Holy Right: A Multiverse Occultist Chapter 242

Now that Roy said she'd let her go. . not stopping her. Of course, Sister Su will not still rely on A here, especially since she has faintly feared Roy in her heart.

Sister Su's silhouette gradually disappeared until her body disappeared completely, leaving only her last enchanting and treacherous smile in the air.

"Tsk. It's really a troublesome ability as you said, Xiaoyu

Roy carefully observed Su Daji's Leave, try to clearly understand her ability, if able to decipher the fox's ability to escape. Then Roy can concoct her in many ways.

But Judging from the results, the ability that Sister Su used when she left was not magic, but closer to dry power, which made it impossible for Roy to crack it instantly.

" The second method is very similar, but it is not as exaggerated as the second method, nor is it parallel-dimensional movement. But the way of moving is also related to the dimension. No wonder any Formation and seal can't seal her. She can also go to any Formation. It can even escape from the tomb of the first emperor.”

Roy thought about the power of the Jinping that Sister Su used to escape. The ability, let out a sigh.

It is indeed a tail of Nine-tailed Fox. Inheriting part of the ability of Nine-tailed Fox, for Sister Su.. It is really possible to ignore any spatial distance and the influence of Formation. She can appear anywhere in this world as long as she has coordinates and 'predestined' even the most secret hidden area in this world., She can arrive in an instant.

"That's why I can't help Xiaoyu. Otherwise, I would have arrested her and sealed her up ^~ Hey, when I cut off one of my own tails, I didn't expect her to inherit this ability. "

=Tamazao Mae next to him also said tangled.

"It's too dry, why don't you just let her go ?Will she come back to make trouble for us

Abusive Ji said worriedly and handsomely, her impression of Su Daji is very bad, and she even thinks that she is just too tired. Fox, made her angry.

"I can't help it either. The method of Poppy's L seal is useless for this fox. Killing her can't kill her. Bringing it with you can temporarily solve the trouble. But no one seems to be watching her except me. And even if she is with her, this fox is absolutely impossible obediently and honestly, - will find ways to do things. Ordinary human beings are estimated in front of her - a Her eyes will be charmed by her, it's like carrying two time bombs around."

Roy spread his hands and felt a headache for Sister Su. Daji is too strong to be too strong, there are countless ways to kill her head-on against Roy. But the fox's special ability, coupled with its dislike of humans, and things she hasn't said all the time, make Roy feel like a problem, this fox is too good at doing things.

"But for the time being, there is no need to worry about this fox.

Now it is very afraid of me, for fear that I will catch her and then pull her skin out. Even if there is any conspiracy, it is estimated that it will not be too much."

Here, Roy glared at Tamamo again and said, _"._You really separate. I'm in trouble, Xiaoyushan"

"ah ha ha Xiaoyu, I can't help it. Who would have thought that Bichi foxes would be so annoying."

Tamazao said aggrievedly, but soon she was shocked. She moved her tail and said, ".: Migu Migu~ Xiaoyu actually did it" It's a good thing, Bichi fox is not strong enough now. Even if you want to do -= something, you can't do it. If she still has the strength of nine tails, then that would be a big trouble!"

Rover felt that it was true. If Sister Su had the strength of nine tails, That whole human rationale is really going to end. Even Roy himself can't cope with the real Nine-tailed Fox. He is also the ancient Goddess of the sun in the world.,

If the human problem in this world really lies with Nine-tailed Fox, then Roy can only leave in despair and come back to find a place when he is stronger.

"No, you almost made me crooked! If you are a nine-tailed stance and don't have those Evil Thoughts, then you won't have these troubles⊥"

Roy sneered at Tamamo's forehead again after thinking about it.

"No way, Xiaoyu doesn't really want to go on like this"


Put it lightly in front of your legs and rub your hands together. The tone of voice is pitiful and pitiful, and the coquettish gesture is like a girlfriend who has done something wrong and is coquettish to you. Simply can't get angry.

"Forget it, let's just leave the matter of Sister Su. The more important thing now is the question of the first emperor!"

Now that he knows what the problem is in this world A theory. Roy naturally wants to solve the trick, so, Only in this world can we walk on the right path. It won't be where - the sky is suddenly cut off by human beings l

Chapter 68, I don't think so

In the ancient Berlin of Qiaoshan, Roy sat on the horse, and he put Yu Ji in his arms and let her sit sideways in front of him. He put his arms around her slender waist The nose is smelling the fragrance of Yu Meiren's black hair, Roy rubs Yu Ji's pretty face with his own face from time to time, and under her red face, she rubs against her ear beard.

"You are carrying the burden:."

Roy is in a good mood, humming the song that is familiar to everyone in modern China.

Knowing where the problem with human nature is, Roy also knew that at least he knew what he was going to do next. Instead of being a headless fly like before, it can only follow the flow of history, but in fact it has no purpose at all a

"I'm holding it."

There was a seductive and pure contradictory noise from the front of the black horse. She seemed to be an oriole under the orchid in the empty valley. The voice is crisp and soft, which makes people feel at ease both physically and mentally.

In front of the bird horse that Roy and Yu Ji are sitting on, Yuzao is leading The reins sang along with Roy, watching the fox's little red face and excited look. It seems that he doesn't care about the work of the servants like pulling the reins.

I heard Tamamo's beautiful voice and her lively smile. Roy's mood is even better. This fox is really a pistachio. Just looking at her makes people feel good. All the gloom and haze are disappeared.

"Xiaoyu, you really don't have to keep guarding the mausoleum anymore?"

Roy looked at the graceful figure in front of Tamamo. , watching her lead the horse forward, she asked with a smile.

"It was not used five hundred years ago. I have been trying to cut off my own tail for hundreds of years, and now I have finally succeeded. Of course I can. Leave here."

"Besides, the things of the Yellow Emperor's Mausoleum have also been stolen. It's pointless for me to stay here, anyway, Xiaoyu and me too She stood in front of the Yellow Emperor's Mausoleum for two thousand years!

Yuzao Qian proudly said that she was able to defend the Yellow Emperor's Mausoleum for two thousand years. What an honor=like.

Luo Fu thought that she would be very angry if the contents were lost under her guarding mausoleum, but now it seems that Tamamo is not angry at all before two points, thinking that it is for her. , She only cares about guarding the mausoleum, rather than guarding the things in the mausoleum.

"Then why are you following us?

The poppy who was leaning against Roy's arms opened the mouth and said, with a slightly dissatisfied tone.

"I don't have any acquaintances here either. I just know you--I'm not following you Migu~"_

Tamazao turned back before and sold a cute face to Yu Ji.

[Send "I'm not familiar with you." Honey Xindian

Yu Ji muttered, but looked at Yuzao Before that, he had a very thick skin and looked like he couldn't carry the firewood, rice, oil, and salt. She knew that no matter what she said, "No matter what she said, "Sister Su, a fox who was not differentiated, is so excessive, but she also does her own way. It is never in his opinion to do things.

Thinking of this. Yu Ji is the most helpless sighed.

There is a vixen around her. This puts a lot of pressure on her.

"Aren't your ears and tail afraid of being seen?"

Luo Mai glanced at the cute fox beast in front of Tamamo The ears and the big fluffy tail behind him. Just ask.

“Illusion Technique is my specialty, Xiaoyu, and I am a spellcaster. This kind of small problem can quickly be solved by Migu Migu. "

Speaking, the magic power in front of Tamamo wavered, she whispered some incantation, and her tail and ears were immediately invisible.

When he came to the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor, Roy hurry up and slow down, and the way back is slow. Or make fun of Tamamomae, the cheerful fox. Roy almost forgot about his business.

Several people returned to the army all the way, and Roy disappeared For a period of time, but there was no major event in the army. Now that Daqin is dead, Zhubao is also trembling with fear before Roy, the Overlord of Western Chu. cich) makes people even more nervous ___ Naturally, no one will pick on things when he is not there.

From Zhulu to Xianyang. When I came to Hangu Pass, here It has been occupied by Liu Ji, and the generals guarding the pass have already received Liu Ji's instructions. After seeing Roy's army, they directly let him enter the pass.

With the army Entering Hangu Pass, Roy finally came to the land of the rising dragon in Qin Country, which is the most prosperous pass in China.

At this time, the pass is still There is no problem of soil erosion, it will be the capital of various dynasties for a long time in the future, until Li Tang went through the chaos of the end of the Sui Dynasty in Guanzhong. After the Great Tang flourished, the problem of soil erosion in Guanzhong became a problem. More and more serious, _ the land is not fertile, so the capital of later dynasties began to be established in other places.

So the so-called Dragon Vein is actually closely related to the relationship between human beings and nature , because the land damage caused by many people's mining and logging will also destroy the Dragon Vein.

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