(Thank you very much for the 1888 rewards of ‘Ling Xueyu’! and ‘realm の idler’, ‘God is doing good things, you don’t believe’, ‘Wu Ma here’, ‘Xiao reverse night’, ‘red lion head’, ‘ The census of the sacred festival ‘, ‘azreal’, ‘rtzq’, ‘↖瑞瑞↗’ reward!)

“You, that is the God Slayer (Campione!)?”

Together with this sentence, I was surrounded by surrounds, and in addition to the sound, there was also a strong sense of tension. ≥ ≥,

It was entirely due to the expression of the battle addict on the face of the White Dragon Emperor.

Perhaps because there is no way to suppress the mind intent, in the white dragon Emperor’s around the body, a faint Magic Power rises.

“Magic Power?” surprised Hyoudou Issei to Kiba Yuuto in behind.

“Are you still Devil?”

Kiba Yuuto’s surprise is really needed.

Just because the Divine Artifact edgear created by the God of the Bible will only be boarded in human’s within the body.

However, the body of White Dragon Emperor has Magic Power, which proves itself to be a Devil.

Usually, this situation just represents a problem.

That is, the man in front of Longinus (longDivine Dividing (devinedividing), who claims to be able to destroy God and Demon Lord, was either a human, a Devil in the form of reincarnation, or a hybrid of Devil and human.

This situation is not uncommon in Devil’s World.

However, if Longinus (the long owner becomes the force of Devil), it has already spread throughout Devil World.

The man in front of him, Kiba Yuuto, has never heard of it.

“My name is Vali.”

The man who calls himself the White Dragon Emperor introduces himself.

“Although you will still be confused. But I still explain that my current camp is the camp of Fallen Angel.”

“Fallen Angel?” Noah frowned.

“Fallen Angel’s people actually came to Devil’s site. It seems that you are planning to make something happen.”

“I don’t know what to plan on, but my own words, I heard that there is a God Slayer (Campione!) there, I can’t help but come over.” The beautiful man named Vali opened to Noah. Hands and face also have a more intense fighting intent.

“Being able to have God-slaying, if you can play a game, you should be able to know how much the gap between me and the so-called God and Demon Lord is there?”

“In other words, are you a battle maniac?” Noah stepped forward and raised his hand. Let Hyoudou Issei and Kiba Yuuto don’t keep up.

“Only, I didn’t think that my message had already reached the side of Fallen Angel. It was obvious that Devil’s secret work was really undeserved.”

“Don’t care, because not many people believe that you are a person who really kills God.” Vali hangs his hand in powerlessness, but his eyes are fixed on Noah’s body from start to finish.

“I, too, to confirm this.”

The words fall. Behind Vali, a pair of wings flashed in a burst of brightly lit rays of light.

It was a pair of white wings that seemed to have been meticulously crafted, and the wings were like a film-like ray of light.

Divine Dividing (devinedividing).


Just as Vali showed Divine Dividing (devinedividing), Hibadou Issei, who was given care of behind by Kiba Yuuto, suddenly made a cry. And grabbed one of his hands tightly, his face covered with pain.

“Issei-kun !” Kiba Yuuto turn pale with fright.

“Well?” Noah’s brows are getting wrinkled and deeper. First, look at Vali with a smile on the face of the battle addict. Looking at Hyoudou Issei, who was screaming at his back, suddenly understood.

“I sense the appearance of the White Dragon Emperor. Is the Red Dragon Emperor of Hyoudou Issei within the body finally reacting?”

“This is really amazing, the awakened Boosted Gear tedgear.” It actually reacts to the emergence of Divine Dividing (devinedividing). It seems that this man named Hyoudou Issei has a high degree of affinity with the dragon.” Vali can’t help but watch A look at Hyoudou Issei.

“Unfortunately, Divine Artifact edgear” is still not awakened because the host’s power is too weak?”

“No matter what, getting you close to Hyoudou Issei is not a good thing.” Noah looked straight at Vali, eyes a glimpse.

“So, sorry, though I don’t know why the guy from your Fallen Angel camp is Devil, but please leave!”

Noah slammed his hand when he didn’t answer Vali or even react.

At the same time, in Noah’s heart, the stone plate of the Authority connected to Ten Incarnations turned directly to point to the Storm pattern.


A berserk storm suddenly shook from the foot of Vali and quickly turned into a tornado wind, wrapping Vali in it.

“What?” Vali only felt that his body suddenly seemed to be crucified in the void space. All directions had an invisible wind pressure that squeezed tightly, making Vali tremble, and the move was impossible to move. a single step.

Immediately, the tornado wind that Vali gave tightly wrapped in it suddenly exploded, completely turning into a storm.


The winds of berserk seemed to be the same as the impact of the explosion of the original place, and the unrelenting shock was on the body of Vali.

“Hey!” Vali groan, the whole person was rushed out by the irresistible impact of the wind and waves, like the arrow of the string, back to the sky.

“It made me completely unable to resist! It is a person who claims to kill God! I will come back again!”

Only after leaving this sentence, the whole person of Vali skyrocketed under the impact of the wind and waves, and disappeared in the blink of an eye on the other side of the sky.

Noah specifically canceled the lethality, letting Storm incarnation’s summon weathering become the most direct impact, taking Vali away.

This time, although I don’t know how far I can blow Vali, but without one day and one night, the wind on the Vali body will not dissipate.

Of course, as time goes by, the formidable power of the wind acting on the Vali body will become weaker and weaker.

So, Noah estimates that about three hours or so, Vali should be able to resist Storm with his own strength, and then come back with a breath of Magic Array for Teleportation?

In other words, at least three hours, Vali will not come back.

Now, Noah came to the side of Hyoudou Issei, who was holding one arm, and grabbed his shoulder.

“How’s it going?”

“It’s already… it’s much better…” Hyoudou Issei’s face was no longer painful, but he still looked at his arm and looked at it with some lingering feelings, just like watching something very strange, in the eyes full shake.

“This… what the hell is this all about?”

For Hyoudou Issei, the reaction of the emergence of his body unfathomable mystery should be difficult to accept?

After all, for Hyoudou Issei, everything is too strange, isn’t it?

“Don’t think about it if you can’t understand it. Anyway, you are safe for the time being.” Noah patted the shoulder of Hyoudou Issei, who turned his face, turned his head and looked towards Kiba Yuuto.

“You go home with Hyoudou Student and tell him the explanation. Since the White Dragon Emperor has appeared and let the Red Dragon Emperor know nothing, it is really sad.”

Kiba Yuuto has a heavy nodded, holding Hyoudou Issei and heading towards Hyoudou Issei’s home.

Looking at Hyoudou Issei and Kiba Yuuto’s body Shadow gradually disappeared at the other end of the street, Noah suddenly sounded.

“Well, I have been watching it for so long, should I come out?”

The tension that was permeated in the air was about to dissipate. With the passage of Noah’s, it was suddenly solidified.

However, the audience was silent and there was no one at all.

In this case, Noah only turned his eyes to the shade of the side, indifferently said.

“If you don’t come out, I’m going to let me ask you to come out, right?”

As soon as the voice fell, the two shadows suddenly flew out from the shade of the side. Like a monkey, they jumped into a tree with a strong jumping power and moved toward the distant Leap.

However, at this moment, a stone violently shoots from below, catching up with one of them, Shadow.


The stones that flew like bullets hit directly on the other’s shoulders.


A painful cry, a shadow also fell down.

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