Holy Right: A Multiverse Occultist Chapter 1048

Obtaining the ownership of such a huge organization does not make Olga Marie particularly happy, on the contrary, it makes Olga Marie's pressure even greater .

She is the patriarch of the Animusfia family, the monarch of the Clock Tower, and the Adopted Daughter of the highest bishop of the Church.

The various identities added together, in this world, whether it is the surface world or the mysterious world, can be said to have unparalleled glory.

The status of the monarch makes her enough to gain the respect of 90% of the magicians in this world, the status of the highest bishop Adopted Daughter, and even let her walk in the world of the dead, she will not have Any danger can make those ancestors of the Dead Apostles flee.

If other people acquire such a status, they will likely be tempted by this glory and power and become degenerate, like the faint-hearted monarchs of ancient times.

But Olga Marie is different. Such a glorious identity only brings her more pressure and motivation, making her work hard all the time, fearful Your actions and achievements don't match those titles.

She tried her best to be a perfect Olga Marie since she was a child, but it backfired. She is a genius in a way, but also a genius in a way. Mediocre, she can't do everything the best.

Under this enormous pressure, sometimes she would hide in the room at night and cry secretly.

Today's sun shone brightly is a rare good weather, because it is located in the most peak of Antarctica, and occasionally there will always be severe snowstorms.

Through the reflection of the sunlight outside the window on the glass window, Olga Marie looked at the beautiful girl in her biennium like a mirror, before closing it after a long time Eye.

"It's time to go to work."

She murmured and went into the bathroom to rinse well First, put on a black long skirt like a uniform of the astronomical department, and wrap your legs in orange red silk stockings that are very rare and that ordinary women dare not wear.

Standing in front of the mirror on the dressing table, Olga Marie carefully made sure that her grooming would not look like a dereliction of duty. On the TV next to it, it was still playing the program.

Looking at the Great Commander of the United States giving a speech on TV, Olga Marie bared her teeth again.

She doesn't want to become a comedian like this savvy king. After all, they are just the Great Commander of the United States, and she is the Earth Great Commander!

Muttering inwardly, Olga Marie walked out of the bedroom.

On the way, many researchers in white coats greeted her respectfully, Olga Marie with the pride of a celestial monarch, but But definitely not cold and nodded salute to these researchers.

Today's Chaldea has only completed the basic building, it has not been completely completed, but it is not far from the final appearance.

Swipe down her card and open the door after verifying her fingerprints. This is where she, as the deputy director, handles official business every day.

As soon as she entered the office, Olga Marie-Joan sniffed and smelled the sweet smell of cake.

When she turned her beautiful eyes, she saw a man in a white lab coat with a pink single ponytail sitting on a desk not far away, smirking. There was an open laptop in front of him, and an unfinished strawberry cake at hand.

"Romani Archiman!! How many times have I said, don't bring cakes into the workplace, and you're slacking off!!"

"Romani Archiman!! p>

Olga Marie angry roar, the man who was giggling was startled immediately, he hurriedly put down the fork in his hand, and then closed the laptop with force.

After doing this, he felt that something was wrong. Jia Marie said embarrassingly: "...That, deputy director, is it not working time yet?".

Chapter 45 The king should be 'a thing to fear'

Combing his pink hair into a single ponytail, wearing a white medical uniform, he looked very thin. The man with the name of 'romantic' stood in front of Olga Marie and listened carefully to the education given to him by the deputy director.

"Yes, yes, I understand, Deputy Director! Next time I will definitely not bring strawberry cake to work, and I will never sneak it during work hours. Watch the video!"

It was much higher than Olga Marie, but at this time Roman was sullen, like a poor employee who was squeezed by the Boss, taking all the guilt onto himself.

Seeing Roman obeyed her words like this, Olga Marie couldn't find anything to say, she could only stare at Roman with a delicate face. Dao:

"...Since you know you are wrong, then go to work, really, how do people like you who can't do anything well? To work in Chaldea!"

Olga Marie complained.

She doesn't hate Roman, on the contrary she actually appreciates Roman.

Roman is not a magician, but the way he is trying to learn new knowledge has always been seen by Olga Marie, which makes her feel very kind.

Because the astronomical monarch named Olga Marie is actually not a genius, she also spent a lot of time studying and working hard to achieve what she is today , an achievement that barely matches his ~identity.

And in front of Roman, she didn't know why, every time she finished scolding him for being lazy, the huge pressure she had accumulated would be relieved a little.

This also made her gradually used to scold this lazy doctor.

Hearing Olga Marie's casual remarks, Roman also muttered, "...it's the Supreme Bishop, who has the ability to let me come to Chaldea. I work."

"...How about the deputy director, talk to the director and the supreme bishop and fire me?"

Olga Marie, who was just relieved of her anger, was complexion stiffened, her white pretty face flushed red, she walked forward without saying a word, and came to her workbench.

What can she say? Could she really go to her Adoptive Father and father and say that the employees you introduced are unqualified, isn't she slapping them in the face!

How come I didn't find out before that this salted fish who only knows how to eat strawberry cake is so smart that he can't say a word when he chokes.

Olga Marie was even more depressed when she thought that she was defeated by a waste salted fish.

Seeing that Olga Marie went to work in anger and ignored herself, Rome was also gently exhaled, and quickly sat on her seat and opened the notebook again Computer——

Merry wait for me, I'll be right back!

The long-term blessing has also taught Roman how to be lazy when there is no important work.

Just when Roman was caught in the live broadcast of the magical girl Merry again, Olga Marie's words interrupted his smirk, "...Romain, as Matthew My psychiatrist, you should go see Matthew."

hearing this, Roman reluctantly closed the computer again, this is important work, in the face of important At work, he will never be lazy.

“This time, I sent someone to bring The Detective Sherlock Holmes. I think little Matthew will like it.”

Roman took out a rather heavy book from his pocket and said while touching the cover.

Looking at the document in her hand, Olga Marie, who signed her name, said without looking up, "...don't forget to let Matthew read the Bible carefully. ."

Roman opened his mouth, wanting to say that you are a magician, is it really good for people to read the Bible? However, he closed his mouth in the end, and silently took out another book that sold the most in this world and was also the heaviest book.

Looking at the cover of "Bible", Roman had some nostalgia.

"Bible. Old Testament" was originally the Jewish Sect Lord's important book "Tanakh". In Solomon's time, this book was not completely written, but the first part was also is already perfect.

Looking at the content of the book, sometimes it makes Roman recall the past time, that as a 'King of Understanding', as a bridge between man and God, giving The age of all human wisdom.

At that time, he really 'knows the king', no one knows this world better than him.

Of course, he is just a salted fish now, and the wisdom of God has long been given up, and only his own, the wisdom of the 'stupid' people.

Holding a book that was not light at all, Roman walked to a room that only a few people could enter.

On the way, all the staff greeted Roman, which shows that he is very popular here.

"Dr. Roman, are you going to visit Matthew?"

Suddenly, a man wearing a green The man in the coat, who looked very gentle and straightforward, greeted Roman.

"It's Professor Leif, yes, as Matthew's psychiatrist, this is my very important job."

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