The Slytherin statue opened its mouth, revealing a dark hole.

A rustling sound came from deep inside the statue, gradually approaching.

Harry took a few steps back and hit the dark wall. He shouted: "Close your eyes!"

Brian pushed up his glasses, squinted his eyes slightly, and looked at the ground. Ron squeezed his eyes shut and backed away.

The basilisk's huge body landed heavily on the ground, and Brian's lowered eyes could see the gorgeous green scales, which looked extremely gorgeous even in the dark chamber.

"Kill the one who gets in the way!" Tom hissed.

Brian knew he might be in the "in the way" category.

He sighed softly, not trying to see if the basilisk would listen to him, or whether the basilisk would give up attacking him.

"Armor for protection!" He muttered softly, erecting a wall of light in front of him.

Just when he used the Iron Armor Curse, the basilisk danced its snake body in a wide range, and the snake's tail swept over like a whip, and the attack range covered the three young wizards.

Brian grabbed Ron beside him with quick eyes and hands, and then the two of them were thrown away by the huge force. Under Brian's control, the two of them landed lightly on the ground. Brian heard a sound like glass breaking from the light wall next to him.

Ron, who was saved from being crushed into a pulp, yelled a spell randomly. As expected, his wand fell off the chain. He was hit hard in the abdomen by the rebounded spell and flew directly out, hitting him far away. After falling onto the stone pillar, he fell heavily to the ground and lost all movement.

Brian shook his head and left the scene temporarily, which was good.

Fawkes flew up from Harry's shoulder and circled around the basilisk's head, purring melodiously.

The basilisk angrily rushed toward the phoenix, with long and sharp saber-like fangs exposed in its mouth. The huge snake tail swept randomly, knocking the surrounding stone pillars into pieces.

Harry held on to the Sorting Hat tightly and opened his eyes a thin slit. He didn't know what happened to the other two.

Brian stood under the stone pillar in the distance, squinting at the Phoenix teasing the basilisk. After ducking behind the stone pillar to avoid another tail attack from the basilisk, he waved his wand and swept Ron's body to the end of the room. In the far corner.

The phoenix swooped down towards the basilisk, its long golden beak pierced into the basilisk's yellow eyes, and a stream of black blood splashed onto the ground, like a shower. While the basilisk was dancing wildly in pain, Fox's long beak took the opportunity to peck out the basilisk's other eye.

"Get off that bird! Get off that bird!" Tom's voice screamed. "Behind you, you can still smell it! Kill them!"

The basilisk grunted in pain, its eyes turned into two black rumbling holes, gushing black blood, and its huge body began to dance wildly, causing stone pillars to collapse.

Brian opened his eyes. He carefully avoided the crazy basilisk and squinted at Tom behind the basilisk. And Tom also looked over at this time, giving him a weird grin.

"Put on that hat, Potter," Brian reminded. He seemed a little uninterested, because there was no suspense in this battle from the beginning.

Harry fell to the ground at a loss, avoiding the basilisk's tail. Hearing Brian's words, he put the sorting hat on his head carelessly, thinking: "Help me! Help me!"

The hat tightened tighter and tighter, and then something very hard and heavy hit him on the top of his head, making stars appear in his eyes. He threw off his hat and pulled out a gleaming silver sword. The hilt was inlaid with rubies the size of eggs, shining with dazzling light.

Harry stood up with his sword raised and pointed it at the basilisk. He gasped for breath, with an extremely determined expression on his face.

Phoenix Fox turned and flew towards Brian, and it landed heavily on Brian's shoulder. Its black eyes stared straight at him in a very human way, as if to say: "Why don't you take action yet?"

Brian blinked. He didn't find the need to take action. Now that Fawkes is here, it means that Dumbledore can come at any time, or even has already come.

He sighed softly, touched his head and said: "The crow of a rooster is fatal to the basilisk... Fox, since you are all birds... can you imitate the crow of a rooster?"

Fox's small black eyes flashed with annoyance. It pecked Brian's head angrily, fluttered its wings and flew away, continuing to peck the basilisk's nose fiercely.

Brian covered his head that was so painful from being pecked, and understood what he had to do.

He avoided the basilisk's attack with ease and took out a large cage from his small bag, which contained several languid roosters.

A large black fog enveloped Brian, condensing into countless giant black snakes, with evil red light flashing in their eyes, and their ferocious fangs exposed at him.

Brian ducked and ducked. The light wall of the Iron Armor Curse blocked the siege of several black snakes, but it seemed to be crumbling. Obviously, Tom, who had absorbed so much life force, was not as weak as he was last night.

He looked in the direction of Tom and found that Tom was looking at him coldly, with a sinister smile on his lips.

The black snakes chased Brian in the air. Fox, who was attacking the basilisk, took the time to fly over. He spit out a large mouthful of golden-red flames from his golden beak, burning the black mist snakes until they crackled and made a sharp and piercing roar. Howl.

Then, the phoenix flew to the basilisk again.

"Brian, are you going to stop me?" Tom said softly. He waved his wand, and a dark blue beam of light hit him, but Brian dodged behind a stone pillar to avoid it.

"You seem to be planning to let the basilisk kill me, Tom." Brian looked at him with black eyes from behind the stone pillar and said, "That's too bad, Tom."

"Who asked you to stand with them? You know, I don't want to kill my friends." Tom smiled, still looking in the direction of the basilisk.

The phoenix was pecking at the basilisk, while Harry was hurriedly dodging the basilisk's crazy tail sweeps and bites, looking extremely embarrassed.

Brian looked at the roosters in the cage in his hands. They had been killed unconsciously and were covered with dark blue frost.

He threw the cage aside and said slowly: "Do you think you can beat me?"

"This should be obvious." Tom said pointedly. Due to his oath, he could not reveal any information about Brian at this time, even passively.

Brian smiled, understanding what Tom was referring to. He must do his best to help Tom resurrect. This is an unbreakable oath he made.

"So you think I shouldn't stop you, even if you want to kill me?" Brian tilted his head and said softly.

"Expelliarmus!" he suddenly cast the spell.

Tom waved his wand gently, and a wall of light bounced the spell back, but Brian moved sideways to avoid it.

"So, I'm not someone who sits still and waits for death." Brian moved slowly, "Even if you are the Dark Lord."

Tom squinted his eyes, his pupils flashing with a strange red light, looking a little confused.

Do you know what you can do? When you feel that something is impossible, you can choose to do it in a more likely way.

It was never the Tom Riddle in this Horcrux diary that Brian was going to resurrect.

On the contrary, when Tom chose to get Harry Potter, it became an impossible task.

No matter what, it was impossible for him to complete the resurrection under Dumbledore's nose.

"You are too arrogant and too greedy, Tom." Brian said softly, "It makes you unable to see clearly where you are."

Tom moved sideways, stared at him coldly and said, "That's fine, since you are looking for death..."

"Fire is raging!" Brian pointed at Tom.

A beam of flame flew toward Tom like a pouring waterfall, and then collided with a stream of water, annihilated at the same time, and turned into a thick mist, filling the entire space.

Brian hid behind a stone pillar, pointed at the chicken coop and recited the restoration spell. The chicken coop turned into a big, majestic rooster in a swirling twist.

After it returned to its original shape, it immediately started chirping loudly under the command of Brian's wand, and the chirping sounded extremely loud in the claustrophobic chamber.

Tom also dispersed the thick fog at this time, and he stared at Brian fiercely, as if he wanted to kill him with his eyes.

"Transfiguration, Tom, you taught me this." Brian said softly, "As long as I think the rooster is still alive, it will not die from being transformed into a cage for a long time..."

The rooster was already under the control of the Imperius Curse, and Brian could command it to crow at any time.

Under the crowing of the rooster, the basilisk howled miserably and desperately, struggling crazily and flicking its tail wildly, like a counterattack before death, but it gradually lost strength and slowed down its movements.

Holding Gryffindor's sword in both hands, Harry jumped from a collapsed stone pillar onto the basilisk's head. The sword pierced the basilisk's head until it reached the hilt.

The basilisk's body froze in the air, and then hit the ground heavily, causing the entire secret room to shake.

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