Holy Right: A Multiverse Occultist Chapter 490

When Nahat saw this scene, he knew who was coming.

"Lord Ji Jun, Lord Ji Jun , It's the black princess of our dead disciples!! Hahahaha, I have been chasing you for more than five hundred years, for more than five hundred years, you are finally coming out to see me, one of your admirers!"


Nahat made a fanatical voice, it was those... A girl who has always been a pervert, but El.

Nahana's twisted and stumbling voice revealed not the love and affection of Ertuluqi, but The killing intent of rioting to ecstasy.

Then, under the gaze of the ancestor, a tall lady walked in the shadows ahead.

She was wearing a well-fitting nun dress, the hat on the nun dress was thrown somewhere by her, and her waist-length jet black hair was woven like a shadow. The moon of black blood swayed in the wind, exuding a sweet smell of blood.

Altluqi's legs under her nun clothes were wearing a pair of boots ,The perfect mature figure is not much different from her younger sister Elquette, even compared to the girlishness of the real ancestor Bai Ji, the black Ji Jun is more mature and feminine.

Even if the nun's clothes are not exposed at all, it can't hide her slender waist and majestic breasts, as well as her too white jade muscles.

The Heiji of the Dead Apostles transformed herself from the very beginning, standing in front of El with her true perfect body.


She has an indifferent and arrogant expression, and her face is peerless.

It's a pity that standing in front of such a beautiful Jijun is a dead disciple who doesn't understand what 'beauty' is. No, it should be said in El.


In Hart's eyes, Ertuluqi is also extremely beautiful, but her beauty is not her appearance, but her identity and the chaotic and noble bloodline.

"Where's your bodyguard, Mr. Ji Jun! You dare to appear in front of me alone, don't you know that this will make you really possible to die completely!"


Nahat looked around for the possible Dark Knight and White Knight, as well as her unidentified Calamity Beast.

But the twenty-four ancestors didn't really care whether those people were Here, if he wants to activate his ability, he can do it as long as the target is in his field of vision. Even if those powerful ancestors are also here, he can easily kill Heiji by bypassing them.

And as long as she can kill Heiji once with her special ability, with her current physical condition, it is estimated that after resurrection, she will almost become an ordinary person , except......immortality, there is no danger.

It is with this kind of mind, Al.

Nahart remained calm and composed while handling pressing affairs .

"Don't look for it, no matter....

It's not here whether it's Lord Rezovol or Lord Brad."

Alter Lucy's face is almost There is no expression, as indifferent as a stone puppet standing in the sea of mandala flowers in Yellow Springs, completely different from the expressive look in front of Roy before.

This It is the true face of Aerte Luqi, without too much emotion, without too many thoughts, only absolute nobility and coolness, even the smile is almost difficult to see on her face.

If the... Heiji in the church is seen, it will surprise those who know her 303 well.

Some kind of To a certain extent, Eltluce is similar to Elquite as a weapon, except that one is unwilling to waste too many expressions and emotions, and the other is completely lacking such knowledge.

"Your escort is not here Ahhhh, my beautiful and noble Black Ji-jun, have you finally figured it out, have you exchanged your life for the unity of the dead!"



Oroch, have you seen it, our lord Your lord is finally standing in front of us like a warrior!"


Nahatgao Loudly shouting the name of the seventeenth ancestor of the dead disciple, the ancestor of the dead disciple known as 'Bai Yigong' is the greatest opponent of Ertuluqi, this ancestor of the dead disciple who existed in the age of God can be said to be Not just in name only, but also in reality, the king of the dead apostles, besides... Heiji and her followers, and the top ten ancestors who are too mysterious and hardly appear, All the remaining ancestors belong to more or less supporters.

And now Al.

Naha is using the magic of the Age of Gods that White Wing has set on him and his... .Because El Nahat knew that after activating his ability, he would also lose his mobility, and he needed White Wing to retrieve him.

.... ..In the deep underground of a snow-covered jungle in Siberia, a sturdy dead apostle is observing what happened in St. Petersburg through the magic of the Age of God.



everything on the outskirts.

“Well She dares to appear alone in front of Nahart, what is the conspiracy of Black's Princess, since she dares to appear, let it be obliterated!"

". ......El.

Naha, kill her!"

The King of the Dead Apostles is solemn and solemn

Chapter 43 The Song of Saya

“Ahhhh, received, received !Teffam.



Nahart let out an extremely weird laugh, hoarse like a night owl, he looked at the expressionless Eltluqi in front of him, opened his arms and said frantically: "... The great Black Princess of the Eclipse, let me go to hell with me!"

"I don't want to be a companion on the road to hell with a filthy guy like you. You."

Altluqi said indifferently, but she didn't have any intention of dodging, because Heiji of the Dead Apostle knew that when her silhouette fell into the Al.

Nahat's realm was captured by the opponent's ability.

This ...The twenty-fourth patriarch does not have any shining points in many aspects, whether it is physical strength, magic ability, etc., but even so, the Holy Church still lists him under the name of the twenty-seventh patriarch of the dead , so it can be seen how powerful and pure his power of returning with people is, and this ability alone is enough to make him the seat of the twenty-seven ancestors.

The previous Ertuluqi has been: hiding from this guy, didn't expect today she will stand in front of him just and honourable.

A bleak Death Aura descended, making Eltluqi's lovable body shudder, she knew Aura.


Nahart has activated his abilities.

I saw this dead apostle composed of 'twist' and 'twist', his asymmetrical Blood beads began to appear on the surface of the body, dyeing her body completely red, and even the places that could barely be called facial features were flowing blood. Her blood also began to overflow like Al.

Nahart, and bloodstains splattered from her delicate facial features, making her beautiful face full of evil. Different seductive.


Nahat is like praying to some Evil God, saying With incomprehensible foul language, and twisted and sticky tentacles grew out of him, in the blink of an eye, this ancestor of the dead apostles turned into a tentacle monster.

"God, this is my death and sacrifice to you!!!"

"Peng—————— ―”

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