Hollywood Road

Chapter 493: Got nothing

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"Best Actor Nomination," Anne Hathaway announced the nomination list directly, "Jeff Bridges "Crazy Heart", George Clooney "In the Clouds", Colin Phils "Single Man" ..."

A personal name popped out of Anne Hathaway's mouth, Leonardo DiCaprio involuntarily glanced at Murphy, and for some reason, he suddenly felt that he had lost the election.

"Jeremy Renner, "The Hurt Locker."

The fourth person is named, but he still doesn't have his own name. Leonardo DiCaprio's heart gradually sinks. He knows that Robert Downey Jr. is also aspiring to be nominated for Best Actor...

At this moment, the little friendship with Robert Downey Jr. was completely forgotten by Leonardo DiCaprio. He didn't want to hear the name Robert Downey Jr. at all.

The last nomination is now. If there is Robert Downey Jr., it means there is no him.

"Robert Downey Jr., "The Wolf of Wall Street"!"

It's not Leonardo DiCaprio, nor is it "Short Island"!

Leonardo DiCaprio leaned heavily on the back of the chair, frowning tightly, and turning his eyes to Murphy unconsciously.

There was warm applause in the banquet hall, and Murphy clapped with a smile on his face.

The hand trembled slightly, and Leonardo DiCaprio understood that he had lost the game.

"Nominated for Best Director!"

The applause stopped for a while, and Anne Hathaway's voice sounded again, "James Cameron "Avatar"..."

Leonardo DiCaprio sighed. With the controversy caused by "The Wolf of Wall Street", Murphy Stanton may not get the best director nomination, so he can get back a game.

"Catherine Bigelow, "The Hurt Locker."

"The second one." Leonardo DiCaprio counted down in his mind.

"Lee Daniels, "True Love"!"

The previously embarrassed face improved, Leonardo DiCaprio continued to say silently, "The third!"

"Jason Reitman, "In the Clouds"!"

"It's the fourth one!" Leonardo DiCaprio's mouth slightly evoked, and the odds of Murphy Steindo being nominated for best director are very small.

Because there is no director Martin Scorsese of "Closed Island" in the announced nomination list. Compared with the young Murphy Stanton, Martin Scorsese, one of the four major directors, is either seniority or Networks have an overwhelming advantage, and "Closed Island" has not received any Oscar nominations before. Even if it is for balance considerations, the academy will give priority to Martin Scorsese instead of Murphy Stanton. .

These thoughts flashed through Leonardo DiCaprio's head instantly, and the corners of his mouth were already showing a less obvious smile.

Although there is no evidence that Murphy Stanton is connected with his loss of the Oscar nomination list for best actor this time, Leonardo DiCaprio believes that he will never get out of the relationship, since he can’t get the best. Nominated for a leading actor, then don't even think about getting nominated for best director

Judging from the current situation, it is impossible for him to be nominated for the best director. This last place must belong to the "Bounded Island" he invested, and it must be Martin Scorsese!

"Murphy Stanton, "The Wolf of Wall Street"!"

Anne Hathaway's voice sounded, and Leonardo DiCaprio's gradual smile instantly stiffened, "What?"

He turned to look at Murphy, "How could it be him? Why not Martin Scorsese?"

After the announcement of the best director nomination, there was applause in the banquet hall. Leonardo DiCaprio was a little dazed, sitting here with a gloomy face, without any movement.

Suddenly, the camera lens on the scene turned to capture Murphy, just like a conditioned reflex. The corner of the eye noticed that the camera lens was aimed at his table, and Leonardo DiCaprio immediately disappeared from his face. The stiff smile and dark face were replaced with warm congratulations, and his hands clapped vigorously along with the applause in the banquet hall, fully demonstrating the demeanor of a Hollywood superstar.

With the announcement of the best director nomination list, Murphy was relieved, and the most difficult nomination finally arrived.

Next, Anne Hathaway announced the nomination list for the best picture. This is the first time that the Oscar nomination list for the best picture ever exceeds five films.

"Best Film: "Weakness", "The Hurt Locker", "Avatar", "The Wolf of Wall Street", "The Ninth District", "Growth Education", "Flying House Tour", "At the Far End" and " Serious man."

"There is no "Closed Island"!"

Just like during the performance, Leonardo DiCaprio's eyes widened exaggeratedly. In the list of nominations for the entire nine films, there is no "Bounded Island" of his own!

His face instantly became extremely dark, like a cloudy sky.

No wonder Leonardo DiCaprio's face is so stinky. In the nominations for all the 24 awards announced, "Closed Island" did not get even one nomination!

For Leonardo DiCaprio, who wants to make a difference at the Oscars and wants to get the best actor, the Golden Man, this is tantamount to a huge failure.

He calculated silently in his mind that Murphy Stanton's "The Wolf of Wall Street" won the best editing, best photography, best costume design, best art direction, best adapted screenplay, best actor, Nine Oscar nominations for Best Supporting Actor, Best Director and Best Picture!

"Damn it!"

Leonardo DiCaprio cursed in a low voice. When the nomination was announced, he stood up and left the Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel without waiting for a group photo and receiving souvenirs.

Murphy also saw Leonardo DiCaprio leaving, but didn't care at all. Leonardo DiCaprio would definitely think that the defeat of "Shuttered Island" was related to him, and in fact it was indeed related. , But this is nothing, he has never been the kind of saint who is bullied to come to the door and silently endures.

If someone slapped him, he would only return a knife. If he didn't return it at the time, he would be waiting for a more suitable opportunity.

This is a fiercely competitive society. Murphy has never been afraid of competition, but enjoys this kind of competition. To use a word from a great man on the other side of the Pacific, that is-fighting with others is endless.

After the nomination list was announced, it was time for the routine group photo and souvenir collection. Under the rules set by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, there was no fierce competition on the scene, but it was full of fun.

Although the battle for the Oscars is very bloody, the Academy of Film Arts and Sciences believes that the role of the annual banquet is not to create an atmosphere of singing and dancing, but to give the nominees who may lose the feeling of being surrounded by a sense of honor, except for taking pictures. , In addition to receiving the nomination certificate and enjoying the food, you will also receive an exquisite gift. This is undoubtedly an encouragement to the most outstanding filmmaker of the year.

In some respects, the nominees luncheon before the Oscars is more like a sorority party. The college can demonstrate its formality. Nominators are issued certificates, meetings and the like. Everyone meets, exchanges meetings, and talks. On the surface, the gains and losses of a year are similar to those of the excellent workers' symposium on the other side of the Pacific.

People who have been nominated like Murphy are naturally in a good mood. In the Hollywood circle, even if there are various controversies and harassment surrounding Oscars, no one will deny that it is the most authoritative award in the industry. Getting an Oscar nomination is also a very glorious and worthy thing to show off. It is not easy to win the Oscars, and it is also not easy to be nominated. While spending huge time and capital costs, it also requires opportunity, coincidence and hard work.

Of course, this is also a good place for public relations and networking. After the group photo was over, Murphy chatted with many people one after another for a while.

Although this year’s Oscar is hopeless, it’s too late for anyone who can’t wait to use it until they use it.

Finally, before leaving the Hilton Hotel, Murphy also specifically accepted an interview with a Fox TV reporter.

"I spend far more money on film production than on the cast." When the reporter asked why Murphy can always control the cost of the film, he said, "This is also what my film can do. An important reason for cost control."

When the reporter asked how to face the difficulties of shooting and production, Murphy added, “For filmmakers, going through a difficult period is good, because they will think in a difficult situation. If they are spoiled by a sufficient budget So, it will be a spoiled film; and if you have overcome many difficulties to shoot, I believe the audience can feel it."

He added, "I think everyone who makes a movie for the first time will encounter the same thing. Once you decide to do it, there is no dilemma. You don't care about what happens next."

When leaving the hotel, Murphy met Sandra Bullock, who took the initiative to say hello, Murphy also chatted with him, he vaguely remembered that the other party should be the best actress of this year's Oscar.

Seeing Sandra Bullock's stiff face because of the injection, Murphy can only sigh, just like he is constantly accumulating qualifications, there are really many ways to win the Oscar heavyweight award.

He got on the bus and told the driver to return to Wave Manor. Murphy called Gal Gadot, who had been in Israel for a while, told the good news that he had just received from the nominees’ lunch, and then went home and changed into casual clothes. , Ready to go to a beach restaurant in Santa Monica to attend a James Franco party.

James Franco had revealed before that he would propose to Lily Collins at this party.

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