Chapter 110

Water Country, Daming Mansion, Chamber.

“Next, please speak from the messenger Kirigakure.”

The Kirigakure envoy who arrived last night picked up the materials in his hand and proposed to the Daimyo of the Water Country that Fourth Mizukage wanted to establish diplomatic relations with the Daimyo of the Fire Country.

After hearing this, the daimyo of the country of water was stunned, why it was establishing diplomatic relations again. Yesterday there was a messenger from the country of waves to establish diplomatic relations, and today it is Kirigakure who proposed to establish diplomatic relations with the country of fire.

“The purpose of Fourth Generation is to let the country of water and the country of fire strengthen the establishment of diplomatic relations, and then take this opportunity to send a ninja to Konoha Village to negotiate?”

“It’s almost what it means.”

The name of the water country raised his brows and began to think about the feasibility of this matter.

The country of water and the country of fire itself have established diplomatic relations, but with the outbreak of war, this relationship is like a thin paper that can be pierced at any time, and it is not reliable at all.

Now let the country of water establish diplomatic relations with the country of fire, not to mention whether the other party agrees or not, but also depends on whether you are willing to put down your posture and actively request the establishment of diplomatic relations.

“Since it is the purpose of Fourth Generation, I also have something to discuss with him.”

The daimyo of the water country remembered what happened yesterday, and took the opportunity to say, “Yesterday, the messenger of the Polish country brought the daimyo’s paper to request the establishment of diplomatic relations with the water country. They sacrificed a lot of benefits, so I promised them one condition. Let the children with ninja talent in the Namibia country enter Kirigakure to study. You can talk about this to Fourth Generation and see what he thinks.”

The Daimyo of the Water Country seemed to have changed his posture and became talkative. He directly told the matter to the messenger Mist Shinobi. He didn’t need to be replaced by an official next to him. This surprised some people, but he didn’t let it go. In the heart.

“I will report this matter to Lord Fourth Generation. Don’t worry, daimyo. It’s just about establishing diplomatic relations with the country of fire. I hope it can be implemented as soon as possible. Lord Fourth Generation and the elders of Kirigakure value this matter very much.”

The messenger Mist Shinobi agreed while not forgetting to emphasize his mission.

“We will discuss the establishment of diplomatic relations in the Nation of Fire again, so let’s do it today.”

The daimyo of the water country rubbed his temples, looking tired.

“This concludes today’s meeting.”

The officials ended the meeting obediently, so that their names could go to rest.



Citrus Citrus Yagura looked at the information sent by the messenger and snorted disdainfully.

“It seems that if you don’t agree, the name of the water country will not be obedient.”

Citrus Tangerine Yagura feels a little weird, but there is no other way.

Let the people from the country of Wave come to Kirigakure. Kirigakure will not have the final say. Citrus Yagura thinks this matter is not a big deal at all. Anyway, he intends to slaughter Kirigakure’s interior.

Citrus Yagura, no, it should be said to be Obito. After consulting the information during the Three World Wars, he became more and more strange about the incident at that time.

The most important point is that the record on the scroll that made Konoha hostages into Jinchūriki into Jinchūriki and then sent them to Konoha to cause civil strife, can be said to have been taken in one stroke and very vague.

If it is really what Kirigakure’s senior officials said, this kind of destructive action is related to the tail beast, it should not be so hasty to make a decision.

It seemed that someone had deliberately concealed it, cut first and then played, and then had to record a scandal.

In this operation, Kirigakure did not succeed. Except for the death of several Mist Shinobi ninjas, the biggest loss was the death of Three Tails.

Because of this unconscious action, although the purpose was correct, the action was too sloppy. Three points Mizukage was severely criticized by the top of Mist Shinobi, which became a fuse for his later overthrow by Yagura.

Obito didn’t know who was making the mistake behind this, but he knew there must be a ghost.

However, there is nothing to be found. The ninjas involved in the operation, including the Jōnin who sealed the tail beast, have died or disappeared. No one at the top knows the cause of this incident, so the file will be scribbled. .

In this case, Obito made a decision in his heart.

“After achieving my goal, Kirigakure, let it be destroyed.”

The previous blood fog policy was a very good guide. Obito discovered a lot of tactics to make Kirigakure internally kill each other. This was originally a means by Mizukage to restrain the family power and strengthen its ruling power, but now it has become a persecution in Obito’s hands. Tools of the ninja.

After signing the agreement on the scroll, Yagura taught the scroll to Summoning, and asked him to take it back to the messenger Mist Shinobi.

Kirigakure is a casual toy for Obito today, and he is thinking about how to destroy it.

When he successfully met Uzumaki Naruto from this visit to Fire Country, and blamed Kirigakure, it would be perfect.


Jing Ming walked out of the meeting room, his face as solemn as ever, but he revealed a hint of joy at the moment.

The Daimyo of the Water Country and the ministers have agreed to the Treaty on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the Nation of Waters, and this operation can roughly come to an end.

On the Polish side, things can be easily passed as long as the Polish country’s name speaks. Although the treaty has provisions that humiliate the country, but it can quickly develop the Polish country in a short period of time, there must be many people who agree with it.

Even if there are individual opponents, they can only agree under the powerful pressure of the country of water.

An unarmed country has no right to speak. Jing Ming replaced the name of the country of Poland and opened the country of Water’s ambitions for the country of Poland, and that is doomed to the end of the country of Poland.

Under the great power of the country of water, the country of wave can only become its accessory.

Even Jing Ming has no way to go against this trend. All he can do is to constantly balance the various forces and then seek the benefits of the Polish country.

This is the role of the country. Jing Ming can control the head of a country, but he cannot let the country obey his orders, because any action that goes against the national interest will be suspicious and opposed, even if it is suppressed by the authority of the daimyo. The voice of opposition, but it is also difficult to last, and it is destined to break out of resistance.

The only regret of this operation is that with the increase in the casting time of the hidden illusion, the probability of exposure of the water country is increasing, and it is time for him to shut up.

Fortunately, Jing Ming has already planned for the new big celebrity selection.

The eldest son of Zui Sheng Meng Di is not suitable for accepting his bewitching. Even if he can be controlled by illusion, his hollow body, even with the protection of Jing Ming Chakra, will not last long.

In contrast, Daimyo’s fourth son, Yamamoto Yu is a suitable candidate.

He has cultivated hard since he was a child, and is a strong individual samurai, but unfortunately he does not have the talent of Chakra, and he is destined to not be a strong one.

People with Bushido spirits are generally very powerful, and it is not easy to confuse him.

But it’s worth a try, isn’t it?

The purer the human, the more terrifying after the fall, I am looking forward to seeing him become a slave to the devil.

Jing Ming thought so.

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