Chapter 243 Raikage’s Death Part 1

When Raikage rushed to the place where the “red soil” disappeared, he happened to see another terracotta coming from a distance with a large amount of Rock Shinobi.

On the other side, the terracotta saw Raikage who had disappeared for a while and reappeared, but this Raikage seemed to be very angry, which made him a little puzzled.

But at this moment of tension between each other, no one will stop to explain, no matter what, let’s fight first.

Raikage was also surprised how Terra was able to evade their surveillance and was able to sneak into such a close position, but no matter what, don’t leave since it’s here. So he shouted: “Enemy attack, get ready for battle!” Raikage rushed directly after speaking.

On the other hand, Chi Tu didn’t say a word, and used the Gang Li Technique, two rock giants appeared in front of the black shadow. At the same time, almost all Rock Shinobi used hardening techniques to increase their defenses.

Orochimaru watched the battle between the two sides in a hidden place. He knew that the two sides no longer needed to explain. The misunderstanding was so deep that it was difficult to have a chance to explain it.

Orochimaru looked at Raikage’s rampage and violent form. He didn’t care about any attacks, because his defenses could not be broken at all, and with the addition of Thunder, Raikage’s attack was like a ruin, hitting Rock Shinobi. There is almost no resistance.

This is not only because of the difference in level experience, but also the reason why speed and attributes are mutually exclusive. Each Raikage attack will move the place, which results in not too many attacks on each Raikage. If it hadn’t been for Rock Shinobi to build a defensive formation relying on terracotta, it would not have been possible to hold on for long.

Orochimaru looked at Cloud Shinobi who was rushing in the distance, knowing that he should prepare for the next step.

Thinking of this, Orochimaru used the Flying Thunder God Technique continuously and once again came to Rock Shinobi’s station. Using Rock Shinobi’s corpse on the road, he manipulated this Rock Shinobi’s corpse, pretending to be seriously wounded and beaten to death, asking for help from Loess.

“My lord, Lord Terra was brought into ambush by Raikage. I was under siege by hundreds of people and needed support. My lord…sir…please…hurry up.” Rock Shinobi controlled by Orochimaru tried to finish the last sentence and lost his breath.

After listening to Huang Tu, he immediately felt that something was wrong. No wonder Raikage, who has always been known as brave and fearless, would run away. It turned out to be to ambush one of them, and then defeat each one. No, he had to be faster, so the loess brought all the Rock Shinobi together, desperately rushing to the position of the terracotta along the traces.

Orochimaru turned into one of Rock Shinobi. Whenever the loess deviated from the direction, he would try to correct it. Strive for the loess to arrive as quickly as possible.

It’s just that, when the loess arrived, he happened to see that Raikage was black and Madara, and transformed into two black tigers, which not only destroyed the two rock giants, but also swallowed the terracotta.

“No—” Huang Tu yelled, and then quickly sealed, “Earth Style-Mountain Soil Technique!” Suddenly two hill-like rocks appeared on the ground, ready to directly crush the people around the terracotta.

Rumble, the two huge rocks began to merge, and when Third Raikage saw it, he knew it was not good: “Retreat!” And Third Raikage himself did not leave. He was buying time for other ninjas.

“Ninjutsu-Four Kanshou!” I saw Third Raikage flexing his thumb, and the remaining four fingers were gathered together, a sharp thunder attribute Chakra gathered in his hand, and then he rushed towards one of the rocks.

With a bang, Raikage hit the rock directly, and the rock was directly hit by him. Orochimaru saw this situation in the distance, and his pupils shrank. Unexpectedly, Raikage’s body was so powerful.

Orochimaru has to admit that he is now alone with his combat power and the destruction of a single body. He is indeed inferior to Raikage. But victory or defeat is not the same as life and death. In a head-on fight, Orochimaru cannot defeat the current Raikage, but he can kill Raikage.

This time Raikage must be kept anyway, Orochimaru watching the changes in the field closely. I saw Raikage, after passing through, returning again, so several times, it became the two rocks torn apart.

In Raikage’s operation, although some ninjas were saved, some of them had not had time to escape and were squeezed into meatloaf.

Raikage saw this situation a bit dignified. Although his own combat power is strong, he still has insufficient power to save everyone in time for this kind of large-scale ninjutsu. His ninjutsu is only suitable for one-on-one battles. , It is full of lethality to individuals, but is not good at large-scale destruction.

At this time, Huang Tu came to Chi Tu, and the Chi Tu was dying. He grew up with Chi Tu since he was a child, Chi Tu is like his elder brother.

“Chi Tu, you must persist, you will definitely get better!” Huang Tu’s voice was accompanied by a cry of bitterness.

Maybe I heard the call of Loess, or maybe it was a flashback. At this time, Chitu opened his eyes slightly and said in a weak voice: “Loess, you are here, I can no longer protect Master Tsuchikage, and I can’t help anymore. Master Tsuchikage has resisted and saluted!”

“Aka Tu, don’t say it, you will still be the shield of Tsuchikage in the future, and you will still live well! Don’t worry, you must be fine, you have to persevere!” Huang Tu continued to encourage him, trying to give him confidence, maybe a miracle could happen .

“Huang Tu, I seem to see everyone being together when I was young. Everyone didn’t play with me. They all thought I was stupid. Only you stayed with me. Thank you. For the rest of my life, I will…be yours… …Brother!” After Chi Tu finished speaking the last sentence, he closed his eyes, and the corners of his mouth seemed to have a slight curvature. Perhaps he had dreamed of something happy again.

Raikage in the distance looked at the black and overwhelming Rock Shinobi, with a dignified heart, one-on-one, they were not afraid, but they were not very good at this kind of large-scale ninjutsu attack, especially when the number of people was not dominant. So he decided to let people retreat.

“Raikage, I want you to pay for my brother’s life!” Huang Tu roared at Raikage.

“He sneaked in here sneakily, and then started attacking our ninja. I don’t think his death is worthy of sympathy!” Although Raikage has too many doubts about the attack on the earth, it is now in this situation. , It seems that there is no need for much explanation.

“Huh, then bear my anger!” As the voice of the loess fell, the loess quickly formed a seal: “Earth Style-Dolian Rock Fist Technique!” Several huge rock fists appeared on the ground, and began Head towards the idle Cloud Shinobi around!

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