Hollywood Road

Chapter 254: Become a hero

If you want to become a top vase, not all beautiful roles can be accepted. Some beautiful female roles are detrimental to the career development of the vase. The typical representative is the little white flower green tea bitch.

The road to the vase is not as easy to walk as seen by outsiders and movie fans, like Jessica Alba, under Murphy’s point, realizes what route he should take in the future, and has enough ambitions. For the vase actors, the first element in choosing a role must be Meimeimeimeimei...

The role must be carefully selected, sunny, cheerful, positive, sexy, independent, etc., such a role is the first choice of the vase actors.

As long as you get this kind of role that can maximize your body appearance, acting and everything are secondary, even if the eyes, movements, and overall feeling are really consistent for years, it doesn't matter.

All the focus is on top vases. You must play the cute female vase, and always only play the cute role.

To be a vase that everyone loves, no matter how much rain and wind and frost have gone through on one's cheeks, the character presented to the audience must be as **** as ten years.

Yes, yes, it is to combine beauty and sexy.

However, there are many female stars in this world, and there are also many female vases, but there are not many vases that can be called cosmic level.

If you want to become a cosmic vase, it’s not enough to do this. If you want to demonstrate the status of a cosmic vase, there are not a few Golden Raspberry Award nominations and at least one Golden Plum’s Worst Supporting Actress or Worst Actress Trophy It's a bit of a misnomer.

For those actresses who are praised as acting school, the Golden Plum Award is absolutely poisonous, but for the vases, it will only make their reputation even more famous.

Murphy is still very satisfied with Jessica Alba's performance. No matter from which aspect, the appearance of this Latino actress is top-notch. What she needs is the right role and the right opportunity to play to her advantage.

To fix the scene where Jessica Alba fell in an inappropriate way at the right time, the crew continued to film Robert Downey Jr., as said at the beginning, he was pulled under the mask by Jessica Alba , With a close-up photo of Leonardo DiCaprio on his face.

The "Wolverine" independent film has not yet been born, and Hugh Jackman has not cut off Wade Wilson's head in the film. Some of the original stalks must not be used here. Anyway, Robert Downey Jr. has already earned money. With Leonardo DiCaprio's consent, Murphy did not hesitate to take it to spoof.

At the end of the filming, Murphy asked the crew to re-arrange the venue, and Dawn Johnson, who finished putting on makeup, also joined the filming. This was the last shot of all the shots, and it was also a long shot.

In this scene, if you want to be a hero like the X-Men, or continue to be a rascal, Deadpool faces a choice.

After everything is ready, the last shot begins.

The two cameras were shooting around the set from different angles. In front of the camera, Robert Downey Jr. was riding on Dawn Johnson on the ground. As soon as Murphy started shouting, he took out a small pistol from behind and aimed at Dawn. -Johnson's **** face.

Robert Downey Jr. seems to pull the trigger at any time.

At this moment, a loud voice with a Russian flavor sounded, "Wade!"

Krakow, full of motion capture devices, strode over and said in a mellow voice, "Four to five critical moments!"

"What are you talking about?" Robert Downey Jr. turned his head and asked.

Murphy waved his hand to an assistant photographer. He immediately took the Steadicam and walked across from Krakow, catching his close-up. Krakow’s voice seemed to be a Russian version of Shakespearean actor performing on stage, saying The way of the lines is a bit exaggerated.

This is an effect Murphy deliberately pursued, and it is also to highlight Deadpool's choice.

"There are only four to five moments in total!" Krakow said loudly, "Come on, Wade, be a hero. Many people think this is a full-time job. When you wake up, you are a hero. When you brush your teeth, you are still a hero. You are still a hero at work, not so. There are only four to five really important moments in a person’s life, that is, when you are faced with a choice, you sacrifice your ego, overcome your shortcomings, and save your friends..."

Krakow turned to the front of Robert Downey Jr., "Also, forgive the enemy. At this moment, everything in the world fades for it, and the world witnesses us, we..."

"Bang" gunfire sounded, and there was a burst of gunpowder from the prop gun in Robert Downey Jr.'s hand. Krakow bent down, vomited violently against the ground, and asked loudly, "Why?"

"You can't stop talking at all!" Robert Downey Jr. spread out his hands, looking very innocent. "Well, I do look like an Italian sausage bread, but the ugliest will not automatically heal just because you say it nicely... …"

After Robert Downey Jr. talked about the chase, Murphy called to stop the crew, and the shooting of "Deadpool" ended.

After the filming, Murphy handed over the follow-up matters to Paul Wilson, and rushed back to North America with Robert Downey Jr. and the shot footage. It is now in mid-December, a new round "Deadpool" promotion is about to begin.

From the beginning of Halloween, under the careful planning and operation of 20th Century Fox, Deadpool burned his enthusiasm all the way to the severe winter. In order to celebrate the Christmas holiday, Deadpool vowed to act as Santa Claus for a while, and will be full of 12 A gift, a daily one to fans all over the world.

On the official blog of "Deadpool", a special Christmas area was opened, and many bloggers with extremely high views were also instigated to actively forward it, and the entertainment news of Fox TV station would pay attention to the report every day.

In the 12-day video specially shot by Murphy, Robert Downey Jr. still wears the iconic uniform of Deadpool and talks endlessly. Now there is no movie that focuses on active interaction with ordinary audiences. Only Deadpool has developed In this position, constantly "Amway" himself to fans is full of teasing.

From December 14th to Christmas Day, Deadpool will throw out new materials as gifts every day. Twentieth Century Fox also launched a number of media to take turns to help this publicity offensive.

On Christmas Eve, Deadpool, who claims to do what he said, did not speak big words, and released a new poster in his own name in "Entertainment Weekly".

On the poster, Deadpool’s crotch is fully equipped, the pistol is loaded and placed in the crotch, and it is accompanied by the slogan "Wait a minute, you see me". It is to win the attention and screams of fans.

As Gal Gadot temporarily returned to Israel to spend his holiday, Murphy and a few friends enjoyed the Christmas holiday together, immediately joined the editing team of Jody Griffith, and went to the Fox Tower in Century City, in Kara -Fiss had already prepared the studio and started the post-production of the film.

When a movie has not been edited, it cannot be called a movie. The script is like a blueprint. Shooting is collecting raw materials. Until the movie is cut out, it really becomes a movie. So editing is a key step in the post-production of the movie. Let everything come together to form a story.

If you take the layout of a movie as an example, editing is actually all about the arrangement and combination of shots and the meaning created by the connections between these shots.

At the beginning of the rough editing, Murphy first picked out a scene, completed the editing in person, and played it for all the staff involved in the editing to explain his editing concept.

This is a scene of Wade in a bar. The "doctor" tells Wade that he can cure Wade's cancer and turn him into a superhero.

When Wade walks away and sits down alone, Murphy's clip easily makes the viewer feel uneasy, and then the next scene switches to Wade sitting by the window insomnia, raining outside.

He connected these two sets of shots together, so that people immediately understand that what the "Doctor" said to Wade was tormenting him like bones. This jumper was not written in the script before, and did not intend to shoot like this. It is pure Born in the editing room under Murphy's hands.

During the shooting, Murphy and Jody Griffith initially considered this shot to be a redundant shot. According to the structure of the original script, Wade does not need to sit there alone.

At that time, Murphy shot this scene as a backup. Later, he rejected the original scene of the script. When watching the shot again, he found that "implying" Wade was troubled by those words was helpful to help the crew make up for the loss. That script, and the effect after conceiving and editing is also better.

In fact, this also shows that when shooting, sometimes the director is not sure which lens is necessary, and it is necessary to shoot a large amount of material.

In addition, the shot material is filled with a lot of action scenes, and there are also many comedy clips, and their effects are extremely dependent on the precise rhythm of the editing.

Different from the past, Murphy personally edited the action scenes. The more he cuts, the more he learned. The editing of action scenes has a strong sense of rhythm and rhythm. When he first edited the action scenes, he felt "I To find the best clips, the best stand-ins, pile them together, cut them to look at Tehe, and then it will be done."

But often when you do this, you will find that the rhythm of the action is not emotionally satisfying.

A movie is a journey, with the characters winning or losing, like an arch bridge with ups and downs, so sometimes Murphy has to rearrange his editing to show this appropriate, rhythmic action.

The comedy scene pays great attention to details, such as the rhythm of this joke, how long does it take for the character to react to the scene; and sometimes there is a stalk that has no effect, Murphy has to change a line to shake off the burden; Deadpool He often jokes and shakes his baggage during the action or at the climax of the plot. His question becomes, "How funny can it be before it becomes a slot?"

After Murphy finished the rough cut, he cut out a trailer from it and handed it to Weta Studios to produce special effects for playing on the upcoming Super Bowl.

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