Hollywood Road

Chapter 270: Ruined

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There are certain things that the media cannot speak upright, and the media is not so stupid. At this time, the network naval forces need to be dispatched. The current Internet management is far inferior to the future, and the bad things in the entertainment industry are also difficult. Attracting the attention of the regulatory authorities, the naval forces that appeared everywhere became a weapon for Murphy and CAA to counterattack.

Like this kind of counterattack, instead of expanding the scope of attack, it is better to directly target one point. The big-selling movies are often a perfect fusion of a variety of elements that the audience loves to see. A failed movie is enough as long as it is a bit disgusted by the audience.

In the preview of "Catwoman", the character's modeling, the performance of the actors, the unreliable plot, etc. were all complained by the audience and the media, but of all these, the most complained of was the complexion of the catwoman. Variety.

Even if the Catwoman in the script is not called Selena Kyle, Halle Berry is still criticized by countless comics fans. Like "Deadpool", comics fans are the most basic audience for a new comic film. group.

If even these people can't please, and the reputation of "Catwoman" itself is poor, the road to the future screening can be imagined.

In the days before the release of "Catwoman", a large area of ​​complaints appeared on the Internet, and the complaint summed up with only one sentence-Catwoman turned out to be a black!

Accompanied by the appearance of Halle Berry's SM dress catwoman look.

Under each network complaint, there are also a large number of replies, which are guided by the navy, but they are more common Internet users' complaints.

"Why are you looking for a black man to play the Catwoman? Has the producer's head been flooded?"

"I really feel sick after seeing this look!"

"Finding a black person is an insult to Catwoman's personality, and by the way, it insults our IQ!"

"Harry Berry's appearance is so stupid, I would like to ask how many times she did Blow.Job for the top Warner Bros. leaders to make them brainlessly choose her to play Catwoman."

Almost everyone is complaining about Halle Berry’s catwoman look. Even if someone agrees, it’s not an identity of the character. They just think Halle Berry’s body is very good.

In a film, if even the most basic protagonist is completely rejected by the audience, the consequences are terrible.

Warner Bros. is also working hard to reverse the negative impact of Halle Berry's styling, while using other aspects of publicity to divert the attention of fans.

They are aiming at Murphy and Robert Downey Jr., who have been the focus of fans’ attention since "Deadpool" was released. Attacking them can not only divert the attention of fans, but also curb the enthusiasm of "Deadpool". momentum.

As a result, a lot of negative news about the two was published on the Internet and in many paper media.

"Murphy Stanton, a drug dealer director who came out of a slum, and Robert Downey Jr. are a loyal pair of drug friends..."

Below such a terrifying title is a series of indistinguishable descriptions.

For the possible counterattack of Warner Bros. and Halle Berry, Murphy, Bill Rossis, and Carla Faith have all predicted. They have Twentieth Century Fox as a backing, and they are not afraid of the means in these rules. Continue to counterattack, and the counterattack has always been held tightly.

"Catwoman turned out to be a black man!"

They continue to use this to remind the audience that although this may attract some blacks to watch, it will lose more audiences.

The two sides used the Internet and entertainment newspapers as their positions. During the period before "Catwoman" was released, the war of words was completely escalated.

"Murphy Stanton has an ambiguous relationship with Jessica Alba. The current girlfriend is angry and moves out of his Santa Monica residence. This transnational relationship is about to break down..."

Everything that can be used to build momentum will not be easily let go.

But Murphy has always been tight in this regard.

"Catwoman turned out to be a black man!"

"Robert Downey Jr. had a drug addiction and he was slurping in the nightclub..."

"Catwoman turned out to be a black man!"

"Murphy Stanton is suspected of racial discrimination..."

"Catwoman turned out to be a black man!"

"Decrypt the true relationship between Murphy Stanton and Stanton, they are actually a group of homosexuals..."

"Catwoman turned out to be a black man!"

Different from the other party's widely dispersed attack, Murphy focused on one point in this respect, and constantly used the network navy to remind the audience not to forget that a black man actually appeared in Catwoman.

Some female characters, through their own play, or amplifying their own advantages, can bring significant help to the film, such as Jessica Alba’s Nancy in "Sin City"; while some female characters, but With its own negative aura, it is natural to reduce a movie by two levels.

If Halle Berry and Catwoman are separated, there is no problem at all. When the two are combined in such an extremely weird way, they are undoubtedly very close to the latter.

Moreover, the film "Catwoman" has only had a few trial screenings. It hasn't been officially released yet, and word-of-mouth on the Internet has completely fallen. The freshness of rotten tomatoes has dropped to 13%, and the popcorn index is only a poor percentage. At 50th, the IMDB audience's score fell directly below the passing score of six.

In sharp contrast, the online reputation of "Deadpool" has always been strong. Even after the first weekend, the freshness of Rotten Tomatoes is still as high as 84%, and the IMDB score is also 8.4.

Especially Cinema.Score, which directly represents the market response, has always stood firm on the A+ level.

This directly brings about the exceptional stability of the box office trend of "Deadpool".

The box office on Monday of the first working day fell by only 40% compared to Sunday, and it got a box office figure that was more than three days for most films-14.52 million U.S. dollars.

The discount day rose slightly on Tuesday, closing at 15.38 million U.S. dollars. On Wednesday, it fell a bit, gaining 13.86 million U.S. dollars. On Thursday, when "Catwoman" began to land in North American theaters, it received 13.74 million U.S. dollars.

In four working days, "Deadpool" earned 57.5 million U.S. dollars from North American theaters, and pushed the film's North American box office cumulatively past the 100 million U.S. dollar mark, reaching as much as 141.3 million U.S. dollars.

It hasn't entered the second weekend, and the North American box office of "Deadpool" is almost reaching the $150 million expected by Twentieth Century Fox.

The excitement of the high-level Fox in the 20th century can be imagined. This is a film of 250 million US dollars. Their attitude towards Murphy is also quietly changing, which can be seen from the strong support of the previous war of words. .

Corresponding to the box office, there are peripheral products such as Deadpool hats, uniforms and double knives, which have become essential items for many movie fans when watching movies. Sales are always rising. Twentieth Century Fox also took advantage of the hot after the first weekend box office was released. Launched deadpool and Vanessa dolls, which are quite popular.

Within a week, products related to Deadpool have brought nearly 17 million U.S. dollars in revenue to 20th Century Fox. With various licenses, the peripheral income of the film easily exceeded 30 million U.S. dollars.

All these have made the senior officials of 20th Century Fox see Murphy as if they saw the dollar.

In Hollywood, it can be said that there is no more direct and effective way to improve the position of a director in a film company than box office revenue and revenue figures.

"Deadpool" enters its second weekend, the box office performance depends not only on itself, but also on the newly opened competitors. If the competitors are too strong, they are bound to have an impact.

Before the sun rose on Friday, Halle Berry woke up early and went to the villa’s small garden for a round, but couldn’t rest easy. He went to the restaurant and drank a glass of milk and went back to the living room. , Sitting on the long sofa, waited patiently.

Yesterday’s premiere, judging from the reaction of the audience, the film did not seem to be as bad as expected. She also observed that there were almost no audiences who left early, and the applause after the screening was enthusiastic enough.

This may be a polite reaction from the audience at the premiere, but Halle Berry wants to think that they are attracted by the film and the characters.

If other early shows, like the premiere, "Catwoman" does not say that the box office is super hot, at least the numbers won will not be ugly.

Although the war of words was overwhelmed by the opponent's words, Halle Berry still had hope in her heart. After all, the trial screening was very poor, and the film was generally not favored before the screening, and the box office was not only a big hit. Yes, there have been miracles in Hollywood. Wasn't the situation of "Titanic" very similar to the current "Catwoman"?

She believes that "Catwoman" will fight a turnaround.

Sitting here, waiting restlessly, Halle Berry picked up the phone several times, and half an hour later, the phone's ringtone finally rang.

Halle Berry glanced at it. It was the call from the agent. He quickly pressed the call button on the phone and put it in his ear, "It's me, Halle. Has the box office counted in advance?"

"Just got it." The voice in the earpiece was interrupted for a while, and Halle Berry's heart began to sink. Every time the agent notified bad things, she used this method to prepare her first. , "Slightly lower than expected."

Warner Bros.'s advance forecast is 3.5 million U.S. dollars. If it can have 3 million U.S. dollars, it's not bad. Halle Berry had just thought about it when she was startled by the voice in the earpiece, "About $1.7 million."

Around 1.7 million dollars! 1.7 million US dollars, how is this slightly lower than expected, not even half of the expected results!

Halle Berry didn't know how she hung up the phone, she sat on the couch in a daze, didn't want to do anything, didn't want to say anything, only one thought in her head, it's over, my superstar road is over. ...

Will anyone find themselves in an A-level production in the future? Is it possible that in the future, we can only fight in small investments, and then rely on the lukewarm characters like Storm Girl to help her sense of existence?

After a long time, she gradually recovered, folded her hands and prayed sincerely. The audience should watch this film!

A film that is released on a large scale, even if it is bad, will be watched by the audience. This is an inevitable situation in every film market. It is only the reaction of the audience, which cannot be guaranteed.

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