wizards always think that Muggles are weak and stupid, and they are complacent about the magic they possess. It is difficult for Muggles to accept the special abilities of wizards. They will regard wizards as threats and always be on guard against them." Brian wrote.

"Then what did you think about it?"

"I think that if there is a war between wizards and Muggles, the party that strikes first will have an absolute advantage. The number of wizards is too small, and it is difficult for Muggles to restrain the magic control of wizards."

"So, this needs a long-term process. I think promoting the integration of wizard magic and Muggle technology is one way to go." Brian mused, "When the two become inseparable, plus the law and The deterrence of some violent institutions should ensure peace to a certain extent.”

"At that time, wizards can become a special group, respected and admired by Muggles, just like they are scientists. To a certain extent, wizards can really put themselves in the right position instead of Like the wizarding world now, many wizards are actually poor."

"You're too naive, Brian." Tom's handwriting seemed a bit casual and perfunctory.

"Yes, so we need the power secretly to protect a pure land." Brian said, "At special moments, in order to promote integration, we can do whatever it takes."

"Why do you do whatever it takes?" Tom sneered.

"There are many ways. For example...creating a world-destroying demon king." Brian smiled, "Only when facing a common threat can the two parties cooperate sincerely."

"Interesting idea, Brian." Tom looked lazy, "How great is a demon king who devotes himself to the peace of mankind."

"It's just an idea, Tom. In fact, it's still far away." Brian said.

"Okay, may your wish come true." Tom's handwriting slowly emerged, and then he stopped responding.

Brian closed the diary, sandwiched it with the History of Magic textbook, and put it in his schoolbag.

The fire burned quietly in the fireplace, and the number of students in the common room was gradually dwindling.

Brian returned to the dormitory, cleaned himself up, and lay on the bed.

In the dead of night, everything fell into silence in the dark night.

The only sound left in the dormitory was Goyle's thunderous snoring.

Ofer was lying on the cushions of the chair, his scales shimmering slightly in the dark night. Its little red eyes lit up and it moved its body slowly.

It slipped onto the table silently and stuck its head into Brian's backpack. After a long time, it swam backwards and exited, holding the tattered diary in its mouth.

Ofer's little red eyes stared at Brian's bed for a long time, then quietly slid off the table, swam across the floor, stuffed the diary through the crack in the door, and then squeezed out himself.

The bedroom was still quiet.

Early the next morning, Brian looked through his schoolbag with a thoughtful expression.

At night, Draco discovered that Ofer was missing. He couldn't find any trace of Silver Lin Snake anywhere.

"No, Brian! Ofer is missing!" he shouted to Brian.

"I understand." Brian nodded cautiously as he wrote his astronomy homework.

"Hey, you're not worried about it?"

"Don't worry, it's very smart and won't get lost." Brian smiled gently and comforted, "Maybe it will be back tomorrow."

Draco looked at him suspiciously and said, "You're not going to bake it and eat it, are you?"

"What surprises me is, why would you think of eating it?" Brian blinked slowly, looking a little confused.

"Ahem, it's not because of that time you..." Draco muttered in a low voice, "By the way, when are you going to roast chicken again?"

"Let's talk about it later." Brian rolled up the parchment on the table.

"I'm going to find Professor Snape." Brian packed his things and turned around and walked out of the stone wall.

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