Chapter 409 Cthulhu? Shinigami’s subordinates

This stone still has some abilities to become the leader of this Cthulhu. No, I asked Bai Lan hypocritically, but it made the people around him respect him more.

“The leader can rest assured, I know Hidan is testing whether he has the qualifications to enter the Cthulhu.”

Bai Lan’s words have given everyone the opportunity to step down. The leader Shi’s words gave Bai Lan an admiring look.

This newcomer is really in the taste of stone!

“Since you can resist Hidan’s blow, it also means that you have the qualifications to be loyal to the Cthulhu. Now I declare that you are an official member of the Cthulhu.”

After Shi finished the announcement, he continued to say,

“After becoming a member of the Cthulhu cult, then you are going to visit the statue of the Cthulhu. If you two, please follow me.”

After Shi finished speaking, he was the first to walk forward, while Bai Lan and Deidara followed him.

After Bai Lan and the others disappeared, someone started to discuss,

“At this time, it is really too early to visit the Cthulhu statue! I think we are qualified to serve the Cthulhu for a year.”

As soon as these words came out, not surprisingly, Bai Lan and the others once again gained a lot of envy, jealousy and hatred.

If you serve a Cthulhu, this is the wish of all those who join the Cthulhu Cult. If you can stay in front of the Cthulhu statue for a long time, you don’t know what these people will do.

Cthulhu Shrine,

“What you have in front of you is the statue of the evil god, and now, it is to put three sticks of incense on the statue of the evil god, so that the evil god knows your existence.”

After entering this ancestral hall, looking at the statue in the middle of the ancestral hall, a trace of enthusiasm appeared in Shi’s eyes.

As the leader of the Cthulhu cult, Shi’s loyalty to the Cthulhu is needless to say. If anyone dared to speak ill of the Cthulhu in front of Shi, then Shi must have dared to follow him to turn his face.

I don’t know why, after Bai Lan entered this evil god’s shrine, he felt a little peeped, but when he looked over there, this feeling disappeared miraculously.

At this time, Bai Lan thought it was something wrong with his perception, but now it seems that it is not so.

The Cthulhu statue standing in the center of this ancestral hall has a hideous face, bull head, bird body, elephant feet, such a strange combination, Bai Lan can’t tell where there is something weird.

If it is really weird, Bai Lan sees this statue and feels inexplicably against him.

After Shi gave them the incense, Bai Lan and Deidara took the opportunity to insert the incense into a large cauldron in front of the Cthulhu statue.

After Bai Lan and Deidara inserted the incense into the cauldron, a strange scene appeared, and the incense suddenly burned out of the three of them.

Seeing this weird scene, Shi’s tone was trembling, and then he said dumbly.

“Master Cthulhu manifested his spirit, this is Lord Cthulhu manifested his spirit”

After speaking, Shi couldn’t control his behavior. He dumped in front of the evil god statue, and kept kowtow, saying,

“Master Cthulhu, Master Cthulhu, please take a look at me”

Shi’s appearance is completely a fanatical believer, making people feel a bit chilly!

“Don’t you hurry up and kowtow to Lord Cthulhu?”

When seeing Bai Lan and Deidara standing here, Shi couldn’t help but said angrily.

But Bai Lan said with a bit of disdain,

“You want me to kowtow to it, but don’t you know if he deserves it?”

There is a hint of arrogance in Bai Lan’s tone. In his opinion, these evil gods’ words are just a means to fool others!

Now that Hidan has been found, Bai Lan doesn’t need to pretend again. If Bai Lan didn’t expose it before, he just wanted to see what this evil god was, but Bai Lan felt depressed for a while.

If this statue is really the true face of this evil god, it is really a bit nondescript!

Bai Lan’s words this time, it can be said that he really angered the stone. He immediately stood up and said furiously,

“A person like you, it seems that if Lord Cthulhu doesn’t teach you a little lesson, you don’t know how to repent?”

“The Cthulhu leader Shi, asked Lord Cthulhu to convert these two heretics to my religion.”

After saying this, Shi directly cut off his palm, and then pressed the blood in his hand onto the Cthulhu statue.

“You are all going to die, you are all going to die”, after seeing Bai Lan’s disrespect for the evil god, Shi was already mad in his current appearance, and he was a little ignorant now.

As the blood of the stone was absorbed by the evil god statue, the statue was more full of charm, and the statue’s words seemed to blink.

Then, a mysterious power covered Bai Lan and Deidara’s body. This power did not cause Bai Lan to feel any pain, but it always wanted to go into his mind. .

However, before it entered his mind, the words of this power were swallowed by Bai Lan’s own power.

Unlike Bai Lan, after Deidara was shrouded by this force, it seemed to be constantly pierced by needles in his mind.

These painful words are pains that go deep into the mind, and the brain is the fragile part of the human body. This time, Deidara could not help but scream loudly after being attacked like this!

Accompanied by his scream, Deidara’s face also slowly changed. He was originally full of spirits, but gradually became sluggish!

“Die! Give me all to die! If you dare to be disrespectful to this evil god, you are doing this for your own destruction.”

After seeing Deidara’s misfortune, Shi laughed wildly and said.

Only soon, his smile was deadlocked on his face.

“Enchantment technique, silent barrier world”

From the five fingers of Bai Lan’s right hand, there were five big characters, Heaven, Earth, Xuan, Huang, and Qing. Once these five characters appeared, all the areas around Deidara were sealed off.

Then, slowly, Deidara slowly woke up from such a fantasy! ! !

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