Chapter 109 The Battlefield of Dreams

Bang! !


Accompanied by two loud noises, Naruto and Sasuke screamed at the same time, their bodies flew upside down quickly, and they swept a few meters on the ground before they came to a halt. Then the two of them had just struggled to stand up, and suddenly there was a sharp sound from above. Breaking the wind, you don’t even need to look at them to know that it is Qianben from the lasing.



Naruto responded loudly, extracting a large amount of Chakra in one breath, and then maintaining a certain amount of rapid activation ability. The next moment, I saw a sudden whistling sound above the two, and a gust of wind suddenly appeared in the calm space, shooting down the thousand books. Being blown by this gust of wind, he immediately deviated from the original direction and fell to the ground feebly.

However, Shigen did not expect Senbon’s attack to have a direct effect. Just as the two were busy defending Senbon, he quickly controlled all the ice mirrors. When the ice mirror that shot Senbon was completely broken, Sasuke and Naruto suddenly found them all around. There are dozens of ice mirrors that reflect the dazzling light.


Standing on the periphery of the ice mirror, Shiro murmured softly, and then quickly merged into the ice mirror. Then Shiro, who was hidden in the ice mirror, manipulated all the ice mirrors to swiftly hit Naruto and Sasuke.

Although Naruto can use a wide range of wind to blow all the shots of Senbon, but in the face of the ice mirror, which is obviously much heavier than Senbon, with his current ability, he can extract the power of the wind released by Chakra in a short time. At most, it can only slightly change the direction of the ice mirror, and it can’t stop the impact of the ice mirror at all.

Whoosh whoosh! !

After avoiding a few ice mirrors, Sasuke quickly thought about countermeasures. It seemed that the speed of the ice mirror’s impact was not fast. It should be avoided completely. What we need to do now is to quickly get out of this piece…

However, before he could finish his thoughts, when he avoided an ice mirror again, a delicate face suddenly appeared on the mirror in front of him.

Upon seeing this, Sasuke’s pair of scarlet Sharingan shrank suddenly, with a look of horror on their faces. His thinking was interrupted for an instant. Before he could react, he suddenly felt a pain in his waist, as if he had been hit with a heavy hammer. In general, his body flew out uncontrollably, and then again in mid-air, he was severely caught in the middle by the ice mirror controlled by Bai!


Sasuke suddenly spit out a bloody arrow, dyed the mirror in front of him red, and his expression became wilted. On the other side, Naruto saw that Sasuke was attacked by White, and his face suddenly became anxious, and he was about to take advantage of the white attack. Ninjutsu is activated when the ice mirror’s control power becomes weak.

However, when he had just completed the technique seal, Bai, who was a few meters away, suddenly appeared in a mirror behind him, and put his foot on Naruto’s back!


Naruto screamed and flew into the air, and then was caught between two ice mirrors like a method, and couldn’t move no matter how hard he struggled.

From the time when the magic mirror ice crystal was activated to the time when Naruto and Sasuke were controlled at the same time, less than a minute passed. Obviously, the difference in strength between the two sides was not a star and a half at all, but a huge difference!

“It seems that the winner has already been decided.”

Without cutting and pulling out the decapitating knife behind, he lifted it up with a powerful arm, and pointed the blade straight at Kakashi with a solemn expression:

“Kakashi, your tactical allocation was wrong from the beginning. If the kid from the Uchiha clan stopped me while waiting for another kid’s reinforcements, and if you fight against Bai, the outcome may be five to five, but You are so underestimated, you actually let those two little ghosts fight against Bai. Although Bai is my subordinate, but…”

Half of the face was covered with a bandage, only the cold eyes that were exposed suddenly condensed, and a mocking color appeared on his face:

“Who stipulated that the subordinates must be weaker than the master? Bai’s strength has long been incomparable with me, and even surpassed me. The two little ghosts have indeed grown very fast. If they join forces against me, I guess it will not be possible for a while. They will be dealt with, but Bai is not the same. With his blood following the limit, there is no advantage in the number of people.”

Hearing this, Kakashi’s face suddenly sank.

It’s true that I didn’t say anything wrong. It was indeed because of the wrong calculation of the strength of my dialogue that Naruto and Sasuke were defeated. When Bai Teng came out, I would never be able to cope with the combination of him and No I, which means…

If there were no accidents, this mission would have failed.

However, everyone did not notice that the air in mid-air shook suddenly, inside the refraction layer–

“Sure enough, I still have to do it myself. Tsk, it’s not just Kakashi, even I didn’t expect the boy to be so strong. I thought that after Naruto arrived, the two of them could at least fight him. It’s evenly divided.”

Hearing that, even though they knew from the standpoint of Konoha Shinobi and saw their companions in crisis, they must help them, but Izumi couldn’t help but despise Iruka:

“Someone seems to have said just now that he has made up his mind not to interfere, right?”

“Have I ever said that? Izumi, you think carefully about what I said. Which sentence of me clearly stated that I will never make a move?”

A meaningful smile appeared on Iruka’s face. Seeing this, Izumi tried to think about it, and then whispered “Ah!”, she suddenly recalled that when she asked Iruka if she wanted to interfere, he was clever After changing the subject, he didn’t make it clear whether he wanted to make a move or not at all.

“Remember it? Hey…Little girl, you can easily be tricked away by bad men when you go out after you are so innocent~”

Iruka ridiculed Izumi habitually. Upon hearing this, Izumi, who became very sensitive to a certain vocabulary in Iruka’s words for some reason, suddenly said uncomfortable:

“Don’t call me a little girl.”

“For me, you are a little girl. Okay, let’s not talk about this. If you continue to pull it, Naruto and Sasuke will lose consciousness completely. If this happens, they will miss an opportunity to fully grow up~”

Iruka shrugged, then raised the corner of his mouth, and said mysteriously. After speaking, he stood up and patted the dust on his body. At the same time, he moved for a while. Looks like it’s ready to go.

“I’m selling it again, forget it, you are always such a mysterious person.” Quan Mei complained, then hesitated, and suddenly proposed:

“Actually, you don’t have to do it yourself. It’s the same when I go down. After all, Senior Kakashi is not weak. He drags it and doesn’t cut it. I can deal with that boy alone, and I can definitely defeat them. Although that boy is very strong, it is definitely not me. Opponent.”

Hearing that, Iruka was taken aback and looked at Quanmi with some surprise. You must know that Quanmi used to actively help with a certain purpose, either by letting herself go shopping and watching movies with her after helping, or accompany her in her practice. This time it was a little bit Without mentioning the conditions, this is obviously very wrong.

Although I don’t know what Izumi was thinking, Iruka shook his head and rejected Izumi’s proposal:

“No need. Although you can really help them complete the task, you can only knock them back. For me, this level is far from enough. After all, what I have to do…”

As he said, a meaningful smile appeared on Iruka’s rather dark scar face:

“It’s driving them to a dead end!”

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