Holy Right: A Multiverse Occultist Chapter 1072

At the same time, he is also interested in the state of the two ceremonys, who have now completely turned into schizophrenia and are full of multiple personalities.

Although the main personality is two ceremony, but obviously the higher authority is the physical personality, so when the root type wants to follow Roy, the two ceremony cannot completely control the body instinct .

This is the exact opposite of Lola. Although Roy uses a spell to awaken Lola's physical personality, it is Coronzon's will that occupies the main body and higher authority. .

"I understand, tsk, it's really troublesome."

The two ceremony 'ummm', but still He came down and followed Mustard Hinako to leave silently, seeing that the direction she was going should be the hospital.

Seeing the two go away, Roy exhaled.

He deliberately sent Poppy away, because next he was going to a church to see Her Royal Highness Imperial Princess. If these two people met, it would be easy to fire star hit Earth.

Accelerating the pace a little, Roy soon arrived at the Cathedral of St. Paul, instead of going to the backyard of the church, he came to the mass hall of the church.

As soon as he entered, Roy saw a nun in a nun's uniform with a pious face standing under the top cross. Kneeling on his knees was a large group of fanatical or even crazy believers.

These believers do not seem to be believing in the Lord, but in the nuns in front of them.

Chapter 70 Because I am Demon God!

“God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.”

"…But these things are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that you may have life in the name of k by believing in k."


The nun standing under the cross had a pious tone. As if she had received God's approval, she was merciful, gentle, and full of love. Yi's eyes stared at the believers who were kneeling on the ground, obsessed with madness.


The believers who lay down on the ground and dedicate all their will and devotion, Performing the grand ceremony of prostrate oneself in admiration, chanting the name of God in an excited tone, expressing self-respect.

Everyone who raised his head showed a kind of madness when he looked at a nun who was wearing a nun's clothes and had magical beauty in front of him. Get her, go to the frenzy that ravages it.

It seems that only by doing so can they express their piety and give their all to God.

However, these believers who have spiritual problems simply did not realize that although the nun's eyes were full of incomparable love, it was as if she loved the world just like the Lord Christ. all human beings.

But only Roy could clearly see that the love in the nun's eyes wasn't for these stupid believers at all.

She loves human beings, that's for sure.

But in the nun's consciousness, her understanding of human beings is different from the ordinary person, and the believers in front of her are just a bunch of worms and Pleiades. Disgusting twisted things like maggots in the toilet.

The human being in the nun's mind is only herself, and the one who is recognized by her, if it is the Lord.

This is Seshoin Kiara, the self-recognition of the demonic Bodhisattva.

Roy didn't hide her figure, Seshoin Kiara immediately noticed his arrival, she said to those believers with a merciful expression: "...Today The Mass is over, please come here on time tomorrow."

"We will definitely come to the church on time tomorrow to receive your teachings, Sister Sister!"

The believers shouted excitedly.

One of the believers was so blessed and suddenly shouted: "...Sir, I am willing to donate two million pounds to the church!"

As the words fell, the other believers reacted. You started donating every word and every word, and each of them flushed with anxiety, as if they were disrespecting the Lord if they donated less.

In less than a minute, Qihuang in the Killing Institute raised more than 10 million pounds in donations.

This made Roy a little surprised. It turned out that these were all rich people in London.

Seeing these believers and wanting to continue arguing, Shishengyuan Qihuang said softly: "...Please do what you can, the Lord has already felt your devotion to the Lord. It's here."

"...The Lord is willing to accept your atonement, but please don't affect your family's life because of your devotion to the Lord."

"The life on this land full of original sin is the Lord's test for you. You should obey the Lord's creed and obey the Lord's Ten Commandments."

The believers are obsessed with looking at the demonic beauty of Qihuang in the Seshoyuan. Look, this is the nun, she is so sincere and loves them so much that she would like them to donate less and not affect the family. life.

Under the urging of Qihuang from the Killing Institute, these believers are the dilly-dallying ones. They turned their heads three times and left the church reluctantly.

Before leaving, these people fanatically cleaned up the church. They were obviously a group of rich people in London, but at this time it seemed that they had really become the Lord. servants, not to leave a speck of dust in the church.

Or, they just want to use the cleaning time to look at the beautiful and compassionate nun.

After a long time, the church finally quieted down. Shishouin Kiara walked gently under the cross and picked up a candle to light all the candles nearby.

There were countless firelights in the dim church. She stood under the cross and prayed devoutly. All around the church were painted glass windows, and the dome was painted with many biblical texts. story.

And the Seshoin Kiara standing in this sacred place has also become a part of the picture scroll itself.

Roy didn't come out until then, a crisp echo from the soles of his shoes and the floor beneath his feet.

"If Weber sees these fundraisers, he probably won't even cry."

Roy slowly walked down the church corridor, lightly said with a smile.

Webber worked hard for so many years, and only paid back more than 200 million US dollars, and the Killing Institute Qihuang received 10 million pounds in just a few minutes.

Even if this magical Bodhisattva is willing, she can make all believers donate their property with just one word.

"I saw the newspaper yesterday saying that the number of believers in British Cross has increased by 10%, and it's all thanks to you, Qi Huang..."

Roy said casually.

He knew that this was still the death of Shishengyuan Qihuang.

If she shows all her demonic nature, it is estimated that at this time, all people in Britain have become religious, from the prime minister to the beggar, all of them are her most devout believers, making this country a her heaven on earth.

"My lord, it's just an insignificant little thing..."

After praying to the killing house, she It was he who slowly turned around. Those golden pupils were filled with countless desires and the beauty of Goddess.

0 A force that will refining humanity.

Whether it is sight, taste, hearing, smell or touch, as long as any of the five senses feel that Kiara of Seshoin is 'beautiful', then that person will be judged. Refined as a believer, completely out of the game.

The demonic Bodhisattva was originally a heavenly demon, the true face of Kiara of Seshoin, the great enemy of the Buddha, the Mara who tempted the Buddha.

But Roy admired Seshoin Kiara's magical beauty, and felt that her five senses were charmed by her 'beauty'.

He was satisfied and nodded and said: "...very good, Kiara, you are infinitely close to a complete beast, no, even said that if you want now, You can turn into the real reason of erotic desire at any time."

The complimented Seshoin Kiara showed a charming smile at the corner of her mouth, and said softly to Roy: "...then my Lord, I have achieved your goal, are you finally willing to accept my relief?"

........ ......

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